the big news

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⚠️ there some spice about to happen⚠️

Dipper's pov-

The sun was shining brightly in my eyes, I didn't wanna get up yet so I lifted my wing and laid it across my head. I was about to fall back to sleep again until I felt lips going down my neck "mm" I opened my eyes looking down, Bill was looking up at me with his glowing eyes "Bill? What are you doing?" I removed my wing from my face, Bill was laying on top of me so I wrapped my wings around him, he was smiling "Shooting Star is awake, I spent an hour listening to her scream over how awesome she looks now, she already set the kitchen on fire trying to cook with magic" I sat up "what!" Bill pushed me down "shhh it's ok I took care of it" I laid back down with a sigh, "thanks baby" Bill smiled "what?" I asked chuckling "nothing, I just love when you call me that, it makes me feel special" I hugged him tightly "that's cause you are special" "awww Pinetree" we both laughed. "Well Shooting Star has breakfast made, with my help of course, so come on let's go" Bill sat up and carried me downstairs "Bill I'm capable with walking" "yeah for now" Bill said with a smug look on his face, I was probably blushing, we've been together for months and he still gets to me. Bill set me down and we walked the rest of the way to the kitchen. "Dipper!" Mabel came running with her arms open wide. She jumped on me hugging me tightly, "look I'm a demon to! I looked awesome don't you think? I hugged her back and she back away a little bit, "you look great Mabel, Bill told me you tried cooking with magic" Mabel looked down with an embarrassed smile "yeah I did, I sure have a lot to learn I guess" I laughed "we both do, luckily we have Bill here to help right?" I turned around and Bill was on his phone smiling down at it, "Bill? Whatcha looking at?" I tried looking over but he turned his phone so I couldn't see, "uh nothing" he shoved his phone in his back pocket. "I'm starving let's eat" he walked passed me getting his plate. I looked at him suspiciously, what was he doing on his phone? Why was he smiling at it like that? Is he hiding something? No, stop it Dipper quit thinking like that. I shook my head and starting getting my plate to.

We sat at the table talking, Bill and Mabel were bickering over whether it's better to sleep on your side or on your back, "Shooting Star it's much more comfortable sleeping on your side" Mabel suddenly slammed her hand on the table, "no it isn't! Sleeping on your back is scientifically proven to be better for the human body" "no it isn't" I told her sitting at the table, "your just trying to sound smart enough so Bill will believe you" I laughed "well, your-...not wrong, hmph" Mabel slouched in her seat taking a bite of her toast." I chuckled.
We all sat in a comfortable silence before Mabel suddenly gasped causing me and Bill to jump. "What? What's wrong?" I asked, Mabel pointed at my hand "what is that?" I looked down at my hand at the ring that Bill proposed with. "Oh, well um" I looked at Bill who was smiling down at his plate. "Bill proposed to me last night" Mabel squealed "OH MY GOSH, wait" she took a drink of her orange juice, "aren't you guys way to young to get married?" I laughed, "we aren't getting married right now silly, we both planned on waiting for a few years". Mabel smiled "oh ok, can I plan the wedding?" Me and Bill exchanged looks "nothing to sparkly and girly looking ok?" Mabel smiled "pff, don't worry about it dear brother, I've get it all under control" she smiled proudly and cracking her fingers, or at least she tried, she made the cracking sound with her mouth.

We finished breakfast and I was doing the dishes since they haven't been done in a couple days. Bill and Mabel were playing go fish at the table.
"Hey Dipshit" oh great. The sudden sound of Alex's voice made me flinch "I'm gonna make your life a living hell," I rolled my eyes "I bet you are" he says that randomly all the time, how he's gonna get in my head, how's he's gonna drive me to suicide and if he can't he'll kill me himself. He says how he's gonna kill the one's I love most, he's going to get revenge on me for getting in the way of him and Bill's "relationship" they were gonna have. I don't know why he's so obsessed with Bill, maybe for his looks, his personality, or maybe for his power, I may be as strong as Bill or Alex but I'm sure that I won't let Alex lay a hand in Bill. I don't take his threats seriously, he never actually does anything, he makes excuses saying it will mess with his "big plan" for the end of the summer. "I'm serious Dipper Pines, I'm gonna make you wish you were never born" I scoffed, I already wish I wasn't born all the time anyway, I may have Bill loving me and supporting me and comforting me all the time but I'm still insecure about myself, I still hate myself, I'm still depressed just not as bad as I was before Bill came along. I'll never speak of it to anyone though. "It's not to late to late to end it you know? It's not like anyone will miss you, your just a waste of time" I said, he's right on that one. "Of course I'm right, I'm always right" "ok whatever you say, just leave me alone" "I would love to, I'm just here to tell you that there will be a big surprise coming up tomorrow, I'm sure you'll love it" and with that he left. I wish more than anything he'd stay gone.

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