Got the Shack for Weekend

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-Bills POV-

I woke again to my arms wrapped around Pinetree and him holding my arms, I don't remember doing this...I hope I didn't make him feel uncomfortable, I tried moving but then I heard a whine and a tug on my arm and I was being pulled back down, Pinetree mumbled quietly that I could barely hear what he said, luckily I caught it while he mumbled "no don't leave me magical pillow" he pulled close to him and wrapped his legs around my waist and his arms wrapped around my shoulders while he buried his face in my shirt, what does he dream about to have a magic pillow involved? I froze thinking of what I should do when he wouldn't let go of me, after I'd say 20 minutes Pinetree's hands started rubbing my back and my arms "mmm when did my pillow feel so...human like" he felt around and felt my hair and my face and he shot up "Bill!" He banged the top of his head on the bottom of my bunk and then he hit the back of his head on the wall, he started cursing to himself before giving me a nervous laugh "I am so sorry, I-I don't know what happend I just- well you see I kind of well-" I interrupted him so he would stop freaking out "Pinetree it's ok, I didn't mind, although I don't remember well" I rubbed the back of my neck started to get nervous "I don't remember holding you, sorry if I made you uncomfortable" I chuckled nervously while Pinetree was staring down at his hand and fiddling with his thumbs, then there was a pounding on the door and Shooting Star opened the door and it hit the wall "Hey my two favorite boys! I'm going out today and-" she stopped and stared at us "Ah Mabel!" Pinetree jumped again and tumbled over me falling off the bed once again slamming his head on the floor, he started cursing again, I swear he'll have brain damage one day "Mabel, there's this really cool thing that people do before entering places, it's called knocking" he sat up rubbing his head while Mabel was forming a huge smile "Dipper oh my gosh! You never told me you liked Bill" she squished her cheeks and giggled while doing a little dance "what? No, no no no no no, that's not, just no" I tried not to laugh while Pinetree's face turned a light pink "aww Dippy it's ok no need to be embarrassed, it's cute! Although I never thought of it being you and Bill, he is like bajillion years older than you" I snapped my head to her "actually I'm the same age as both of you, as a human anyway, and that's not even a real number" Shooting Star crossed her arms "yeah yeah sure whatever you say, anyway I'm staying with Candy, Grenda, and Pacifica for the weekend while Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford are going for a little trip, they said they'll be back Monday, so guess you get the shack to yourself, don't burn the place down ok? Ok see you love birds later!" She took off running before Pinetree could do anything "Mabel! I-I'm something when you get back, your gonna regret this and I'm gonna uh um...ugh lucky little shit" he stood up and stretched "I'm really sorry Bill" he rubbed his arm staring at the floor "Mabel just likes to joke around like that please don't be mad" he gave a shy yet sad smile while walking over to our dresser "I'm gonna take a quick shower" he rushed out of the room covering his face, I didn't wanna be a creep or anything but I followed him to the bathroom and listened from the other side of the door to make sure he was ok, soon I heard the shower start and I could hear him talking to himself, I listened closely although it was hard hear him over the water, I had to use my powers to give me better hearing "stupid Mabel, as much as I love you I wanna punch you right now, I can't believe you did that, well actually I can, it's something you would do, but why with him? out of anyone you could have done it to it had to me, and in front of him to" I heard a soft thud which I figured was Pinetree resting his head on the wall "I don't like Bill...I don't like him...who am I am kidding of course I do! Just look at him! He's good looking and he's so much cooler then anyone I know, he's cooler then Wendy! But him compared to me, I'm just lame and awkward" he continued to talk bad about himself and then I heard him punch the wall making me flinch, I never knew he could get so angry, it wasn't that big of deal, I heard the water shut off and I quickly walked back, I climbed up to my bunk and acted like I was there the whole time, Pinetree finally walked in his hair covering his eyes and still being slightly damp, "hey Pinetree, everything ok?" He brushed the hair out of eyes and looked at me "what? Yeah everything is fine" he gave a nervous laugh and stared down at his hands, there was a awkward silence so I thought of an idea to talk about "hey how about we have party? We have the whole shack to ourselves for the entire weekend, maybe we can have a dance party with drinks we can make people play dangerous games and if the cops show up we run for it"

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