~Chapter 1 ~

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~~Almost half a year after 'The Avengers'¨~~

'..... cause I'm back in black...'
You are sitting at your desk, looking out of the window. Back in Black it's playing in the background. You have the best view I the whole tower. You can look out over New York City, over all the buildings and if you focus enough you can see down to the street. Where all the people are.

You can't really leave the tower, some of your dads rules. He's rules are the most annoying thing you know. It might look like you have all you could ever want. You have the entire seventh floor to yourself, that means your on bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and living room. It's a lot, but the only one who come to visit your dad. Only your dad, no one else. No one is aloud on the seventh floor, NO ONE, and that's another one of the stupid rules.

A couple minutes later, just when you are in the middle of your thoughts two black cars pull up in front of the tower. It no surprise that it is Natasha and Clint who got out of the car, but they were not alone, there is a third person. You haven't seen him before, maybe he was a new avenger or maybe he was a friend. Okay, he was probably not a friend. You kept a close eye on him until you couldn't see him anymore. It felt like you knew him, like he was some kind of old friend, but it was hard to see his face from the seventh floor. the olny thing you could see was his dark hair. But you chose to leave it at that, because it was time to start your plan.

You felt quite smart when you 'accidentally' left your laptop down on the 2nd floor. where they held all their meetings. You just couldn't handle it anymore, you lived in the same tower and yet they had no idea that you existed. You already knew quite a bit about Nat, Steve, Bruce and of course Tony, but not about Clint or Thor. So you felt like it's going to work out just fine.


(Tony's pov)

"WHAT!!" "Come down Stark..." " We are NOT taking Reindeer games home with us" He looks over at Thor who came back to earth one month ago to take Loki home to Asgard. " He didn't come all the way from Asgard to find out that Reindeer games is staying here, in the Avenger Tower." He points over at Thor. "No, i think it would be a good idea" "No one asked you Point Break" " Good, then it's decided, he comes home with you" And then Fury just walks away. "Tony, he can be the basement" Nat sounds really calm. Tony looks at her. " Okay..."


(y/n's pov)

You can't really hear when they have a meeting, so you just try your best and guess, but it did not go as well as planned. When you come down to the 2nd floor, is there no one, not a single soul to see. "Oh sh*t, the meeting has already started" you are taking to yourself, but you are not the only one who hears it.

" Tony, we have a unknow girl on the 2nd floor"

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