~Chapter 2~

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You turn around. "oh no" in front of you stands a tall man, even though he didn't have his suit on he looked good, the white shirt was just a bit too tight but you couldn't say that it didn't look good on him. You have no idea what to do, you were just starting at him, you were looking at Captain America himself. "hey, it's so nic... good to meet you" " you know who i am?" He looks a little confused " yeah, i know a lot about..."

"Y/N, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Tony is almost running towards you. You could tell that he was mad.

"What is going on here?" Nat, Bruce and Clint comes out of the elevator. Nat looks at you, then at Tony. "Who is that?" "That is just.." You interrupts him " I'm his daughter" You sounds like it's the most exciting thing in the whole world. "She is your what?" Tony looks over at Steve, he looks like the idea that tony has a child is impossible. "Yes, i have a daughter"

"When did you get a child?" Nat looks a little hurt but at the same time it seems as if she does not care at all. " 18 years ago.." Then it became quiet, far too quiet. not in a nice way more an uncomfortable way where you want to say something but you can't. "Tony, 18 years it's a long time" Everyone looks over at Bruce, it's was the first time he said anything. He sounded really hurt. Clint is standing next to him, they are just in front of the elevator, they both look like they want to turn around and leave.

"What happened 18 years ago? And who is that?" You look down the hall, a tall blond man points at you. He's voice was deep but sweet, you look up at him" I'm Y/n" "Well, it's good to meet you lady Y/n" He looks down at you with at smile. "I'm Thor, God of Thunder" "I know" He looks at you confused, oh I said that way to quick. "Thor, this is my daughter" Thor looks at Tony, then at you, then at Tony, then at you again.

"Well, I just came to say that he's down in the basement now." He is talking to Tony but he is looking at you. "Good, then he will stay there." Tony starts walking towards the meeting room. "Who is that?" Tony turns around "Who?" "The one in the basement?" Tony looks at you with a weird look on he's face. Then he looks at Nat, like some kind of help. "Oh you mean L ......" Tony interrupts her. "....it was just one of the bad guys." "I've already figured that out" You sound mad now. He looks away. "Seriously dad, why do you hide everything from me?" He is about to say something but then he stops himself, turns around and walks away.

You look back at the others, Nat is the first one to say something. "I'm Nat" She reaches out her hand to you so you take it and greet her, everything else would have been rude. I mean she the BLACK WIDOW. You look over at Steve "you probably already know my name "" I know all your names "you say as you look down at the floor. "So Y/n were do you live?" You look over at Clint "Oh mmmmmhhhh I... live on the.... seventh floor..." Both Steve and Nat looks kinda shocked. "You lives on the seventh floor in this building" Bruce sounds shocked. "Yeah" It seems like they're all a little shocked, besides Thor he's just looking at you. "so lady y/n do you want to join us for lunch" it may be that he doesn't look shocked or insecure but he sounds like it.

"I can't" Clint looks at Nat. "yeah I can't either"


It ends up being just you, Thor and Steve. Thor likes that you are new here, so he uses all the time to tell you about all his matches in Asgard. As Thor starts on his fifth story, Steve gets up "I will go up and check on Tony" when he sees that Thor is not listening he looks at you. You nod your head. You are not really listening to thors story now that you know the avengers the only thing running through your head is the guy with dark hair.

"....and then my brother took..." You look at him "Wait, Thor you have a brother?" "Well, yeah" "Oh tell me about him please" "As you want lady y/n, he's..." The door to the kitchen opens quickly, Steve comes in, "Thor we are going to SHIELD now, fury needs help with something" Thor is looking at you "I promise to tell you the story another time" then he gets up with a smile and walks out the door. Steve looks at you with a smile "See you later and remember to take the sandwich out of the oven" It looks like he is very serious. "Yes, I will remember that" You sound very serious when you say it but you can not say the same about your face. You have a big smile on your lips. He smiles back at you, then he leaves. "Byyyyeee Steve"

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