Distracting adventures

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-Billy's pov-

The tall boy stood next to Levi looking at us. This must be the famous Eren Jaeger. "They're Bill Cipher and Dipper Pines" Levi said in a monotone voice. "Ah" Eren said holding out his hand towards Pinetree, "hi I'm Eren Jaeger, nice to meet you" Pinetree nodded smiling widely, "oh man I'm a huge fan of you guys" Pinetree said excitedly. Eren smiled and held his hand out for me, I took it happily, "you guys look pretty cool, I love your eyes, where're your from?" Eren asked as he stepped back, "their not from our world" Levi explained, "oh I see, well what world are you from? What's it like? Are there titans there? Are there heros who wear capes and wear their underwear on the outside of their pants? Oh-" "shut it Jaeger" Levi interrupted elbowing him in the side, "ow! Sorry captain" Eren looked down rubbing his side, "well anyways, we're from Gravity Falls" I explained, "we are both dream demons, that's why we look different compared to other people" I said looking at Eren who was now stroking Pinetree's wings, like he was with Levi, he was blushing and biting his lip, "ooo can you actually fly?" Eren asked circling around him, "yes, that's actually what Levi here wanted to see" Pinetree said shyly, "oh sweet! Come on let's see it then" Eren said excitedly, "alright, here I go" Pinetree took a deep breath, stretched his wings out, and took off from the ground, some of his feathers fell on the ground, "ooo I'm keeping this" Eren said mostly to himself as he grabbed the fallen feathers, Levi smacked his hand causing him to drop the feathers, "aw hey what was that for?" Eren asked pouting and rubbing his hand. "Those aren't yours you can't have them without permission" Levi said keeping his calm voice. "But Lev- I mean captain they fell off, plus he still has a lot more" Levi's face didn't change but you could see it in his eyes he was slightly annoyed. "I said no" Eren sighed "okay" they both then watched Pinetree fly as I tried not to laugh at their little argument. Pinetree swooped down grabbing all three of us. He threw me on his back and I latched on tightly, he carried Levi and Eren in his arms. Heh imagine if we were all dating....nah I'm just playing I'm just playing...unless...no seriously I'm kidding...heh...IM JOKING OK DAMN!
"What the hell!" Levi yelled gripping Pinetree's arm, "HAHAHAHA OH YEAH!" Eren yelled holding his arms out, Pinetree laughed and spun in a circle. He swooped down then back up, he would throw us in the air catching us and putting us in different positions, even Levi seemed to enjoy it after a while, I swear I even saw a small smile come out of him.
After a while, Pinetree landed all of us back on the large tall wall. He set us all down gently. "That was so awesome! Oh my god I can't believe that actually happened" Eren said excitedly, "I'll admit it was quit a fun experience" Levi said with a small smile, "oh hey let me fix that" Eren said attempting to fix Levi's hair, he smacked his hand away, "don't touch me, I'll fix it myself, besides, I like it a certain way" Levi said fixing his own hair, "gee sorry" Eren apologized, "so you guys had fun?" Pinetree asked "hell yeah!" Me and Eren yelled at the same time, we looked at each other, smiled, and fist bumped, both Levi and Pinetree rolled their eyes at us. "Hey! Who are you?" A taller women with glasses came running towards us. She stopped and stared at me and Pinetree, "oh my freckled Jesus you guys look so cool!" She looked over at Levi and Eren, "who are these funky looking guys?" She asked pointing her thumb at us. "Eren please explain to her who and what they are, I don't feel like repeating it" Levi said in a bored tone "yes sir" Eren said before explaining us to this woman. "This is Bill Cipher, he's a dream demon, the most powerful demon in all the universes, he's also from Gravity Falls" The woman smiled at me, "and this is Dipper Pines, also a dream demon but not quite as strong, he is strong, but Bill is stronger, apparently he's new at being a demon, he too is from Gravity Falls" after Eren finished explaining and telling our story the woman shook both of our hands, "I'm Hanje, nice to meet you" she said excitedly. "Oh! What it you I saw flying?" She asked Pinetree, "oh heh, yeah that was me, I was just giving these guys a ride" he replied pointed at all of us. "Wow even Levi? Lucky, I can't get shorty here to do anything for me" Hange laughed while Levi glared, man if looks could kill, this would be it. "Anyways can I touch your wings?" Hange asks petting them before he can answer, "uh yeah sure, why not" Pinetree says jokingly, "wow these feathers are so soft, what happens if they fall off?" Hange asks still petting Pinetree's wings with him again, biting his lip. I wanna tell them his wings are sensitive but I think this is more entertaining, selfish I know.
"I could do a lot of experiments with you guys" Hange said as she finally stopped touch his wings and moving on to me, "and you, let's take a look" Hange then started touching my hair, opening my mouth and touching my teeth, "ew Hange get your hands out of the poor guys mouth, that's gross and unsanitary" Levi said with an annoyed expression. "Oh no it's ok, it doesn't bother me, I know she's just curious" I said wiping my mouth. "Oh please let me do experiments on you guys! Pleaseeeeee" Hange got on her knees "please I promise it won't be painful, I just wanna learn about you guys, you're from a whole nother world for crying outloud!" Hange begged. "Hange please get up, it's embarrassing" Eren said poking her back with his foot, Levi was nodding in agreement. Hange sighed and stood up, "okay" she murmured in disappointment, "I mean, I'll be in your little experiment, it can't be so bad right?" Pinetree asked putting a hand on Hange's shoulder, "oh no, just me her experiments are awful, I've been part of them, I still am!" Eren exclaimed, "yeah Dipper you really don't wanna do this" Levi said crossing his arms again. "But I do!" Pinetree replied, "I wanna do this, I need some excitement, something to keep me distracted from everything" Pinetree said calmly, Hange beamed "Yes! In your guy's faces! Hahahaha" Hange laughed fist bumping the air. "Oh! Can you fly us down to my place?" Hange asked jumping happily, Pinetree looked at me and I just shrugged. "Uh sure why not, I'll give you all a ride, I need to get stronger anyways, besides you all aren't that heavy" Pinetree the grabbed all of us, he threw Hange on his back, held Eren and Levi his arms, and I just flew beside him because I like flying on my own sometimes and this was the perfect moment. "Bill, how can you fly without wings like Dipper?" Hange asked pulling out a journal and a pen while hanging on to Pinetree, "well as you know, I'm a demon, I was born with a flying ability, I'm like a superhero, they don't need wings to fly, they just do because their born with that power, it's kinda hard to explain" I said flipping on my back. "Ah I see" Hange said writing in her journal.

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