all day date

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-Dippers POV-

I woke up once again laying on top of Bill, after dinner last night we played uno with Mabel for awhile, she won a lot more than me and Bill did, but that's only because she would secretly feed her cards to Waddles.
Bill had his legs wrapped mine and his arms were around me as well, my legs were hugged against his sides and my arms were wrapped around him just below his shoulders.
I was so comfortable I didn't want to get up, but I knew I had to...actually...five more minutes won't hurt, I looked up at Bill to see him looking at me with glowing yellow eyes, I love his eyes, I'd stare at him all day if I could, "why thank you Pinetree, I'm glad you feel that way" he smirked while speaking with his raspy voice he has when he first wakes up in the morning, that's hot, "thank you again" I chuckled "will you stop reading my mind?" He shook his head "no, definitely not" I smiled "you stupid Dorito" he fake pouted, "Pinetree, it's rude to call people names" I smirked "well technically, you're not a person, you're a demon" he nodded "touché, but you shouldn't back talk me Pines, or I'll have to punish you" I tilted my head "oh yeah?" "Yeah" I continued to smirk at him, "well I think I'll have to keep that in mind, Dorito" I went to get up but Bill slammed me back down, I grunted and looked at him, he was wearing his devilish grin, "my Pinetree, it seems you have short term memory" I smiled "well maybe I do, I'm sorry Dorito" he pulled my face down towards him and kissed me.
I felt him smiling while he started to run his hands alongs my sides, he put his hands underneath my shirt causing me to shiver, I tangled my fingers through his hair, he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and of course I let him.
He yanked on my shirt and pulled it off throwing it to unknown area in the room (InTo tHe UnKnOwnNnN) he then sat up and I pulled his shirt off throwing somewhere on the floor. I ran my hands down his arms while he squeezed my thigh making me moan quietly, I felt him smirk and then suddenly he pulled me so close to him there wasn't any space between us, I bit his bottom lip and earned a low moan out of him, God that's hot. I'm pretty sure he read my thoughts because he smiled again. He ran his hands down my back making me shudder and I continued to play with his hair.
He grabbed me by my waist and pulled down on him, we both moaned quietly in the kiss, I like hearing him, and I wanna hear him again. I pulled away and started kissing him down his neck, the last time we did this I found his sweet spot so now I know where it is, I kissed his neck just above just above his collarbone, "fuck~" he groaned, I started on making a hickey when Mabel swung the door open, "morning guys! Oh" she covered her eyes quickly but then peeked through them just like she did last time, "for crying out loud Mabel, how many times do I have to tell you to knock?" "I did knock!" I rolled my eyes "did you really?" "Well ye- well I- no" she huffed "exactly" I said getting off of Bill.
"So what did you need?" I asked while looking for my shirt, "well I was just seeing if you guys were up yet" I looked at her, "really?" She sighed "ok you got me, I was wondering if maybe you could drop me off Gideon's place" my eyes went wide "Gideon? Why him? We haven't talked to him in years, plus you don't like him so why do you wanna see him?" She slouched her shoulders "actually you haven't talked to him in years, and he got hot and we made plans today" I sighed "fine" (I'm gonna make Gideon be the same age as them because why not)

I finally found my shirt and threw on my vest and dark blue skinny jeans, Bill put on a shirt with his one eye and a brick design with his bow tie on it along with black skinny jeans. "So, ready for our date?" Bill asks excitedly, "of course, I'm really excited" I replied getting my wallet off our dresser and Bill grabbed his as wallet
"Alright, you ready to go?" Bill asked, "sure am, let's go" I said kissing him on the cheek and walking out of our room with his right behind me, "Mabel! We're heading out, you ready?" I yelled getting to the last step of the stairs, which I missed and fell, I hate it so much when you think you got down all the stairs and then you miss one, just one! And feels like you're walking off a cliff and falling to your death, "I gotcha Pinetree" Bill said grabbing me just before I hit the floor, I closed my eyes tight and prepared for the pain because I fell face first, luckily Bill was here, "you alright Pinetree?" I laughed "of course I'm alright, it was just one step that I missed" "yeah but that one step could have ruined your pretty face if I wasn't here" he smirked "well thank you for saving me" I smiled jokingly and walked into the kitchen, Mabel was sitting at the table finishing putting snacks into her bag, "ready to head out?" Mabel nodded and stood up walking in front of us, "I CALL SHOTGUN" both Bill and Mabel shouted, "hey I called shotgun first" "no I did!" "Well I want the front seat" "I want it more than you!" "No you don't I do" "I'm getting that seat" "it's a seat! It's not like it's a treasure chest full of gold and diamonds" "oh yeah? Well if it's just a seat to you then why won't you let me have it huh?" "Because...because Um...because I wanna sit next to Pinetree" "why don't you just call him Dipper?" "Because his name for me his Pinetree, wait, why is that in this conversation? We are talking about who's getting the front seat" "yeah and it's gonna be me!" "There is only one way to settle this" "oh yeah how?" "Oh don't play dumb you know how" "rock paper scissors?" "Nope, race ya!" Bill took off running and Mabel took off after him, I was already in the car waiting for them to stop bickering over something so stupid.
