Just the two of us

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-Dippers POV-

When we got back from the diner Bill and I planned our little camping trip in our room "ok so I say we head out Thursday and stay till" Bill rubbed his chin "how about till Sunday?" I nodded "sounds good to me" I looked down at my shoes thinking of what to do and what to bring, then a thought came to mind and I looked up and smiled "what?" Bill asked raising a brow "what about that chicken? Can we catch one?" Bill chuckled and took my hand in his "Pinetree why don't we just get one from the store? It would be easier and would take less time" I sighed as he brushed his thumb against my knuckles "ok I guess it would be quicker...can we get a hamster?" Bill looked at me and laughed "where did that come from? Your so random" I smiled "I don't know, actually I want a boyfriend that isn't crazy" he elbowed me in the side "you should ask for something more realistic like uh, I don't know how about a unicorn mixed with a lion mixed with a squirrel" I laughed "and you say I'm random" Bill sat up and stretched "how about we get ready" I glanced up in confusion "get ready for what?" He looked back at me "for our trip of course" I tilted my head "but we aren't leaving till Thursday and it's only Sunday" Bill only shrugged "Just thought we could get it out of the way" I nodded again "understandable" I got up stretched and walked over to our dresser and got out some clothes, I got a few T-shirts and a couple pairs of jeans and shorts then my favorite hoodie that had Bills triangle form on the front and a Pinetree in the back, but I packed an extra hoodie just in case, I put everything in my back pack and zipped it up "there I have my stuff together" I turned to look at Bill but he wasn't there "Bill?" I scanned the room but couldn't see him "Bill where did you go?" I shrugged, he must have went to the bathroom or something I turned around to set my bag on the floor next to our bed, when I turned around I hit my face "ow, what the?" I looked up to see Bill was grinning "hey" he said with half lidded eyes "you scared me" I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding "I know, your cute when your scared you know that?" I pushed passed him "go to hell" I said to him setting my bag down "I've been there actually and I found it quite nice thank you" I rolled my eyes "your so dumb" I turned to him folding my arms in in front of me and he shook his head "I think I'm pretty smart" "being a smart ass doesn't count as being smart" he put his hands on his hip and shifted his weight to his right leg "I'm smarter then anyone in the millions of universes" he smiled his proud smiled "yeah right I'm sure there's someone smarter then you" "nuh uh I'm the smartest, and also I have my all knowing eye" he pointed to his forehead "what?" "My all knowing eye, I am the all knowing demon after all" "oh, but you pointed to your forehead so do you actually have three visible eyes but make the third one not visible by hiding it under your bangs?" He lifted his bangs "no but I made it like a birthmark so you would stop feeling so embarrassed about yours" I looked down feeling bad now "you didn't have to do that" I sat down on my bed keeping my gaze on the floor, I felt a slight dip on the bed as Bill sat down next me, he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer to him "I'd do anything for you Pinetree" he kissed my forehead and I glanced up at him before looking down quickly "but what if you get made fun of for it?" I asked quietly "I haven't been made fun of yet, and I've been here for almost like weeks, well it's not a really long time but for the few weeks I've been here no one noticed it" he chuckled "not even you" I lifted my eyes to him again and sighed "sorry" he sighed "I'm kidding, I keep it hidden most the time anyway, and do you have to apologize for everything?" I nodded "yes" he pulled me onto the bed more and sat me in front of him "well you shouldn't, you apologize for things you didn't do all the time and always apologize for other people's mistakes, which I've noticed a while ago, I just didn't wanna say anything and hurt your feelings but you really got to learn how to stick up for yourself and be tougher and stop apologize for everything" I stared down at my lap trying to keep from making eye contact "I'm sorry" I said without thinking, Bill groaned "you did it again" "sorry" I said again "again...you just did it again" I was gonna apologize again but Bill quickly covered my mouth with his hand "don't, please Pinetree you really need to work on that" he kept his hand over my mouth as he talked telling me I'm to nice and I need to be more like him or at least not be so nice and all, I know I'm to nice, he's like a bad boy while I'm just a nerd, I don't even know how he deals with me, maybe he doesn't actually care about me, maybe he'll figure out I'm not good enough for him, I'm a bit dramatic I admit it, I'm to weak, I overreact to much, I don't want Bill to think I'm to weak or to much of a baby for him.
