Guess who's back

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Dipper's POV

I ran quickly and quietly ran and put the dishes in the sink and typed the code into the vending machine and went down the stairs then into the elevator, it took me down and the doors opened, I went to walk to the lab but Grunkle Ford stopped me and covered my eyes "Ah! Grunkle Ford? W-what are you doing?" "Dipper be quiet!" He whisper yelled "ok, don't freak out but guess who's back?" He asked removing his hand from my eyes, a boy that looked about my age was sitting on a couch "who's that?" I asked surprised there was someone else down here "ouch Pinetree that hurts, I thought you'd remember me"  my jaw dropped "B-Bill?" I was stunned I didn't know what to say, I couldn't speak at all "how? When? Why? How did he-? Is" I had so many questions "how are you here? We destroyed you, how are you human?" "Well Pinetree I would love to answer all your questions, buuut, I can't" I looked at Grunkle Ford "sorry Dipper but he doesn't remember honestly" I looked back at Bill and he gave me a shy smile "so you really don't know how your alive or how your human?" I asked "sorry Pinetree I really wish I knew but I don't" he said looking a little sad, I kind of felt bad for him even though he tried to kill us and destroy our home, but maybe he's changed and I could give him a second chance, I got lost in thought thinking about whether I should forgive him or not "Pinetree?" "Dipper?" Bill and Grunkle Ford said at the same time "huh what? Oh sorry I spaced out for a minute" I walked over to Bill taking a deep breath "Bill, I...I forgive you, and I've decided to give you a second chance, but don't mess this up" he looked me and smiled a big smile "really Pinetree?" "Really Bill" I smiled back I've never seen him smile so wide, or at all since he didn't have a mouth "oh thank you Pinetree it really means a lot to me" "yeah no problem, so uh Grunkle Ford how long will he be kept down here?" "Well Dipper, if it's ok with you, since you don't share a room with Mabel, I was wondering if you and Bill could share a room" me and Bill looked at each other surprised "uh sure I guess, yeah it's fine with me" I said "Great, now he will be staying down here for at least another day or so" Grunkle Ford said "wait for what?" Bill asked "well because there's still some things I need to check out and I haven't told Stan or Mabel yet, I just don't think their ready to see you yet Bill" Grunkle Ford explained "oh" Bill replied with a sad tone in his voice "well Dipper, it's getting late so you should head to bed while I get things situated for Bill down here" "oh alright then, well night guys see ya in the morning" I waved to Bill and Grunkle Ford and headed up to bed

-Bill's POV-

Pinetree left and Sixer gave me a pillow and a big blanket and told me I could sleep on the couch "so how do I sleep?" I asked, I know it's a dumb question but I never had to sleep before "well get comfortable and just close your eyes and after a while you'll just doze off" "oh well that sounds easy" I said as I laid my head on the pillow and put the blanket over myself "ok now what do I again?" "Just close your eyes Bill" "hm, ok" I closed my eyes "am I sleeping yet?" I asked but Sixer just laughed "no Bill it takes a while" "well how long does this stupid thing take? How will I know I fell asleep?" I was getting frustrated at this point, sleeping is stupid "you'll figure it Bill, now I'm gonna head to bed, see you in the morning, we have some work to do tomorrow" Sixer smiled and went upstairs. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, after a few minutes I wasn't sleeping yet, "ugh go to sleep you stupid body" I whispered getting really frustrated "hmm" I looked around and saw a little roll of...tape I think it's called? I don't know but I walked over to it took two pieces off of it and put them over my eyes and laid back down "haha! Now you can't even open you stupid eyes" I said thinking it would do something to make me sleep. After like an hour I wasn't sleeping "ugh this is stupid!" I whisper yelled and ripped the tape off my eyes "ow!" I started laughing cause pain really is hilarious, well if I can't sleep guess I'll explore, I walked to the elevator letting it take me up and then went up the stairs quietly trying to see if I could leave this room but I couldn't, the door was locked from the outside, if it's locked from the outside how do they get out? I don't know, I guess I'll figure it out sooner or later, I sighed and walked back to the lab "I'm so bored" I said to myself, I sat trying to think of something to pass the time, I looked at all the books around the room, "hmm..." I picked up all the books I could hold and I went to a little open area in the room and set the books down"I shall make the greatest book tower anyone has ever seen" I started stacking books getting frustrated when they would fall down. After another hour I finished and it was really long and really tall and very wide "perfect" I smiled at my work then my eyes started to feel heavy "I think I'll try to do that sleep thing again" I said to myself and walked over to the couch and got everything set up again and laid down "alright body you better go to sleep or else I' something I don't know yet but you better go sleep" I said as I threw the big blanket over myself and then I finally closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep

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