Suddenly there was a bang on the door and I jumped seeing Bill and Mabel pushing each other out of the way of the door, Bill knocked Mabel to the ground and quickly got in the front seat next to me, Mabel got up and dusted herself off and pushed Bill against me and sat in the same seat as Bill, "what are you doing Shooting Star?" "I am going to sit with you" Mabel smiled "what? There's no room" Bill argued "we'll just have to make room" she pushed Bill as close to me as possible and closed the car door, "see perfect fit" Mabel said proudly, "y-you're pushing your elbows a-against my ribs" Mabel then scooted as close to the door as she could, "better?" "Why don't you just move to the backseat?" Bill asked in an unamused tone, "because I like the front seat, so deal with it" and after that we had a quiet drive to...Gideon's house, I haven't seen him in a while and I was hoping I wouldn't have to.
"Alright Mabel here we are" I said pulling in front of Gideon's house and interrupting Bill and Mabel's conversation about who would get the front seat on what days, "alright catch ya guys later!" I just realized they didn't have a seatbelt on, oh well to late now. Mabel opened the door and went to step out but Bill quickly pushed her out of the car and slammed the door shut, "Bill!" I yelled "Drive Pinetree drive! Step on it!" I quickly drove off and saw Mabel putting up her middle finger at us through the review mirror, Bill started laughing and rolled his window down and stuck almost half of his body out the window, "hahaha, sucker!" Bill yelled sticking up both middle fingers at Mabel, "Bill get in the car" I said grabbing Bill's shirt in an effort to pull him down, "give me a second I'm not done laughing at Shooting Star and flipping her off" I sighed "you asked for this" I mumbled "what?" Bill asked and I slammed on the breaks, "woah!" Bill yelled and fell forward, if he wasn't holding on to the handle above the window he would have probably fallen out.
Bill quickly came inside of the car and closed his window, I started laughing and Bill punched me in the shoulder, "ah" I rubbed my shoulder while steering with one hand, "what was that for?" Bill asked, I looked over at him and smiled "I told you to come back into the car but you didn't listen" Bill rolled his eyes, "pff, it was still worth it, I like making Shooting Star mad" I shook my head "I guess she makes me mad all the time so I guess getting back at her feels good" "hell yeah it does" both me and Bill nodding in agreement.
"Ok, so where to first?" Bill shrugged "I don't know, we haven't ate breakfast yet, you hungry" I shook my head but then my stomach growled, Bill looked at my stomach then back at me, "to lazy Susan's it is" so that was our first stop.
I pulled into the parking lot of Lazy Susan's, "here we are, now stay in the car" I said to Bill, "what? Why?" "Because I said" I got out of the car and closed the door behind me, Bill was staring at me as I made my way to the other side. I opened the door for him and held out my hand, "you may get out now" Bill looked down at my hand then back at me and smiled, he took my hand and I helped him out of the car, "than you my kind sir" "you are very welcome" we laughed and I held his hand intertwining our fingers.
