The Transformation

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-Dip's pov-

I shot my head up hitting it against on the bottom of the top bunk.
"Ugh" I groaned rubbing the top of my head hoping it won't leave a big bump. "Pinetree look!" I opened my eyes looking at Bill who was dressed in his favorite suit. He was hiding something behind his back, he seemed to be feeling and looking better then he really did yesterday. "What?" I asked yawning, "first of all, I healed myself, and you, but that's not the important thing" of course that's not the most important thing, typical Bill. "I found deer teeth!" He made the deer teeth float in the air as he smiled widely, "ah Bill!" I slid backwards and curled into a ball "why do you have those? Where did you get them? Did you rip them out of a deers mouth?" Bill laughed "your funny Pinetree, but no, I found a deer skull in the woods and I took the teeth, I'm gonna make a necklace" I tried not to gag but the though of deer teeth being used as jewelry kinda grossed me out.
"What time is it?" I asked tiredly. "It is 10:21" Bill replied staring at his deer tooth necklace, "how long have you been up?" Bill shrugged "since 9 something" he replied setting his necklace on the bed side table. "What we're doing up so early? And why are you dressed up so fancy?" Bill only laughed "it's not that early, and why so many questions Pinetree?" I shrugged "just curious" Bill looked like he wanted to tell me something but was thinking whether he should or not, he started fidgeting, I grabbed his hand and held it "are you ok?" I asked hoping he hasn't done something he wants to keep from me, he pulled his hand away and looked at me "yeah yeah I'm fine it's, I think we should have a talk" my heart started pounding, what happened? Did I do something wrong? Is today something special that I forgot about? Is it his Birthday? Is he gonna break up with me? Has he found someone new? Oh no what if he did and he's gonna friend zone me, what if we don't stay friends, oh no, this is it isn't it? We're done huh. Bill snapped his fingers in front of my face "Pinetree hey, you alright?" My breathing was picking up it's pace, I don't wanna break up, I can't live without him, "Pinetree calm down I'm breaking up with you, I wouldn't even think about it" I felt relieved "oh, s-so what did you wanna talk about?" I asked running my hands through my messy hair. "Well, it's about you, and well Shooting Star but she's not here right now, it's about becoming a demon" I tilted my head confused "what about it?" Bill took a deep breath "well, how about we get that done today, right now, I made the spot where we can do it and I have everything I need to transform you" I didn't realize my mouth was open but I quickly shut it, "uh what's the hurry?" I asked nervously "well there's no rush but today is the perfect day, it's kinda stormy and we're alone and there's no people out today" I didn't really think twice about it, "ok sure" I smiled, "great, now come on" Bill took my hand and teleported us deep into the woods where no one really goes, on the ground was Bill's zodiac wheel, except instead of having all the zodiac signs, it was only mine, Bill's triangle form was in the middle and was surrounded by Pinetree's, there were chains in the ground and there was a table full of mysterious things, there was a book with a triangle on the cover, there was...a knife, wonder what that's for, then there was a ring with a blue and yellow diamond on it, then there was a triangle necklace, what was this stuff for? Pinetree grabbed me and forced me to look at him, "Pinetree are you sure you wanna do this? Cause once I start the transformation I can not stop, there's no turning back, once your a demon you can not become human again, and I've never done this before so I don't know if it will be painful or not" Bill seemed really worried, more worried then anything.
I cupped his face with my hand "I wanna do this, I trust you" I gave him a reassuring smile in which he returned.
"Ok well...first off you must remove your shirt" I took off my shirt and dropped it on the ground. "Ok now wait here" Bill then walked to the table grabbing the knife. I started to get worried but calmed myself, Bill knows what he's doing, I trust him, he would never of mentioned this if he wasn't sure of it himself.
He came back over with the knife and stood in front of me "ok now to get to work" he put the knife to his hand and cut it, blood dripped down his hand, he put his finger in it and looked at me "turn around please" I nodded and turned for him, he then started drawing on my back...with his blood, I could feel him drawing his zodiac wheel large enough to cover my entire back. Once he finished he healed himself and told me to turn around again. "Ok now, lay down in the middle of the circle" Bill walked to the the circle burned in the ground and laid me down, then he chained my arms and legs, "I'm sorry if this uncomfortable but I don't know what's going to happen so just in case I need you to be chained" I nodded "it's ok I understand, like I said before I trust you" Bill kissed me and stood up walking to the table again this time to grab his book.
He stood over me and flipped to a random page of his book "you might pass out during this transformation but I swear to you that I'll be here when you wake up" he looked at me and smiled to comfort me. "Bill?" He looked back up from his book "hm?" I smiled again "I love you" Bill smiled back "I love you to, my little Sapling" I chuckled at the nickname and looked up at the sky, the clouds were a very dark gray, it started to sprinkle but barely noticeable. Bill started chanting some spells, his eyes glowed yellow and his triangle eye appeared on his forehead as his hand was over my body, he was speaking a different language that I believe to be latin.
I started feeling a bit tingly throughout out my body, then my body began to heat up. I felt a stabbing pain in random parts of me. I grit my teeth and closed my eyes tightly. The pain got worse with evey word Bill said, his voice was slightly echoey. My body felt as if it was on fire, I couldn't take the pain anymore. I screamed in pain and tried ripping my hands out of the chains. I let out another scream in pain and threw my head back hitting the ground. My vision went completely black. I felt numb but was in a lot of pain at the same time, I was thrashing around violently while Bill was still chanting his spells.

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