Fancy Sweaters

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-Dippers POV-

Me and Bill self taught ourselves how to make shirts and and sweaters along with stealing Mabel's favorite ones, honestly it was a bit painful, we kept stabbing our fingers multiple times, Bill made a sweater he used as a cape, we put in some of Mabel's sweaters and tied them around our waists and around our necks and then Bill handed me a pair of shorts, which I wouldn't mind wearing if they weren't pink "put these on" Bill did his evil smile "I dare you" I groaned "but why these ones" "because I said so" "Fine just to make you shut up" I said yanking the shorts out of his hands "turn around or close your eyes and no peeking" he covered his eyes "ok" "promise you won't peek?" I asked "sure" "promise me" I said "ok fine I promise" I stared him for a little bit before changing then Bill started laughing "what?" I asked "I'm so peeking" he laughed as I pulled the shorts up "you what?" I glared at him "I peeked" he smirked again "but you promised you wouldn't look" I said annoyed, "I had my finger crossed" I facepalmed myself, how did I not notice that "hey it's ok I liked what I saw if it makes you feel better" Bill said with his devilish smile "you're not funny" I said still annoyed "sure I am, you just have a bad sense of humor" he crossed his arms smiling wider "sure whatever you say Dorito, now come here I want a picture" I said setting up the camera "ok ready?" I asked setting the timer "sure am" Bill said putting on a cool pair of sunglasses, I ran to him standing with me feet a little ways away from each other with my hands on my hips while Bill did the same except he rested his arm on my shoulder and had his back facing the camera while turning his head giving a wide smile while I made a serious face, the camera flashed and we were both blinded for a second, I ran over and waved the photo in the air for it to develop quicker, after it finally finished developing I smiled "whatcha smiling bout Pinetree?" Bill asked walking up behind me and I handed him the picture, he took it and looked down at it and smiled to "I love it, it's very cute, hey you look hot by the way" he smirked and gave me the picture back, "I'm not hot, well I am but not in that way" I told him really wanting to take these sweaters off now "so what do you wanna do now?" I asked him since I couldn't really think of anything but he only shrugged "I don't know" he replied before smiling "actually I have an idea" "oh yeah?" "Yup sure do" "ok what it is" "lay on the couch" he walked over to the couch "oh?" He laid down "and you will come here" I walked over to him "very good, now be a good friend and lay down here with me" I froze like a deer in headlights "w-what?" I asked making sure I heard him right "I said, lay down" I laid on the floor "up here Pinetree" I crawled onto the couch and sat at the opposite end of the couch from him "your so stubborn" he said and without warning he grabbed my arm and yanked me, I yelped at the sudden movement and he held me down on his chest and he started to run his fingers through my hair again "see now was that so hard?" He asked "yes, yes it was" he chuckled "your such a dork" I smiled "thank you" I said proudly "Bill why are you doing this?" I looked at him curious "what ever do you mean?" I rolled my eyes "this, you know, holding me like this" he stared down at me "cause I can" he said with a smirked I laid my head back down "ok" I simply said "Pinetree?" "Yeah?" He took a deep breath "when will you tell me who you like?" I thought about it for a few seconds hesitant to answer "when I'm ready" "when will you be ready?" "I don't know, probably on nevuary" he then lifted my chin up to face me "that isn't even a it me?" He asked, I froze at the question and just stared while I could feel my cheeks heat up, why do they have to do that, that should be illegal "Pinetree?" I blinked "hm?" "Is it me that your interested in?" I got really nervous "I well, um I" again words weren't working for my mouth "maybe" I said and looked away from him not wanting to see his expression "I'm sorry, I just, well never mind it doesn't matter" I got filled with sadness and regret knowing I ruined our friendship and now he's gonna wanna move rooms or even find somewhere else to stay and it's gonna be awkward and then he's gonna hate me and I'll be back to having no other friends but Mabel, I didn't realize it but my eyes started to water, but I blinked the tears away, no need to act like a big baby now I went to get up but Bill held me tightly and hugged me "Pinetree I've waited so long for you to say that" he what? My brain hurts, I'm losing my mind "W-what?" I stuttered, I hate how I stutter when I'm nervous "I've wanted to confess