We walked inside and took a seat at one of the booths, some girl I've never seen before came up to us with some menus, she was a little short, she was wearing short jean shorts, and I mean very short, and she had a black shirt that was a little bit over her belly button, and she wore white sneakers, along with I'd say five pounds of makeup, "hello, welcome to Lazy Susan's Diner, what can I get you guys to drink?" Bill looked at me then back at the lady, "I'll have a uh...Pepsi" Bill smiled politely but not a real smile while she wrote down his order, "and what can get for you?" "I'll have a Pepsi as well" she wrote down my order to and looked at both of us, "alright I'll be back with your drinks shortly" she smiled and walked off.
"She looks like a slut" Bill said "Bill! Don't be rude" I whisper yelled "I was just being honest, I mean come on, look at her, her clothes, her makeup, she is barely covered and she's just begging for attention" I looked back at the girl making our drinks, "I mean, I guess your right" I said observing her again, her clothes barely covered half her ass and her boobs were almost hanging out of the shirt, that's disgusting "and the worst part is" Bill started saying but then he leaned in closer to me over the table, "she has a thing for you" my eyes widened "really? How can you tell?" I whispered curiously, "it's not that hard to see Pinetree, the way she looked at you and moved around you, it's just so obvious" I looked at the girl again then back at Bill, "I wasn't paying attention but it seemed she was acting normal" I said still whispering, "yeah well how much you wanna bet that she's gonna give you her number on the receipt?" I sighed "I don't know, and besides I'm not interested, I have you and that's all I need" Bill laughed "that's real sweet of you hon but I'm telling you she wants you" I shook my head "wants me? Why would she want me?" "Well have you looked at yourself? Your hot!" My face turned a light shade of pink, I've been with him with so long now and I still blush around him, how embarrassing, "I don't think it's embarrassing, I think it's cute" Bill smirked and I rolled my eyes, "so what are you gonna have to eat?" Bill asked, I looked at the menu, "hmmm, chocolate chip pancakes" "I'll have them as well" Bill said just before the lady walked up to our booth, "alright here are your drinks" she leaned over putting our drinks in front of us, she was closer to me making me uncomfortable, she stood up straight again, "have you made a decision on what you would like to eat?" She asked staring at me, "yes, we will both be having chocolate chip pancakes" Bill said looking annoyed, "alrighty then, I'll be right back again" "great" Bill said through gritted teeth while the girl walked off, "I hate her so much" Bill and I said in unison, we stared at each other and laughed.
"Ok so after this where do you wanna go?" I asked Bill, "well how about we go to...I don't know" he said "well think of something and say whatever first comes to mind" "pond" Bill said quickly, "pond? You mean the lake?" He shook his head "no the pond, it's very beautiful, it's like the one we went to when we went camping" Bill explained, I was still confused but nodded anyways.
The lady arrived with our plates of pancakes. She also handed us silverware wrapped in a napkin, she handed Bill his and then dropped mine, "oops sorry, I get it" she smirked and bent over slowly, I rolled my eyes and huffed in annoyance, I could tell Bill was getting annoyed as well because I could see he was grinding his teeth, if you haven't noticed you'd be stupid, but Bill and I are very very verrryyy protective over each other, and even though we both know neither of us would cheat on each other we still get mad and annoyed when someone flirts with us. She finally came back up and handed me my silverware sliding it on the paper, "here you go, sorry again" I put on a fake smile to mask my annoyance, "it's alright thank you" I was digging my nails into my legs and I didn't realize it. Finally this bitch left but she was still staring at me from across the room, "Bill let's hurry up and eat before I just take off" Bill looked up from his plate with his mouth stuffed, "wut?" He asked shoving another piece of pancake in his mouth, he looks like a chipmunk, "I said hurry up and eat because this girl is getting on my nerves" I repeated, "just ignore her, I am" Bill said swallowing "yeah but your not the one she's staring at, I hate when people stare at me and you know that" Bill sighed, "Pinetree I'm just as annoyed as you are but today is our day ok? So just ignore her, enjoy your food, and focus on me" I sighed "you know what? Your right, I'm sorry" he smiled "it's alright don't worry about it, now how about we talk about the pond I wanna go to" I nodded "ok, well I don't know where it is so do you have directions?" "It's ok I'll drive" "you sure?" "Yeah" "ok then, so where is this pond? Is it close to here?" Bill tilted his head "well, kind of" "oh, well ok then"
-time skip to finishing eating-
We finished eating and I forgot all about that girl, till she came up to us with the bill, "you guys finished?" She asked smiling "yes we are" Bill said "alright, here's the bill then" she handed me the bill and walked off, "look to see if her number is on there somewhere" Bill said leaning over, I turned the receipt bill thing, and sure enough, her number was on the other side with a heart at the end, "is it there?" He asked "yup, sure is" I said "I knew it!" I got out my wallet and left the money on the table, I grabbed the receipt and looked at the girl and smiled, she winked and smiled back, I then took it and ripped it up in front of her and let it fall on the floor, then I grabbed Bill's hand and kissed him, I pulled away and looked at the girl again, her face was hilarious, I laughed and walked out of the diner. Bill seemed to be in shock because his eyes were wide and he was quiet walking to the car.