I realize he's still talking and his hand is still over my mouth "there's nothing wrong with you Pinetree your perfect in my eyes, I'm just saying that I could help you be less nice" I rolled my eyes and licked his hand, he quickly pulled it away "did you just lick my hand?" He wiped his hand on his shirt and glared at me "well maybe you should have removed your hand sooner" he stared at me which made me uncomfortable, I felt like he was staring right into my soul, he was seeing every one of my flaws, everything I'm insecure of, everything I disliked about myself, maybe he's rethinking of being with me, what if he is, what if he leaves, what if he thinks I'm to ugly or to soft to be with him, I felt my heart start racing as if I ran a whole mile, my hands started to get sweaty, I hate that, I felt a lump in throat and my lungs felt as if they just stopped working, there I go being dramatic again, why am I like this, why can't I be normal, Bill for sure is going to leave me. Thoughts were racing through my head as Bill continued to stare, but my thoughts were interrupted when he leaned closer so our faces were only an inch away from each other, he put his hand on my cheek "Bill? What are you" he interrupted me and kissed me gently, I never took him as a gentle type, it took me a second to process what was happening, but my body seemed to know cause my fingers were already tangled in Bills hair, he pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms around my waist, then he pulled me onto his lap resting one hand on my waist and the other on my back, one of my hands were tangled in his hair and my other was wrapped around his neck.
As much as I enjoyed this moment I was still freaking out in my mind, what if I was gonna mess something up? Or what if I'm not doing it right? What if this was his way of seeing if actually wanted to be with me and I'm messing it up right now? Wait that makes no sense, I'm just overthinking, but what if I'm a bad kisser? I've never kissed anyone before, this is my first kiss so I can't be good, my thought were interrupted by quick flash of light and a snap like sound, Bill and I quickly turned our heads to see Mabel giggling "Mabel?!" I quickly got off of Bill and hurried off the bed fixing my shirt and standing up straight "I never miss a scrapbookatunity remember?"she asked still giggling, I looked over to Bill and he was smiling "Bill? Did you know she was there the whole time?" He nodded "yep" my eyes widened "really? And you didn't tell me?" He laughed "if I said anything it would ruin the moment" I glared at both of them "I hate you all, and I'm taking a shower" I went to walk away but Bill tugged my arm "you just had one" I took his hand off of me "then I'm going for a walk" Bill stood up "I'll come to" Mabel walked in still smiling "so I came in here to tell you guys that I have a surprise for you both" I raised a brow "what is it?" She crossed her arms "if I told you it wouldn't be much of a surprise, now would it?" I huffed "I hate surprises" Mabel shook her head "no you don't, you just don't like them when they are for you" I nodded "true, when will we get them?" "Well their kind of being made right now, I had to make the design and writing on them, so my guess is that they won't be here till maybe Sunday or Monday" "great that's when we'll be getting back here" Bill said holding my hand "where are you two going?" Mabel asked "just a little camping trip, we're leaving Thursday and coming back Sunday" Bill replied and Mabel nodded "well I hope you guys have fun, I also think you'll really like your surprise" I smiled and hugged Mabel "I think we will" I let go and she smiled and walked over to Bill "what are y-" Mabel interrupted him and hugged, he froze but hugged her back "now" she said and clutched Bill's arms and pinned them to his side and got really close to his face and made her face serious "if anything happens to him while you guys are gone I will kill you, or worse, never ever talk to you again" how could that be worse then death? I thought, then Mabel let go of him and smiled "see you guys later, oh also Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford are back" I nodded again and she walked out "she really cares about you huh?" I looked over to Bill and smiled "of course, we have been through everything together and we're always by each others side, we always look out for each other to, if anything happened to her I'd go insane and I'm sure it would be the same if something happened to me, plus we're the Mystery Twins, we are always together" Bill looked down with a sad expression "what's wrong?" I asked taking his hand, he sighed "I wish I could take back everything I did in the past, I almost killed you guys, I almost ended the whole world and you guys forgave me so easily, I didn't wanna trust you guys at first for forgiving me, you guys helped with so much since I've been human, I