lazy day

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Bill's pov

"Fuck" I mumbled to myself, everything hurts so much. I stared at the bottom of the top bunk trying to get the motivation to get up but I couldn't, I'm so sore and tired, I feel weak, I hate feeling weak. My stomach still ached and my knuckles look swollen and my sides are killing me, I still don't have enough energy to heal myself, I don't even have energy to get up. I turn my head and look at Pinetree who is still sleeping, he to looks just as exhausted as I am, I want to kill Robbie so bad right now, he could have killed Pinetree and then I'd really have to kill him, I wouldn't kill him right away either, I'd torture him for however long I wanted, I know I can get really angry and go to when I literally crushed a guys skull for hurting Pinetree...I could have just broke his jaw or something, it doesn't matter anymore, he's gone and Pinetree is safe with me, no one can hurt him, no one can take him away from me. I held Pinetree's face with me hang and rubbed my thumb over his cheek, I'll always be here for you Pinetree, I'll make sure no one lays a hand on you again, I let out a deep breath and pulled Pinetree closer to me, he flinched in his sleep but then relaxed against me. I kissed his forehead pulled him closer to me. I closed my eyes and almost fell asleep again when I heard a soft knock on the door, "Bill? Dipper? Can I come in?" Shooting Star asked quietly, I looked at Pinetree then back at the door, I used my magic to open the door and Shooting Star stood there holding a tray with cups and food on it. She walked in slowly so she didn't drop the tray and sat it down on the table beside our bed "good morning Bill, did I wake you?" I shook my head "no, I've been awake for a while now" she only nodded and sat on the floor, "so um, I heard what happened with Robbie, I'm so sorry that happened to you guys, are you alright?" Shooting Star had a look of worry, "yeah I'm fine, I don't know about Pinetree though, he hasn't woken up yet" Shooting Star looked at Dipper and back to me "well I was thinking, maybe if you guys are up for it, we could have a lazy day, we could hang out in the living room and binge watch some shows, you and Dipper don't even have to get up, I'll make the snacks and drinks" Shooting Star had a bright smile on her face, I smiled back "yeah that sounds fun, I'll talk to Pinetree about it" just as I said that Pinetree moved a bit and looked up at me "speak of the devil" I chuckled "hm? Oh good morning Mabel" Pinetree smiled tiredly "good morning Bro Bro, how are you feeling?" Pinetree shrugs "I'm feeling ok I guess, my throat is still a little sore but other than that I'm ok" Shooting Star nodded and sighed in relief "ok so" Shooting Star clapped her hands together "Bill and I are planning on having a lazy day and binge watch anything and have snacks and to join us?" Pinetree nodded "sure, sounds fun" Shooting Star stood up excitedly "yay! Ok I'll get the snacks and drinks made, you guys go out figure out how you want our fort made and pick out a show or a movie" we both nodded and she happily ran out of the room, Pinetree turned back and looked at me before smiling one of my favorite smiles, "so you're feeling better now?" I still hurt, my sides are still killing me, my knuckles are swollen, but I didn't wanna tell him that, I don't want him to worry, I don't want him to take me to the hospital...but I don't want to lie to him either...we made a promise...but one little lie won't hurt right? It doesn't matter it's not a big deal why am I over thinking something so silly? I'll just say I'm perfectly fine. "Bill?" I shook my head as if to clear my thoughts and smiled "hm?" I asked running my hands through his hair, he looked like if he closed his eyes he'd fall right back to sleep, but he took my hands and held them, "I said are you feeling better?" I nodded "I'm feeling great! A lot better than yesterday" Pinetree didn't look like be believed me, "you're lying" I looked at him surprised "how did you- I mean, what are you talking about?" Pinetree sighed "you're eyes glow brighter when you lie" now I'm confused "no they don't" "yes they do, I've noticed that whenever you're lying or when you're really nervous" he explained, "ok fine...I'm still in a lot of pain" Pinetree's serious look softened, and so did his voice. "Bill why didn't you just say that?" I shrugged "I just didn't want you to worry" he hugged me but not as tight as he normally does so he doesn't hurt me, "it's my job to worry about you, it's my job to take care of you whether you like it or not, do you have the energy to heal yourself?" "And be honest" he added, so I was "no, no I don't, I'm still so tired and I'm so sore and everything hurts" Pinetree leaned in close to me and kissed me before getting up and stretching,"Bill if you don't feel good then we can stay in here" I shook my head "no it's ok, I should be able to heal myself tomorrow and I already told Shooting Star we would participate with whatever she wants to do" Pinetree looked as if he wanted to say something else but kept quiet, "if you say so"