We got to the car and he opened my door for me, I thanked him and got in while he closed the door for me as well, he got in the drivers seat and looked at me after he shut his door, "Pinetree, I never expected that from you, but that was some funny shit and I loved it" I laughed "yeah well she deserved it, plus I'm sure she'll find someone else to bother" Bill laughed and leaned in kissing me, I kissed him back happily, he cupped his hand over my cheek and pulled me closer to him. Bill pulled away and smiled, "to be continued" Bill said and started the car after putting on his seatbelt, I did the same and turned up the radio.
-time skip to the pond-
"Alright we're here" Bill said excitedly getting out of the car, he came over and opened the door for me, i unbuckled myself and went stand up but Bill grabbed me and held to me before snapping his fingers, suddenly I was in swim shorts and in a pond, I looked up Bill and saw him smiling and he was in a swimming shorts as well, surprisingly the water was like bath water, "well here it is" Bill said holding his hand out, I looked around, it looked like the pond we went camping at but then again totally different, the pond was a bit smaller, it was clear but not as clear, there were trees surrounding us, there was a small piece of land in the middle, and there were beautiful flowers that smelled great around the pond as well, "so what do you think? Do you like it?" Bill asked "I-I love it, it's beautiful" I turned around and hugged him "oh thank God, I thought you wouldn't like it" I chuckled "I like everything from you" Bill smirked "like this?" "Like wha- ah what the fuck!" Bill threw me in the air and I landed back in the water, thankfully we were in the deeper part of the pond because I probably would have broken something, I came up and gasped for air, "Asshole!" I yelled "I love you to!" He yelled back, I shook my head laughing, suddenly Bill went underwater and didn't come back up, I'll just wait for a minute and see if he comes back's been five seconds and he hasn't come up yet, he's probably dead now, I looked around to see if I could see if Bill was underwater anywhere near me, I spun around in circles but couldn't see him, "Bill?" I said quietly, "Bill?" I said a bit louder, "Bill! You can come out now!" I yelled but then suddenly all the water around me was cloudy and the sand was coming up from the ground, "Pinetree" someone whispered in my ear, Bill is the only one who calls me Pinetree so I know it's him, "Bill?" "Pinetree" he whispered again, I spun around but no one was there, "Pinetree!" He whispered yelled and I spun around again quickly hitting Bill, he smiled and grabbed me bringing me down underwater and kissing me, my eyes widened and my vision was blurry, Bill pulled me closer to him, and then brought us back up to the surface, I gasped again blinked a few times to clear my vision, Bill was laughing and smiling, "that was awesome, you should of saw your face!" I laughed and splashed him and he splashed back "you had me worried for a minute" I said "yeah I know that's part of why it's funny" I laughed and laid on my back and just floated in the water, Bill snapped his finger and made a large pool float appear, he climbed on and got settled, "come here" he said motioning his finger for me to come over, I swam over to him and he pick me up and sat me on top of him, "there we go, now we're comfortable" he said wrapping his arms around me, "great idea Bill" I praised looking up at him, "yeah I know, I'm genius" he said proudly "sure you are" I laughed. After that we watched clouds and said what they were shaped like and talked about random things, and then we got dressed and dried off and by that I mean Bill snapped his fingers and we were dressed and dried, then we walked back to the car, "two questions, where to next and who's driving" I asked kicking rocks and sticks, "I'll drive and since I picked the first two places how about you pick the next place?" I thought for a moment "I don't know where to go" I said blankly "come on Pinetree just think of something" "hmm...oh! how about we go the mall and go to every store there and we have to buy at least two things from each one, or we can go to the park that had the big water fountain" Bill nodded, "ok so how about we go to the park first, the we go to the mall" "alright, race ya to the car!" And I took off running "and no cheat- huh?" I was looking back at Bill to tell him no cheating but when I looked back in front of me I was inside the car, "what the hell?" I looked over and Bill was back in the drivers seat, "sorry Pinetree I don't feel like running so I teleported us