Back to the Shack

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Bills POV

Me and Sixer talked about his experiments he's worked on and things he's discovered and how everything got fixed suddenly in Gravity Falls and he seemed to talk forever I thought it would never end, but I kept quiet and listened so I just continued to walk and zoned out a couple of times until we finally reached the shack "alright Bill we have to be quiet I don't want anyone to see you yet ok?" I stared at him for a second but I agreed "yeah ok then" I said and then we snuck around the shack until we went to this big metal box that had human food in it he typed some code thing in and it opened and he led me downstairs, we reached the bottom of the stairs and went in a elevator, it stopped on the 3rd floor the doors opened and we both stepped out, I looked around and it was a big room but it seemed small with all the big equipment in it, there was a couch which I figured that's where Sixer sleeps being there's pillows and some blankets, he told me to sit down on the couch until he gets back, I sat down and he left me alone. After a while I grew bored and decided to take a look around the room, there were jars filled with weird green, blue and red liquids, little bottles some books, paper and notes and pencils and pens, there were weird tools I've never seen, there was chair in the middle of the room a few tables a broken portal like thing and it was filled with things I don't know the names of. After about two hours I was just extremely bored, there was nothing to do in this room, but then I heard someone coming down stairs, Sixer opened the door with a plate that was filled with human food, he sat the plate down on a table covered with notes and books, he turned to me and told me he wanted to start testings and to get on the chair, so I walked over and sat down "alright Bill you ready? Cause I sure am" he took a tool that had a long sharp tip and it looked kind of scary and he smiled at me "hey what's that?" I asked kind of nervous "this is called a syringe, this is what I'm gonna use to draw some blood from you" he gave me another smile, "but it's my blood I need it" I said becoming really nervous and a my body started to do this weird thing, Sixer seemed to notice "it's alright Bill it's nothing to be worried about" "worried? Who said I was worried? cause I'm sure not I don't be even know the definition of that word" I said trying to seem braver, being an all knowing demon getting freaked out by something like this is kind of embarrassing "explain why your shaking then" "shaking? What's that?" I asked tilting my head "It's what your doing right now" he said pulling up my sleeve of my shirt he started cleaning my arm with a small wipe and grabbed the syringe again and lifted it up to my arm, I stopped him "wait, will it hurt?" I asked him feeling more nervous then before "don't worry Bill it will just be a little pinch" he gave me a small smile while he put the needle in my arm and my body jumped "what was that?" I asked "you flinched" he said holding back a laugh "oh" I nodded as he pulled the end and it filled up with red liquid, I watched as he took the needle out and wiped my arm off again putting a small bandaid on it then my body made a weird sound that sounded like a growl "Hey Sixer what was that? Why did my body growl at me like that? I think my body is broken, it's done a lot of weird things today and I really think it's broken" I tried explaining to him, he only laughed a little before explaining that I was just hungry "Bill your body is fine it was just your stomach telling you to eat, your hungry Bill you haven't eaten anything for hours" he said to me as he grabbed the plate off the table and handed it to me, I looked down at it and my stomach growled again

Fords POV

After finishing some testing Bill's stomach growled and he asked me why he did that and I had to explain that he was just hungry and I handed him the plate of food I made for dinner but he just looked down at the plate "what do I do with this?" He asked me "Well pick up your fork and stab the steak" he looked up at me confused "what's steak?" He asked, I pointed to the steak that was next to his mashed potatoes "oh" he said and he did what I told him and poked at it "ugh! The stupid steak won't go on my fork thing" he said getting mad as he kept trying to stab the steak, "that's it! I don't wanna eat anymore!" He growled in frustration "Bill you have to eat" I told him "just try again" he tried again and finally got it "now what?" He asked "now eat it duh" he stared at me confused "ugh come on Bill are you playing dumb or something?" He shook his head "No Sixer I'm not playing dumb, I've never eaten food before, you seem to have forgotten I was a demon and never had to eat " he said annoyed, "oh right sorry, ok now just stab it with it with your fork" he looked back down at his plate and tried stabbing the steak, "ugh, this stupid steak won't get on to my fork" he complained, "this is stupid, and not worth my time and energy, I give up, I don't wanna eat anymore" I rolled my eyes "stop being dramatic Bill, your making this so much harder then it needs to be, just try again" he sighed "fine" he finally got the steak on his fork, thankfully, "wow this is actually pretty good" he smiled "thank you" I smiled back.
He finished his steak and moved on to the mashed potatoes "oooo what is this?" "Those are potatoes, you don't really have to chew them" he nodded and continued eating.
After a while he finished his food "thanks Sixer that was the best meal I've had, also my first" he chuckled "your welcome" I smiled and took his plate "ok I'll be right back" I said leaving to take care of the dishes "alright" I heard Bill say behind me, I went up the elevator and opened went up the stairs and opened the door to see Dipper standing there "ah! Dipper you scared me" I laughed nervously "what are you doing here?" I asked "Grunkle Ford who are you talking to" he asked trying to look behind me, how am I gonna tell him Bill is back? How did he hear me my secret lab is supposed to me soundproof, wait, I left my walkie talkie down there, I must of left it on and he has the other one, well that answers my question, I sighed I can't keep this to myself forever "listen Dipper I have something to show you but you have to stay calm and keep it secret, ok you can't tell anyone, not even your sister, not your Grunckle Stan, not Wendy, not Soos, not even Waddles!" He looked confused for the last one "but Grunckle Ford Waddles is pig he can't even talk, besides I'm not like Mable and talks to a pig all day" he said crossing his arms over his chest "sorry Dipper I  just...ok it doesn't matter" I said waving my hand to dismiss this conversation "here take care of these and meet me in the lab" I said giving Dipper Bill's a plate and quickly went back down to the lab.

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