He gave me another look before walking out of the room.
I stretched at got up, I didn't bother getting dressed, it's a lazy day after all, I grabbed the Pillows and Blankets off our bed and carried them to the living room where Shooting Star was already setting up the fort, "ok so I got the chairs set up just how I want them so all three of us can be in it, now I think you and Bill can handle the rest while I get the snacks made right?" Shooting Star asked smiling, Pinetree nodded "yeah we got this" Shooting Star nodded before running pass me.
I walked over to Pinetree with my as full of blankets and pillows, "here let me get that" and Pinetree took the biggest blanket I had and threw it over the chairs as the roof, then he grabbed some of the smaller blankets and used them as the floor of the fort. After Pinetree finished with the blankets, I set up the pillows and and made a spot for all the snacks and drinks to go. A few minutes later the fort was completed and it was definite bigger then the fort we made last time. "Looks pretty good don't it" Pinetree smiled, I nodded and smiled back "yeah, I think is the best fort we've made yet" Pinetree nodded in agreement "I wonder what Mabel is planning on doing for snacks and drinks, I hope she doesn't make anymore of her 'Mabel Juice'" Pinetree said making quotations with his fingers" I chuckled "come on it's not that bad" "not that bad? Not that bad! It's just like how Grunkle Stan described it, it's like coffee and nightmares had a baby" I laughed "a bit dramatic don't you think" I asked slightly tilting my head, Pinetree crossed his over is chest, "nope, not at all" he said smirking, I love his smirk, it's so hot, I'd take him on right now, I'd love to make him scream my name
"Bill?" I blinked "huh?" Pinetree waved his hand in front of my face "you spaced out there for a second, are you alright?" I could feel the blush in my cheeks, I put on a smile "oh yeah sorry, just thinking" "about what" I froze "uh, um...about how you um" come on don't be an idiot think of something "I was thinking a out how great you look with you messy hair" I chuckled nervously, he stared at me clearly not convinced "thank you? I guess" I nodded "yeah you look pretty good" ok that's to much "are you sure you're feeling ok?" I nodded, I also tried to think of something to change the subject...aha! I got it "so have you talked to Shooting Star about turning into demons?" Pinetree's eyes went wide "shit, I forgot all about it" I frowned but quickly spoke again "are you...are you having second thoughts?" I felt disappointed but I don't care how I feel, if Pinetree doesn't want to do this then I'm not gonna force him to, Pinetree quickly shook his head "no no not at all! It's just" he paused and started rubbing his arm "it's just, what if Mabel doesn't want to, what if she gets mad?" Pinetree seemed really worried "what if when I...when I become a demon...what if she wants nothing to do with me, what if she hates me, I can't live with Mabel being angry with me" Pinetree started digging his nails into his arms, I was about to stop him but then Shooting Star walked in "be angry at you for what?" She asked causing Pinetree to turn around with a jump "uh, uh nothing" he waved his hands to dismiss the subject "uh uh nothing" Shooting Star mocked "come on bro what's wrong" Pinetree fake smiled "well I'm gonna be honest" Pinetree glanced at me then to Shooting Star "I um...I'm not a virgin anymore!" Shooting Star looked confused "yeah I know, I've heard you guys before" Pinetree's face turned red and his eyes were wide again "how can you- really?" Shooting Star nodded and laughed "anyways help me carry the snacks and drinks out here" Shooting Star said still laughing "no need, I can do it" I snapped my fingers and everything appeared on the little spot we made in the fort "Bill you weren't suppose to use your powers today" Pinetree said crossing his arms "oh, right, sorry" Pinetree sighed and shook his head "well, I think everything is set up, what should we watch?" Pinetree asked, Shooting Star sat thinking for a moment.
"How about the Conjuring? I heard they just made a new one" Shooting Star suggested excitedly "Mabel, you don't like horror movies" "yeah I thought you said everytime you watched one you had nightmares, don't you?" I asked, Shooting Star only shrugged "well, I'm not scared of them anymore" she said confidently "uh, sure, anyways I guess, the Conjuring it is...wait, you do know their based on true on a story right?" Pinetree added and Shooting Star's confidence seemed to fade. "Um, well it's fine I'm not scared" Shooting Star said sounding nervous. "Alright then, let's get settled" she said a bit to loudly changing the subject.

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