to the car" I crossed my arms "haha what a wuss" Bill rolled his eyes "whatever sinks your boat" he said smiling "it's floats Bill, not sinks, floats" he shrugged "eh I like boats that sink, like the Titanic, you know I'm the one who made it sink?" Bill asked "no you didn't, an iceberg did" he looked at me then back at the road, "and who do you think put it there?" "Um nature, duh" "ugh no I did, I can control nature you know, well I can't much anymore but when I was crazy I was able to" Bill said tapping his fingers on the wheel to his own beat he made up "was crazy? You still are crazy" I said laughing "you know what I mean, I mean when I wasn't evil and had an obsession with taking over the world and killing off humans and power" I nodded "I know I was joking" Bill sighed "I know" he sounded sad when he said that...was it something I said? I looked out the window "No it wasn't anything you said Pinetree" I looked back at Bill who was staring blankly at the road "hm?" Bill looked at me from the corner of his eye and then back to the road again "it wasn't anything you said, I'm just" he stopped and shook his head "Bill what's wrong? Tell me" I said putting a hand on his arm "I just can't believe how I acted back then, I tried to destroy man kind and I tried taking over the world, I was completely insane, I didn't think about what anyone else needed or wanted, I was a selfish prick and or only care about myself and what I wanted...I only wanted power over everything, I wanted to get my own powers stronger so I was the most powerful demon in all the galaxies" Bill gripped the steering wheel tighter "and then I just show up and invade your life and everyone body else's once again" he gripped the wheel tighter again "Bill we've been through this, sure what you did was bad but so many bad things happened to you and you didn't know what was right or wrong, you've been hurt so much and you wanted everyone to hurt just like you did, and you didn't invade our lives, Grunkle Ford brought you to us agai-" "yeah but I could have left right after Sixer was done with me" Bill interrupted "Bill you needed us, you didn't know the first thing of living as a human" "yeah well I could have figured it out on my own, I could have made myself a house far away from society and I could have studied humans and learned how to fend for myself and how everything worked" Bill argued "ok you could have done that but you wanna know something? If you left I would be back to being alone again" "Pinetree you have Shooting Star, Fez and Sixer, and Red and Question Mark, you have them" "well actually I don't" "how?" Bill asked "well Mabel is out with friends almost all the time, Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford are out traveling the world most of the time, Soos has the shack to run plus he has his girlfriend, and then Wendy has her own plans" I explained "what about llama, you seemed alright with her" "she's with Mabel all the time, she is one of her friends, plus I just don't want to hang out with her, listen that's not the point, Bill, you are the best thing to ever happen to me, you make me laugh and smile and you make me feel good, I haven't felt this good in years!" I motioned my arms in the air "before you came back my smiles were fake, they were just there to mask my sadness and emptiness, my laughs were fake as well, I only laughed to make people think they were actually funny or something or just to make them happy, I did stuff for other people to keep myself busy so I wasn't constantly thinking over and over about how useless I was and how much my life sucked, and how much I wasn't needed, everyone had there own things to do and didn't have time for me, people always told me I was a horrible liar but you wanna know something? I think I'm pretty good one cause they believed everyone smile and laugh of mine was real, they believed every time I said I was ok or I was fine I actually meant it, but now that your around every smile is real, every laugh is real, when I'm around I feel safe and loved and wanted, when I'm with you I feel I'm meant for something, and I need you to believe it, you are now apart of our family, we forgave you, so stop thinking about the past because there is nothing you can do but learn from it, so you understand?" I said "yes but-" "do you understand?" I asked again, Bill sighed "yes" he answered sadly "pull over" I said "what?" Bill asked confused "pull over" "but I-" "I said, pull. Over." Bill stared at me for a moment and pulled over into an opening of some abandoned building "Pinetree what's wro-" before he could finish his sentence I smashed my lips into his.
