~Chapter 13~

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The days go by, however, each day is better than the other. Bruce and Clint have kept a little distance from you, you take it as if they have no idea how to help you.

Thor, Tony and Steve have been right in between helping a lot and staying away You can clearly remember the first day where both Steve and Tony were by your side all the time, they helped if you just needed the smallest thing. The next couple of days they kept a little more distance, you obviously liked that they helped but it became too much sometimes.

It was first when Tony and Steve started to stay a little away, Thor came to help. Thor didn't help in the way Tony or Steve did. He just came by to say 'hi' or to give you a book to read. Everytime he came by knocking on your door to say 'Hi' he always asked if you wanted him to stay or if he sould get you something. Your answer were always 'No', sometime you wanted him to stay but you could see on his face that his mind already were with someone else, maybe Loki.

Your theory was proven for the first time when he had been in your room to bring a book, and then seconds later after he left, he was in Loki's room. You could hear them talk, talk about you but you didn't want to think about Loki, not even is he wanted to apologize.

Nat was definitely the person who helped you the most, after the others had stopped being by your side the whole time she came. When she was there it was different, the others tried to talk to you about it tried to make you accept what had happened.

Nat was there just she took you down town, she was there when you read, when you cooked for yourself or the others she helped. She had only brought up the 'Loki topic' once, otherwise she was just there.

You havn't really seen much to Loki, he was mostly in he room probably reading a book about shakespeare. That is one thing you noticed when you were in his room, he always had a book about shakespeare in his hands.

However, you had sometimes heard him walk past your door, it was easy to figure out that it was him. The only ones who came up on the seventh floor were Nat, Thor also you and Loki because you had rooms there. Nat didn't go to passed your door, so it couldn't be her and Thor's steps was not the most quiet steps.

So it could only be Loki. His steps be quiet and careful, sometimes you could also hear him stop outside in front of your door, hear his insecure breathing, hear how he was so close to knocking on your door every time and tell you that he was sorry that he could not keep walking past your door and being hit by regrets, but it never happened.


"So what's for dinner?"

You and Nat look over at Steve standing in the door. You and Nat are cooking food for the team, they were out on some kind of 'mission'. You didn't know it you could call it a mission, Tony said that they were just over at S.H.I.E.L.D to get something. Nat had stayed at the tower to help you cook.

"Oh come on Rogers, you can't smell homemade burgers" She knew very well that he could smell it, the smell of burger was throughout the kitchen.

"I can smell burgers" Clint enter the room with a box under his left arm. You laugh a little when you see Nat looking over at Steve with a 'mad' look in her eyes. "at least there is someone who can smell it."

Then she looks over at Clint with a smile, you see that Clint look Nat in the eyes, then at the door, then at Nat again. If you did not know better, you would have thought he signaled to her that he would like to talk to her. Wait, is he actually signaling anything?

Nat and Clint walks out of the kicthen talking about something. You look over at Steve, who is looking at the door.

"What was that about?" He looks back at you when he hear you voice.

"I have no idea.."

He goes over to the table and sits down, now look at you cooking. You knew that he was a little hurt, that him and Nat had something.

"Jarvis, tell everyone that dinner is nearly ready."

"Yes, Miss y/n"


Some time later, they were all on their way to the kitchen. Steve was already sitting at the table, Thor was over in the kitchen to try to taste the food, even if you kept telling him he had to wait like the others, but he kept coming back.

Nat and Clint were still talking about something, the only thing you noticed was that when Clint came back to the kitchen the box he had was gone and Nat came a few minutes later, she had probably got the box.

Tony and Bruce said that they would be a little delayed, they had to fix something down in the lab. While you waited for them, Nat helped you carry the food to the table. As soon as the food hits the table, Thor is already over it, you laugh a little, then you look over at Steve and Clint who look completely surprised.

"just take for yourselves" You make a hand movement over towards the food. That was the only thing they needed to hear before they threw themselves on the food like wild animals.

"Okay, I have a great idea" Tony and Bruce come in at the door. You turn your head away from the others and look at Tony.

"We are going to have a party.." when he gets a doubtful from Steve, he looks back at him with a convincing look. "...it can be little one"

You look at him. "When?"

"This Friday"
Okay, I just realised (I been thinking about it for sometime) that the tower has many floors...


Geezz was I on drugs or something??

The god of mischief: Loki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now