What now?

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-Cipher's pov-

My eyes went wide, "what?" I asked stunned, he only looked at me with pain and fear in his eyes. "Alex...the guy w-who kissed you" his voice sounded weak from screaming and crying. Shooting Star was still hugging Waddles, she was close to Fez and Sixer but believe it or not she wasn't close to them as Pinetree. "Pinetree, when did this happen? Where is he? Why haven't you told me? I thought we made a promise with no more secrets or lies?" I cupped my hand around his cheek to keep him from looking away. "I-I know, I'm so sorry" his voice cracked again making my heart ache "but I only didn't to protect you, A-Alex, he said he would kill me or someone I love i-if I said anything. I didn't want him to hurt you" he leaned into my hand letting more tears escape, "when did he come back?" I asked softly, "he didn't come in person, he's in my head...all the time, he talks to me randomly, he told me today something would happen, but he says that all the time, s-so I didn't believe him, he's been in my head for awhile now, I wanted to tell you, I really did, but...I just couldn't" he hung his head, his hair falling over his eyes. He stood up and ran outside slamming the door behind him. Shooting Star was still crying, I bent down and hugged her, Waddles moved out of the way and sat next to us, Shooting Star wrapped her arms tightly around me. "What are we going to do Bill?" I sat there quietly before speaking, "I...I don't know" I sighed "you should go rest Shooting Stars, I'll figure this out" she nodded and picked up Waddles then left to her room. I stood up and ran my hand through my hair. I walked outside to find Pinetree, he was sitting on the porch, his head was buried in his knees and his wings wrapped around himself, he was still shaking, his breaths are shaky to. I sat down beside him and wrapped my arm around him. He moved one of his wings and wrapped it around me, "are you ok?" I whispered, he opened his mouth to say something but he couldn't, he just shook his head, I pulled him onto my lap and he wrapped his wings around me. I hugged him tightly and stroked is hair. "It's gonna be ok Pinetree, none of this is your fault, we'll get through this together, I'll be here for you, I promise everything is going to be ok" Pinetree started to calm down, his breathing was more even, he wasn't shaking, he fell asleep. Good I'm glad he did, he needs to rest now.
I picked him up and walked him inside, his tearstained cheeks, his red puffy eyes, they definitely made me hurt, he doesn't deserve this, he did nothing wrong for something like this to happen. I laid him down and put the blanket over him and kissed his forehead. I left the room to check on Shooting Star, I knocked on her door and waited. There wasn't an answer, I opened the door slowly, she was sleeping and curled up with her sleeping pig, I walked over and threw a blanket over them before leaving the room. I wasn't tired so I decided
I would see what's going on in the gift shop, I go there once in a while, I haven't been in there in a while.
When I arrived everyone was doing their normal things, people just browsing, people unable to decide on what to get, some kids crying and throwing a tantrum, some kids trying to sneak things in the checkout. I scanned the room in hopes to find Question Mark, I already saw Red at the cash register. I walked over to Red "hey Red" I waved, she looked up bored but then smiled "hey Billy goat" "how many times do I gotta tell you that I hate that name" she laughed "you don't gotta tell me, it's a waist of time because I don't care" I shook my head, "I was just coming here to ask, do you know where Question Mark is?" She pointed with her thumb at the door, "yeah she's giving some tourists a tour around the outside of the shack" I sighed "when will he be back?" "He should be back soon" I stood next to her behind the register. "Ok, I have something to tell you, both of you actually" she looked me up and down with a confused expression, "is...is everything alright? I never see you like this" I looked away helping a customer bagging their stuff. "Bill?" Red put a hand on my shoulder. "It's fine, I'll tell you when Question Mark gets here" she nods before going back to work.
Soon Question Mark came back, me and Red were helping our last customer. After they left Question Mark closed the shop. "Oh hey dude, what're you doing here" Question Mark waved walking over to the register. "Hey Question Mark" I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, "alright, now that your here... there's something you guys should know" both Red and Question Mark gave me worried expression, "what's going on dude?" Question Mark asked, "well...Fez and S-Sixer..." "Woah, did you just stutter? That's new" I glaree at Red "not the time Red" she put her hands up "alright, my bad" I rolled my eyes, "anyways, Fez and Sixer, well, their not coming home" Red and Question Mark looked confused "what do you mean their not coming home? Did they find somewhere else to live?" Red asked "you could put it that way" I said rubbing the back of my neck. Why is telling them this so hard? "They died, their bodies were found today" they both gasped, "oh man" Red looked down wiping her eyes, Question Mark buried his face in his arm "not cool dude, your joking right?" I looked at the with an unpleased expression, "I may be evil in some ways and joke about things a lot, but this...this really isn't something I'd joke about" Question Mark hugged Red while they both cried quietly, "where's the little dudes?" Question Mark asked letting go of Red, "their sleeping, their taking this pretty hard, Pinetree...he's taking it the hardest" "yeah I bet, Dipper always had a stronger relationship with them then anyone, sure we were all pretty close, but they were closer" Red said wiping away the last of her tears, I nodded in agreement, "yeah they definitely had a strong relationship" "yeah" we all stood in silence. I decided not break it. "I should check on them, make sure their ok, you guys can come in if you want" they both nodded before following me inside.
When we arrived Pinetree and Shooting Star were sitting at the kitchen table, both staring down at the table in silence. When they heard us walking in they looked up with hurt and tired faces. They stood up and Red and Question Mark ran over to them, Red hugged Pinetree and Question Mark hugged Shooting Star, they all cried and apologized to each other.