I climbed into his seat and onto his laps, as always I had my hands tangled in his hair, I pulled him closer and closer to me until there was no room between us, I hand one hand his is golden hair and my other arm wrapped around his neck, I felt him lock up in surprise but slowly wrapped his arms around me, he slid his hands up and down my back and my hips and down to my thighs I pulled away and kissed down his neck finding his sweet spots, he let out deep breaths and and low quiet moans, I slid my hands down his arms and then slipped them under his shirt, I roamed my hands over his chest and down his sides and up his back then up to his hair again, I kissed him on the lips again and bit his lower lip, he parted his lips a little and I explored his mouth, he didn't try to fight for dominance so that was nice, Bill made me pull away and he started kissing my jawline then down to my neck nipping at my skin and finding all my sweet spots, I tried not to make any sound but then he found one of my most sensitive sweet spots and squeezed my thigh and I let out a moan accidentally which caused Bill to chuckle, "listen" Bill breathed out "as much as I want to do this, we have a date to get back to" I nodded "I know, but I was just trying to get you to stop feeling bad about what you did years ago, now don't think about anything negative ok?" I smiled "focus on me" I said assuringly "hey I said that" Bill said "I know and now I'm saying it" we both laughed and I got off of Bills lap and climbed back into my seat "alright to the park with a waterfall we go, onward!" I said pointing ahead "right yes but one problem" Bill said looking at the dashboard "what is it?" I asked putting my hand down "we are out of gas" "ugh, to the gas station we go, step on it!" I said pointing ahead of us again "if you say so" then Bill slammed on the gas and I fell back into my seat "ahh Bill slow down!" I yelled holding on to anything I could" "hey that's what you said in bed!" Bill laughed "oh wait actually you said go faster, my bad" I glared at Bill with my face turning red, he looked at me still speeding "what?" He asked smiling "you know what" he laughed "ok ok sorry" "alright now slow down" Bill snickered you himself and stomped on the breaks and my seatbelt tightened, luckily it didn't hurt my chest but I was still scared out of my mind "Pinetree, your face is hilarious, hold on" then there was a flash before I could even blink "haha thanks" I looked over and Bill had a camera "where did you get that?" I asked still in shock "I just snapped my fingers and made it appear, you know like I do everything else, duh" "oh right" Bill looked at the picture and laughed then stuffed it in his pocket "ok now to gas station...again" and Bill took off speeding again, luckily the police here suck at their jobs most of the time.
We pulled into the gas station and Bill turned to look at me, "do you need anything while we're here?" I shook my head "no I'm good" he nodded and went into the gas station. I got bored waiting so I started looking around the car to find a book or something, I left the journal at home today so that was smart, I looked under the seats and in the glovebox but only found Mabel's left over candy, some newspapers, a few pieces of gum which I took, I found a picture of Bill and I sleeping on the couch a few nights ago "really Mable" I mumble to myself, I looked under Bill's seat and found one of Mabel's scrapbooks, I looked out the window and saw Bill walking out and then going to the gas pump, I looked back down at the scrapbook and opened it, the first page said "Bill and Dipper" oh well heck, I knew Mabel likes to sneak pictures of us but didn't think she'd make a whole scrapbook of it, or well maybe a it's just this page, I flipped the page and there were pictures of me and Bill baking together, shoving cake in each other's mouths, that was fun, us watching movies, sleeping and then there was one with all three of us, I turned the page and there was a picture of my smiling at Bill when I was telling him about how all the mysteries I've solved, then there was when I was sitting on the Mabel's shoulders and he was on mine, he was singing our favorite song and Mabel was struggling to keep our balance, so all feel and I got a bloody nose, I turned page after page and all of them were filled with me and Bill, then there was a page that said "Bill and Dipper's wedding" huh? I looked at it and was filled with ideas like where the location would be, what we would wear, what foods we'd have, what music we'd sing and dance to, what our cake would look like, what games we'd play, who would be there, where our honeymoon would be, and how Bill and I would have our hair styled and what our suit would look like, there was something that was crossed out saying "Dipper's dress" ha! Mabel good thing you crossed that off because I'll kill you, not literally of course. Bill came back in the car and