~Chapter 11~

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"No,no,no it's too blue in it. This one, it's nice.."

"Nat, it's the fifth dress I're trying on today"

You turn around and look at Nat holding a black dress, from the length you guess it goes down to your knees. "oh, come on. I promise it's the last one you should try" You go with quick steps and take the dress in your hand and go in to the bathroom to try it on. When you come out, you are standing in the black dress. You slowly walk over to the mirror, it's perfect. It has lace over the shoulder but it is still not too classy, ​​it lies perfectly between casual, normal and nice, classy. You trun around and look at Nat with a big smile on your face. When you see that she is holding a gold necklace in her hand your smile gets bigger, it was so beautiful. She sees that your eyes are on the necklace.

"It's for you"

You look at her eyes, was she joking? She looked totally seriously. It only dawns on you that it is actually for you, as she puts it around your neck. She was so sweet, standing there in her dark red dress, with updo hair. you had not seen her like that before, usually it was a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and a leather jacket. She stands next to you.

"We looks like princesses.."

She looks at you with a surprised smile. "Yeah, really bad ass princesses"


You knock on the door to Loki's room. "Loki, the party started half an hour ago. Why haven't you come down yet?" The door slowly opens, you look up at Loki. He was in his normal God clothes but of course with out the golden helmet. Your clothing almost matched each others, you in a black dress, a gold necklace and earrings and him in his black pants, shirt and jacket and of course with a green and gold details. It looks like he also noticed it to.

"You look....beautiful"

You see his face lighten up when you say thanks, it was either the fact that someone thanked him for something, like he hasn't heard that simple little word in a long time, or he just missed hearing your fragile, soft voice, he could probably hear the uncertainty that was in your voice.

You look behind him, his room was like the one he had down in the basment, just a little bigger and brighter. Even though it was a little room it matched his, like he didn't need more, like he was fine with the space he had.

While your eyes go over the room, they end up on the bed. A black suit was laying on the end of the bed.

"Y/n I'm not gonna come to the party, it's not my thing"

You look back at him, trying to catch his eyes with yours, but they look out the window. Why did he not want to join the party, what was wrong. You try to protest and force him but the door closes.


When you come down to the party, the most of the people were either dancing or drinking and it did not come to you as a surprise when you saw Tony taking shots at the bar. What did surprise you were Clint, he was back from somewhere, he was talking to Bruce. Poor Clint he had no idea that Bruce also where trying to find out where he had spent his time.

You look around to see if you could find the others, only to find out that Stve and Thor where with your dad. Luckly your dad where still the only one taking shots but it did look like he where trying to make Steve take some. Thor where talking to someone, most of them girls, from his arm effects it looked like he was telling one of his many stories.

You look back at Clint and Bruce, except that Bruce was on his way up to Tony and Nat was sitting with Clint. It looked like they were having fun, Bruce and Tony looked disappointed when they got to them.

"Arghh, look who we have here"

Thor's deep and loud voice made everyone within 10 meters to look at you. Thor wraps his arms tightly around you and pulls you towards the others. When Tony sees you he gets up quickly, to quickly he almost fall over his own feets. After saying 'Hi' to all of the people sitting at the table, you learn two new names. Maria Hill and Nick fury.


It getting late now and everyone except the avengers, you and Maria has left. The musik was still playing in the backgrund. You were still sad that Loki had chosen not to come and it did not help that Nat was now drunk, she kept telling the others about you and Loki and about how well you fit together. luckily they were all too drunk to have an opinion on it, besides Tony of course he was in the process of laying out a whole plan on how to stop it. Steve was not drunk for good reasons, so his mission was to stop Tony from completing his plan.

And because that was not enough, Thor was also drunk. He had chosen to bring some alcohol from Asgard. After popping three whole bottles of Asgard's alcohol, one of his choices was to score you. So after a little time of hearing Nat telling about you and Loki he came over and sat beside you.

"Y/n, you would be so much happier with me. I mean I'm the God of thunder, what can my brother give you that I can not?"

Without knowing that a person just entered the room, you chooses to play on it. now when you were not allowed to drink because you were only nineteen, you chose that a little fun you could then get out of it.

"Oh Thor..."

You slowly let your fingers over his arm.

"... I only wanted you"

His face was priceless, he should have almost won an award for it. Nat was the first one to laught, in the end, Thor and you was the only one who did not laugh. Of course you had to play the game to the very end.

"Guys, stop laughing. Thor and me would be the best couple ever!!"

You look at them with a 'mad' face. The laughter first stopped when something fell to the floor. And in the next second everyone looked at a tall figure on his way out the door. Sh*t Loki! You got up quickly and ran after him.


if you forgot it is today the 04-04-21




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The god of mischief: Loki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now