to you for a while but I was worried about ruining or friendship, I'd rather just be friends rather then having you not want to be around me, but now I know you feel the same way and I've never been so happy" he hugged me tighter then he already was taking my oxygen "B-Bill" I tried to breathe "Could you maybe l-Loosen your grip? I can't b-breathe" "oh right, heh sorry" he let go and I gasped "that's better" Bill chuckled before speaking again "Pinetree, will you..." he took another deep breath "will you make me the happiest demon in all the millions and billions of universes and be...well mine for all eternity" he laughed nervously I smirked "no" I said jokingly and he frowned and looked away "then can we still be best friends?" "No" I said again he sighed and let me go "ok then" I started laughing "Bill I was only joking, of course I'll be yours, maybe not for all eternity since I don't live that long" I laughed again and hugged him "Pff I knew that, but I could solve that problem one day, you'll be mine forever and if anyone even looks at you I will kill them and feed them to Waddles" he said wrapping his arms around me again I chuckled "Waddles isn't in to eating people but you could just make the bodies go into a different universe probably, anyways what do you wanna do now? I asked him "Whatever you wanna do" I thought about something he would like to do, he's done everything I've wanted, it's only fair for me to do what he wants "how about we go ding dong ditch people, and wear creepy masks and scare them" Bill smiled "I never took you for the scaring or pranking type" "well you've done everything I've wanted, it's time to the same" "alright then let's go" we stopped at store and got some scary masks and went on our way, we mainly went to old people's houses, I went to the first house and rang the doorbell and went flat against the wall so when they opened the door it wouldn't hit me, an old lady opened the door and looked around "hello?" She asked "anyone there?" I then jumped out and scared her, she made a high pitch scream and slammed the door, Bill came out of his hiding place behind a dumpster laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes "God that was good, did you see her face? She was went so pale she almost looked like paper! Her eyes went so wide I thought they would pop out of her head, that was hilarious" I smiled seeing Bill so happy, but he was right her face was kind of funny, sure I felt bad for scary poor old people, I just hope we don't actually kill them "next house is yours" I informed and we started walking to another house "here's one" he pointed to a small house that had a tree next to it and a thick tree branch that was a little ways above the door, I hid behind a bush at the end of the driveway while Bill rang the doorbell and quickly climbed up the tree, an old man opened the door and peeked around "who's there?" He called he stood there and looked around for a minute then Bill wrapped his legs around the tree branch and let himself fall as he held his arms out wide and yelled making the old man stumble backwards and started swinging his cane around and slamming the door, I started laughing and walking up to Bill and he dropped out of tree landing perfectly on his feet like a cat, he took off his mask and laughed with me "wow he was great, the way he swung his cane, if I was any closer to him I'd have a broken nose" he hugged his sides laughing "Come on we have more houses to get through" I started walking and Bill caught up next and intertwined our fingers, I looked down and smiled, I looked back up at Bill to see him smile his beautiful smile which made me smile more, he looked down at me "what? Is there something on my face again? Or is there leaves in my hair?" I nodded "yep" "wait really? Which is it? Is there something on my face or in my hair?" I smiled "there's something on your face, and it's my lips" he looked confused "huh?" I kissed his cheek and ran to the next house before he could say or do anything, I arrived at the door and rang the doorbell and hid behind some flowers that were very tall at the front of their house, this time an old man came out and looked around "who is it dear?" I heard an old lady ask "no one honey, maybe just the mailman" he answered, the old lady came out and glanced around then I jumped in front of them yelling again, they both screamed and ran into each other stumbling backwards and slamming the door, this was actually really fun, I've never got to do things like this, while I was laughing Bill came up beside "cool you got an old couple, that's even better" I chuckled "that was fun, now let's go scare more old people" I said and we started walking again

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