~Chapter 7~

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(Loki's pov)

"Okay, but if you do anything to her, I will kill you!" Tony looks Loki in the eyes while taking a key up from he's pocket, as Tony takes the handcuffs off they fall to the floor. the sound of metal hitting the floor brings a smile to his face, he could feel the magic that handcuffs had shut out, coming back as it hissed through his hands and into him, like a flame being lit again.

"I won't hurt her."

He walks quietly to y/n, with his long legs it is only a few steps. As he walks past Bruce and Nat he sees them step back. They still feared him. When he gets to the bed, he looks down at her. Her heart was beating slowly in her chest, her blue lips was a little open so she could breathe properly. Her beautiful hair that lay around her face, she looked peaceful with her eyes closed.

He sits down on the bed, almost right next to her arm. As he rests his hand on her chest Tony goes one step closer. Loki looks up at him with a smile on his thin lips. "I'm not going to do anything" then he looks back at y/n. He focuses on her then he closes his eyes. A blue ray of light comes out of his hand and into her chest. When he moves his hand Tony quickly comes over to her. The heart monitor starts to go faster, and her breathing becomes more desperate.

Bruce looks at Loki in surprise, not that he notices it, right now his focus is only on y/n. He is first torn out of his thoughts when Tony gives him the handcuffs on again. Tony looks up at Thor. "take him down to the basement again" even though Thor protests and says that Loki helped y/n, then he was allowed to be there when she woke up, it still ended up that he was escorted down to the basement.

"Thank you brother." He looks down at Loki. "I know you saw something in her and thats why you helped."

"Thor, I just did it to help and even if I did see something in her, then she still afraid of me" Loki looks down with a sad face. "I will tell her what u did"


(y/n's pov)

It felt like you have been in the dark forever, just falling. Nothing to see, nothing to hear, only darknees. It still felt like someone was pulling you down, down into the darkness. Several times you had tried to scream but no sound came out when you opened your mouth. but then there was something grabbing you from the other side, trying to pull you up, up towards the light, it was blue. A blue glow. It was like a hand, a hand that grabbed you but it was nice, peaceful, it felt like the blue light liked you and only wanted you the best.

"y/n can you hear me?" Someone talked to you, first came the sound then the picture. Tony ?? I thought he had given up on me, I thought I had ruined everything when I shouted at him. You lift your hand up in front of your eyes, why is the light always so bright. "Bruce, she's awake" Bruce ?? Was he here too, the last thing you remember is Nat and Tony on their way over to you.

"Wh.. What happened?" You look up at your father, even though you can only see half of his face, because of the light, you could still see all his joy.

"Listen to my voice y/n. Stay with us." He could see that the light irritated you, so he made Nat remove it. With a tired and exhausted voice you answer him." I have nowhere to go " He smiles at you.

After a few more tests and explanations, you find out that it was actually Loki who helped you. When Thor told you that you were surprised, did he like you? No, he probably just wanted to prove he had changed. Tony was not so happy either when Thor told you, he would rather keep his daughter as far away from Loki as possible.

When Bruce comes out of the lab, he looks relieved. Does that mean I was okay? Before you could even think about it, he said it. "I have good news." he says it with an overwhelming joy in his voice. He could certainly bring joy to all. "Y/n is totally okay, she just needs to relax" Next to you you can hear Tony breathing relieved. Steve looks at Bruce "but why did she faint?" "Her body could not cope with the fact that the temperature changed so quickly, because it is such that when cold blood cells ..." Nat interrupts him quickly. "We understand that Bruce"

"Y/n, you just need to relax" you felt such a relieved when you heard it.

"Thank you Bruce"

The god of mischief: Loki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now