thought I'd get killed by sixer again or tortured and kept in the basement for experiments or something, but instead I was taken for some tests and I was taught things I thought I already knew, I'm the all seeing and the all knowing demon and I barely knew anything about meatsacks or well humans, but you guys still helped me through everything after all I've done" I frowned "listen Bill, what you did was bad, but look at you, you learned from your mistakes and you've changed, your a bad boy now, which I think is cool, you like parties and drinks and all that cool stuff, but your also nice and helpful and amazing, and I know that sounds cringe but I'm being honest with you, and also we are all fine! Look at me, I'm happy and I'm still the same as I was when I was twelve, except now I worry about everything a little more, I always think about how to much of nice guy I am and I always fear I'm messing things up or you'll see that I'm not good enough for you, and Mabel, well Mabel is herself, she still makes silly faces and loves her sweaters and she still makes art out of macaroni, until Waddles eats it, but she's still being silly all the time, Grunkle Ford is still the crazy scientist thing he's always been, and Grunkle Stan is...well Stan, but the point is that we're all ok and happy to have you here, the things you did are in the past and the past is behind us, and now your a better person demon dorito thing, we can't undo what has happened but the best to do is to forgive and forget" I smiled at him and saw a tear fall from his eye, I wiped it away with my thumb and hugged him "everything is ok, you big baby" I said quietly and he wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled his face into my hair "Pinetree?" "Hm?" "Why do you think your not good enough for me?" Oops I forgot I said that "uh well it doesn't matter" I waved my hand to dismiss the subject, Bill pulled me away from him "Pinetree tell me why you think that way" I shook my head "it was just a slip of the tongue" he frowned at me and walked me to the bed "I tell you everything about me and my problems but you always keep things to yourself, you never tell me anything" I sigh "I don't tell you things because...well because I feel like I'd annoy you, I feel like it's not important, I feel like if I tell you everything you will think I'm weak, you the most powerful demon in all the millions of universes and I'm just...me, I'm just plain and weak and useless, I'm not good for anything I'm just a waist of time and probably a pain in the ass" I sighed "I constantly worry that every time you look and stare at me you see everything that's wrong with me, and everyday I feel like it will be the day you finally realize I'm not good enough for you" I could feel my eyes start to water but I blinked them away "there...now that you know why keep things from you...please don't think to differently about me, please don't see me as a crybaby" I didn't wanna wait to hear what he says, "sorry I gotta run to...uh the woods I left my journal back there, bye!" so with that I ran out as fast as my legs would go and ran into the woods but I wish I didn't, of course I couldn't just sit there and face him like a man I just had to be wimp and run away, great way to show him how weak and helpless I am.
I kept running till the shack was out of view and sat on ground leaning again a tree with my legs up to my chest and my head hiding in my knees, warms tears were slowly going down my cheeks, I wish I wasn't like this, if I was Bill I definitely would have left as soon as I could, I cried quietly into my knees with my hands resting over my head, I wish I wasn't such a crybaby especially in front of him, I felt arms being wrapped around me and my head shot up, my vision was blurry from crying but once my eyes adjusted I saw Bill "Bill? Why are you here?" I sniffed wiping my nose when he let go of me "Pinetree I need you to know something" I blinked in confusion and tilted my head "Pinetree you are the best thing that's ever happened to me, I want you to know that you can tell me anything, I like hearing you go on about your day, I love when you tell me things, but it hurts me when you keep things from me, it make me feel like you don't trust me, and stop saying your weak, your the strongest person I know, your also the smartest and the bravest, quit telling yourself that your not good enough, I will never leave you, ever, be more positive about yourself because your perfect and your not annoying, I'll never lie to you and I'll never keep secrets from you, do you trust me?" I looked down "look at me" he said in a serious tone so I looked up "do you trust me?" I nodded "no more keeping secrets from me and always talk to me about everything and anything, and always be honest with me, promise" I sighed "promise" I said quietly and gave him a small smile.

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