Bill's Story (continued)

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-still Dippers POV, don't worry there will be a Bill's POV coming up soon-

-continuing were we left off-

"So that's exactly what I did, after my mother died I was beat a lot more, Will always hid and my father never bothered to find him, he only went after me since I was the oldest, by two minutes, and I was always beaten first thing in the morning until whenever my father wanted, until I stopped giving him the satisfaction of my yells and cries and all, one day after my mother's death he beat me so I forced a laugh, he whipped me again so I laughed again, he tried again but I still only laughed, he whipped me a few more times before I started laughing like a maniac, honestly I couldn't stop laughing, the pain went numb eventually, then after weeks of my dad beating me he stopped since he never got anymore cries out of me, so he moved on to Will since he found him after weeks, but he didn't just beat him, he killed him right after with the same weapon he used on my mother" Bill still hasn't looked up as he kept talking, "I was hurt, I lost the last person that meant something to me, so I went insane, I started breaking rules after I was 16 and finally got my demon form, I destroyed planets and creatures and people and of course universes, then after all that my father died" this is getting really interesting "what happened to him?" I asked curiously, Bill smiled and looked up, "I killed him" he laughed "I killed that bastard, you would of thought that he'd be so much smarter and more cautious, but he'd never suspect me to kill him, but that's exactly what I did, as soon as he let his guard down I stole the weapon and I stabbed him multiple times, I made sure not to actually kill him for a while, I chained him to the wall so he couldn't move or escape while I tortured him just as he did to me and my family, as I stabbed him he screamed, which was like music to my ears, the way he looked at me with fear filling his eyes, the shock that came to him when he finally knew what was happening, then before I killed him I told him how weak and pathetic he really is, the I stabbed the weapon into his chest and dragged it down his stomach" I was in total shock, Bill's life was so horrible, no wonder why he was insane for so long "do- do you regret anything of it?" He shrugged a little "sure I regret it, I regret everything I did, except killing that bitch of a father, that I don't regret not, he deserved it" he sighed "if only Will and my mother were still here, they'd be free, my mother would be ruler of all the universes and Will would still be in Reverse Falls" I sighed "I'm sorry Bill, I wish you never had to go through that, I wish I was there with you" Bill held my hands "I'm glad you weren't there, I would never like to see you suffer and be in pain like I was" "I know but, I don't I just wish you had a better life, honestly I thought you were crazy just because that's how you wanted to be, I never knew how bad your life was, and now for millions of years you never got to be with family" Bill turned my head to face him "your my family now, along with Sixer, Fez, and shooting star, to me all you guys are my family and I wouldn't trade it to be ruler of all the universes" I smiled, then another thought came to mind "who's the ruler now?" "My mother's most loyal, most toughest, most smartest servant she had" "well that awesome" Bill nodded in agreement "indeed it is, he also has his own queen, she's very nice just like my mother" I honestly wish I could have met his mother, and beat the fuck out of his father "don't worry Pinetree I killed that son of a bitch, literally his mom was a total asshole" I snickered "heh I get it" wait what time is it, I searched for the clock, 2:21?! Already? "What wrong?" Bill asked I looked back at him "it's already 2:21" "so?" "So? I got stuff to do!" He looked confused "like what?"

-Bill Ci the Demon guy POV-

Pinetree threw on his favorite hoodie I made him and grabbed his hat "hey where are you going?" I asked as he grabbed his wallet "I gotta go to the store, I was supposed to go about hour ago, I totally forgot all about it" I watched as he struggled getting his shoes on "these damn shoes, I just got them and they're getting small already" he quickly got up again and ran to the door before he turned around "you wanna stay here or come with me?" He asked, what dumb question obviously I'm going with him "I'll go with you" I replied "great ok hurry up" he went to run and he ran face first into the door "ow you bitch" he mumbled before I heard him run down the stairs, or well fall I'm pretty sure he fell, I slipped on my shoes and my favorite hoodie and of course my wallet and then I ran after Pinetree, would you look at that, I was right, well I normally am but it seems that Pinetree has fallen down the stairs because when I got to the stairs he was holding his head "you alright?" I asked helping him stand up "yeah yeah I'm fine" he said before running out of the shack, he's so fast for no reason "Why are you running?" I yelled after him "I actually don't know" he yelled back slowing down "ok well what do we need to go to the store for?" He was breathing heavily "I, I needed to get Mabel stuff her Mabel Juice" I made a disgusted face, Mabel juice is weird, the last time she made some for me it had cat hair in it, she told me it was so I could turn into a kitten, sorry Shooting Star but that's not how it works "and then I needed to get her more stuff for her sweaters, I really need a pair of shoes, I also was supposed to get some pit cola for Grunkle Stan since it all went to waste at the party, Grunkle Ford needed some more large jars or whatever and...well that's it I'm pretty sure" "well what was the rush for?" He sighed "oh yeah, because I was supposed to do that way earlier but lost track of time and also I overslept" "oh"

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