looked over at me, "whatcha looking at?" He asked, I looked up at him then back to the scrapbook "oh it's just this scrapbook Mabel made, filled with pictures of me and you and sometimes with the three of us" I explained turning the page, "hey this is when we had that party!" I exclaimed excitedly "oh yeah? Let me see" Bill leaned in and looked at the page then looking back at the road, "where are you?" Bill asks "I'm right the background sitting on the I look like I'm just begging for attention" I complained looking over the page "here's you making me friends, and playing games, here's you chugging down bottles of beer, here's one of you doing shots" I smiled looking at how happy Bill was, I don't think even I could make him smile like that I think of it...I'm taking up all his time and energy, just like I do with everyone else, maybe Bill should hang out with other people more often, he can't be with me literally 24/7 I can't believe I'm this selfish to keep Bill from hanging out with anybody, I really don't deserve him "Pinetree hey!" I shot my head up "huh? What?" I looked around "we're here" I saw the water fountain a little ways ahead of us "o-oh, sorry" I apologized and got out of the car, right when I closed the door and turned around Bill was right there "jeez you scared me" I said with my hand over my chest "Pinetree why do you think like that?" He asked with a stern look on his face, "what do you mean? I just said you scared me, now let's go" I started to walk but Bill got in front of me and pushed me against the car, "Pinetree don't play dumb" but I am dumb "Pinetree what did I say about talking bad about yourself" "sorry, come on now let's get walking" I smiled and tried moving but Bill pinned me against the car "Pinetree please, I read your mind in the car and you said you don't make me smile and you want me to hang out with friends and you don't deserve me, what was that about?" I sighed, is there someway out of this? "Nope" Bill said calmly, "it's looked so happy at the party, you were having a great time with new friends you made, you looked excited being able to do shots and drink even though you are way underage, I just feel like I'm keeping you to myself, I'm not letting you go out on your own or letting you hang out with other people I don't make you smile like in the pictures where you are actually enjoying yourself" I tried avoiding eye contact and looked over at the trees as if I've never seen them before and they were the most interesting thing in the world, I'm definitely ruining the date, Bill already talked to me once...I ruin everything "no you don't Pinetree" Bill grabbed chin and made me look at him "Pinetree you are not ruining anything, and like I've said many times before you need to stop worrying about everything, I am always more than happy to spend time with you, you make me smile all the time, you make me just happy as I was in those photos, and I was junk so...yeah, and also I didn't make friends, they were just some random people that thought I was cool and then when the party was over they left and never talked to me again, besides I don't need anyone besides you" Bill moved my hair from my forehead and kissed it "so Pinetree, no more worrying about stupid stuff like that, if I wasn't happy I would say something, now let's get back to our date and enjoy ourselves" Bill grabbed my hand and pulled me along the path to the water fountain.
We got to the water fountain and sat down on the edge of it, "I love this park" Bill said looking around, "yeah, me to" I replied running my hands through the water. "Ok, so what are we gonna do after the mall?" Bill asks looking at the sky, "hm, I don't know, why don't you pick?" "Okay, how's abouuut" Bill dragged out "honestly I didn't plan this far" Bill said rubbing his arm "that's alright, I didn't either, but come on think of something" I said giving him a reassuring smile, he looked at me and gave a small smile then looked back down at the ground, "how about we go visit Mcgucket? Didn't he get the Northwest's mansion?" I looked at him surprised, I didn't think out of anywhere we could go he wanted to see him, I don't mind though, I haven't seen him in a while, "alright sounds good to me" "great, now shall we go to the mall now?" Bill asked standing up and holding his hand out for me, I gladly took it and we walked back to the car.
"Ok so after the mall we go to Mcgucket's, then what?" I asked Bill, he was rolling his window up and down, "Bill" he wasn't answering "Bill!" "Huh? What?" Bill turned to look at me "I said, where are we going after Mcgucket's?" Bill shrugged "I don't know, it's your turn to pick" I sighed "hm, ok well...oh! We can go to laser tag, I mean, only if you want to" I said drumming my fingers on the steering wheel to whatever was on the radio, "cool, sounds great to me" Bill said still playing with the window.

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