I stood there leaning against the counter. I can't believe their really gone, they weren't suppose not die yet, Sixer was supposed to die of a heart attack but that wasn't till he was at least 90. I sighed, I sure am gonna miss them old hags, if it's wasn't for Sixer taking me in, I'd probably be close to death in the woods, if it weren't for Fez letting me pay him to stay here, I'd have no home, I'd never gotten with Pinetree, I'd never have made my enemies my friends. I felt some tears go down my face but I quickly wiped them away, I needed to stay strong, for them, for Pinetree. "I saw that" Pinetree said weakly, "saw what?" I asked "you wiping your tears, babe it's ok for you to show emotion to" he walked over and hugged me. "I'm so sorry Pinetree, I'm just trying to be strong for you guys" Pinetree scoffed "come on their your family to, whether you like it or not" Pinetree said with his voice cracking. "Yeah, they really were family to be, the best I've had" I laughed softly. Pinetree pulled away giving me a weak smile, his eyes looked watery again. I kissed forehead, "everything will be ok" I looked up over Pinetree, Question Mark, Red, and Shooting Star were talking in the living room, I made sure they couldn't hear us talking. "Pinetree, please, you've got to promise me that anytime Alex talks to you you'll tell me" I grabbed his shoulders "do you understand?" He stared at me as if I told him to kill someone, "yes I understand" he answered quietly, "ok, now go on with the others" I give him a gentle shove towards the living room. As soon as he was out of sight I quickly made everyone some snacks and drinks, I made everyone a dragon drink like the ones from Starbucks, and soft pretzels and cheese. I set them all on a tray and carried it to the living room.
When I walked in Red and Question Mark were asking about how Pinetree has wings, how his eyes are now blue instead of brown, how he got the blue streaks in his chocolate brown hair, how Shooting Star got the purplish pink streaks in her hair, how her eyes are now purplish pink, how they both have grown taller, of course both of them explained in as much detail as possible, Question Mark and Red listened to them with interest and curiosity. I set the tray now on the coffee table. We all talked, ate, drank, and planned Fez and Sixer's funeral, we all shed some tears and laughed sharing memories we have of them. "Remember the one time Grunkle Stan dressed as a strange creature and scared the living daylights out of Grunkle Ford" Shooting Star laughed "he gave him the silent treatment for days" they all chuckled, "remember our first week in Gravity Falls when Grunkle Stan wanted to take us fishing but we decided to go monster hunting with Soos?" Pinetree asked smiling a small smile "I remember that dudes, my boat got totally wrecked" Question Mark laughed, "yo Mabel remember when you and Mr.Pines made a bet on who could make the most money, he went in vacation and you ran the shack?" Shooting Star gasped "oh I forgot about that, yes I remember now heheh" "man the shack was a reck" Pinetree laughed. "oh oh, remember when me and Great Uncle Ford got carried away playing Dungeons Dungeons and more Dungeons? Grunkle Stan threw our dice on the floor and rolled the infinity side die and made the game a reality, me and Great Uncle Ford were your guys little characters while you and Grunkle Stan fought for us" "oh yeah I remember that! That was so fun, lucky Grunkle Stan had experience for rolling dice to win" Shooting Star said, "yeah, good thing" Pinetree replied, soon though all our smiles faded, we were all trying to get over the fact that their really gone.
After a while Red and Question Mark went home, Shooting Star left to her friends again, as for me and Pinetree, well, we laid in our room and watched Attack On Titan, it made both of us forget about everything that happened. Pinetree seemed to zone out after awhile, then his eyes got watery again, tears slid slowly down his cheeks. I shifted my body so I good get a better look at him inside of some side glances. "Pinetree, are you ok?" I turned towards me, "yeah I'm fine it's just" he sniffled, "I just get over the fact that, that their actually gone, I'll never see again besides pictures and videos, I'll never hear their voices other then in videos either, I'll never get to do experiments with Great Uncle Ford" he hiccuped "I'll never get to yell at Grunkle Stan for trying to shoplift while we go grocery shopping again, I hate knowing that, their not coming home...their never coming home, their gone forever and I can't help but feel guilt knowing I could have stopped this if I just listened to Alex" I pulled to me holding him tightly and rubbing his back, "shhhh Pinetree, stop blaming yourself, none of this is your fault, you didn't know this was going to happen" he buried his face in my shirt and held onto my shirt tightly, whimpering quietly. "Shh, it's ok, shhhh deep breaths love" I stroked Pinetree's hair back, "it's going to be ok, I've got you, I'm here for you" he still sobbed into my chest, I didn't mind though, if he needs to cry and get it all out that is perfectly fine with me, "it's alright, let it all out, take all the time you need" I said gently "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be this way, I don't mean to look so weak in front of you, but it's kinda hard to pretend I'm not when all I am is weak" Pinetree cried, "shhhh, no baby, your not weak, your the strongest meatsack I know, your just in pain right now, you just lost the most important people to you, how else should you act? Smile and laugh pretending your ok?" "Well, n-no but, I hate crying like this infront of you, or anyone really" his voice cracking makes me hurt all over again, I hate seeing him in this state. "Pinetree, listen I know it hurts but you'll get over this, maybe not now, but soon, give it time, you'll heal, I promise" I kissed his forehead, Pinetree climbed on top of me, I shifted again to make it easier, he wrapped his arms and legs around me, burying his face in my neck, I continued rubbing his back, I hummed him one of his favorite songs.
Soon he fell asleep, his eyes once again red and puffy. He looked so tired, so stressed, so hurt, I couldn't stand to see him like this, his hurt me way to much. I kissed the top of his head and eventually dozed off to a dreamless sleep.

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