We'll meet again some sunny day

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Bills POV

"Well Bill it seems that your kind of normal, you still have your powers you had before weirdmageddon, but you don't have the power you gained during it, so by the looks of it, you are no longer as dangerous and you no longer need to be kept hidden down here" Sixer said with a smile, I smiled back relieved I could go wherever I wanted, I looked over at Pinetree who was drawing, he kept glancing at me every now and again for some reason, then I looked back at Sixer who was now taking our plates back upstairs "alright be right back guys" he said with another smile, once he left I looked back up at Pinetree who seemed real focused on what he was drawing, "Pinetree whatcha drawing?" He jumped and looked up with a smile "you" he said proud "me? What for?" I questioned slightly surprised, "because I can, and I feel like it" he looked back down "almost finished" he said making his last few details, after a few minutes he stood up walked over to me and handed me his sketchbook, I looked at it, I wasn't impressed, he drew me in my triangle form, very sloppy to, and calling me a Dorito "this isn't funny Pinetree" I said with a small frown, he then suddenly started laughing which startled me for a second "what's so funny?" I asked him really confused "your face! Hahahaha your face was hilarious!" He gripped his sides and kept laughing "I can't breathe!" He said now holding his chest, he's so dramatic, it's not even that funny, I rested my chin on the palm of my hand waiting for him to finish being stupid "you done yet?" I asked him getting annoyed "no" he replied and started laughing all over again, I groaned and crossed my arms "ok, ok I think I'm done" he said but then did a little chuckle "ok I'm done now" he wiped the tears from his eyes grabbed his sketchbook and flipped the page and handed it back to me "this is what I really wanted and show you" he said with small smile, I looked down expecting to see another picture of him making fun of me, but to my surprise it was just me sitting on a chair my chin resting on my hand watching Ford studying my test results, and it was very neat, not sloppy like the other picture, this must have been why he kept looking at me, everything was perfect there was nothing messed up at all it almost looked like he took a picture with a camera "this is amazing Pinetree" I said with a big smile "you sure you drew this?" He smiled his proud smile "I promise you I drew it all on my own" he looked so proud "well it's amazing Pinetree, I didn't take you for the drawing type though" "yeah, I took drawing lessons before I graduated school early, since I'm so smart I was able to get out of school" "do you plan on going to college?" "Mmm no I don't really want to, I think I can get anything I need to know from Grunkle Ford" he said smiling "yeah he is pretty smart huh?" "He sure is, one of the smartest people I know" he laughed "speak of the devil" I said handing him his sketchbook back while Sixer walks down stairs and into the room "alright guys, it's time to let everyone know" Sixer said with a small smile, I got really nervous "what's wrong Bill?" Pinetree asked "it's just...what if they don't like me? What if the hate me? I tried to kill and destroy everyone and everything, what if they hurt me? I'm a meatsack now so pain is more serious, what if they don't forgive me like you guys did?" I asked playing with the sleeves of my new sweatshirt I made with my magic "Bill I know this is hard, but if you don't get it over with then you'll never know what's going to happen, maybe they will forgive you, or maybe they'll just need to think" Sixer said with a reassuring smile, "yeah, and we'll be with you all the way" Pinetree smiled "we won't let them hurt you" Pinetree smiled and grabbed my wrist "now let's go" he said following Sixer up the stairs, we walked to the living room where Fez and and Shooting Star where watching tv "Stanley, Mabel, there is someone I'd like you to meet" Sixer started, Shooting Star squealed "Oh my Gosh did you find yourself a girlfriend?" She asked yelling "um no Mabel, finding love is something I'm not interested in, no no, this person you've actually met before" "hurry up then I don't wanna miss the show" Fez said looking annoyed, Sixer sighed "Dipper, show them now please" I was hiding behind Pinetree even though I was a foot taller then him, still holding my wrist he pulled me out from behind him so now I was standing next to him "OH MY GOSH! Dipper you found a boyfriend! You never told me you found someone! Or that you were into guys" Pinetree sighed "Mabel no, I'm not gay I'm straighter then a pencil" Shooting star took a pencil out of her pocket and bent it, she did a little evil grin "ugh fine I'm straighter then a pole" Pinetree said looking more annoyed "Poles can bend to" She said "UGH MABEL! Im not gay ok?" Pinetree yelled "ok could you hurry up I'm missing the show" Fez said crossing his arms, Pinetree sighed "Grunkle Stan, Mabel, I'd like you to meet the one and only, Bill Cipher" He said with a smile I tried to stand straighter and look more brave, Shooting star spit her water out all over the floor while Fez stared in surprise "heheh see? I told you guys we'd meet again some sunny day" I said while a smiling trying to look confident, then quickly Shooting star looked out the window and gasped "it is a sunny day" she turned back around to look at me again "how did he do that?" She said looking at Pinetree"what's he doing here? And how is he not a Dorito anymore?" Shooting Star asked, I frowned and crossed my arms "I'm not a snack food Shooting star" "you used to be" she smiled "no I wasn't" I argued "if you say so" Shooting Star shrugged and I sighed "listen guys, I just want to apologize for everything I've done, I'm really sorry, I really want to change and prove I'm worth forgiving, I know what I've done is unforgivable but believe me if I could I'd go back in time and change everything I would...I understand if you don't ever forgive me and I'm ok with that" I looked down and closed my eyes getting prepared to be yelled at or to get hit, but to my surprise I felt arms getting wrapped around me, I opened my eyes to see Shooting star, "what are you doing?" I asked confused, "I'm hugging you" she replied "what's a hug?" I questioned "this is silly" she smiled "now it's not fair if you don't hug back" she pouted, I slowly wrapped my arms around her "there you go now your getting it" she smiled and looked up "Bill I know your sorry and regret what you did...so I forgive you" she backed up with another smile which I returned "Bill, I still think your insane and sometimes I wanna hit you cause I know I can but I think that about everyone, and what you did was extremely stupid, but I forgive you as well, but now that your here your gonna be working here as well, now go away you guys I'm trying to watch tv" Fez said trying to see the television "thank you guys so much for understanding" I smiled "yeah yeah no problem, I suppose you could live here as well, and also your gonna have to share a room with Dipper, and also work starts in a few weeks for you just so you get settled in and all" he said before going back to the tv "Alright Fez" I smiled again while Pinetree took me to the kitchen and sat down at the table "alright guys I'm going back to the lab and clean up" Sixer says and walks off "come on Bill I'll show you our room" he grabbed some snacks and then took me by my arm and we ran up the stairs to a room with Blue painted walls with a Pinetree painted on the door, he had a full sized bed with blue blankets, he had a night stand which had a small lamp and a book about magical creatures, he had a walk-in closet which had a a dresser and a few shelves filled with a lot of cool things such as rocks and crystals and some large tooth thing from some type of dinosaur, Sixer's journals, and he also had some jars filled with pencils, pens and markers, and then some old necklaces he said he found in the woods or at some beaches he visited, he had a pretty big room and looks really nice and very well organized, and then he had a book shelf at the end of his bed full of other books, and then there was his own bathroom which was very clean and also very organized, "alright Bill, how about we go to the store and you can pick out a bed, some blankets and some new clothes?" He asked "sure" I answered

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