~Chapter 12~

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Your voice was full of emotion, mostly sadness but also confusion and regret. As you come out of the room you see the elevator doors close. You press the button quickly and aggressively. "Come on" even if you try to say it clearly it will still only be sounds coming out of your mouth. You hammer your hands against the door.

You collapse on the floor right in front of the elevator. You can feel the cold door against your back, feeling tears running down your cheek.


The elevator doors open behind you, you almost fell inside of the elevator. When you are inside the doors close again. Your legs are to tried to stand up and your neck to tried to hold you head. Feeling your legs slow ly give up on you, you sid down on the floor and just like the door, the floor are also cold. The music playing in the back are not helping, the only thing helping is when the doors open.

You don't realise how fast you are wlking, you just saw the elevator door open and the next thing you know you are standing in front of Loki's door.


You shout with a voice you could not quite explain, it was a voice full of pain and remorse but it did not sound like that, in everyone else's ear it was a serious voice. You knock aggressively your hands on the door. For every secondt he dosn't open the door, you can feel the tears.

"Loki, plea-"

Your voice cracked, you could not get more words out. You let your head rest against the door and let your hands fall down along your side.

With tears running down your cheeks and red eyes you look down at the handle. You drop your hand on it, of course the door was locked. You would not give up so easily, you had to see him, had to talk to him. Those were the only things you wanted right now, you wanted to tell him you were his forever, tell him you were sorry.

You walk away from the door, you could kick it in. You lift your foot and kick the door in. Although the door was made of wood, it is fixed. It makes a sound when your foot lands on it, but does not open. You kick to it again and again, eventually it gives in and opens up, with marks of your shoe heel, hitting it up the wall.


You look over at Loki, he is sitting on his bed, with a book in his hands. You look at him, he does not seem to be sad in fact you could not see any emotions in his face at all. The only feeling you could feel was anger, it was in his voice.

"Loki, please we need to talk.."

"We have NOTHING to talk about y/n, go talk with Tho-" Even though he didn't show it, you could feel his emotions, it was like his voice was his emotions and the face couldn't show it.

"THOR! Thor was drunk, it was a joke. We don't have anything, Loki you are the one i want"

" Oh stop. That's bullshit and we both know it. We both know that...that what happened down there WASN'T A JOKE!!" He is now standing up and the book in on his floor. 

"You know what y/n, it's so typical, people only want to know me, until they can be with Thor. So go, go have fun with Thor, i'm not going to stop you and do you know why? Because whatever we had, is over!"

"Loki, that thing we had mean everything to me! Loki you are the only one i want to be with, not Thor." The tears were again on there way down over your cheek amd you voice was shaking and uncertain.

Without knowing what even happened, you were a few moments later standing in front of the closed door, still with tears in your eyes and a shaking voice. The felling of anger was close to taking over, close to kick the door in again to go over and hit him, making sure that he knew he had chosen the wrong way to go but you couldn't.

With unstable legs you walk towards your room, however, you had to lean on one of the walls. You felt like the time you fainted, as if the darkness was after you. The only difference was that there was no hole, no way out. The darkness was just there, it had no end. It was full of pain, regrets, insecurity and fear.

When you enter the room, you fall quietly off the wall, how could you be so stupid? As you sit there with your head down towards your knees, legs up under your arms and your back against the wall, you could feel time pass by. You had no idea how much time had passed, it could have been minutes or maybe hours but to be honest it didn't matter, it all just didn't matter, he was gone.

You had to live on without him, you had all the others, they were like a family and you were sure that Nat could help you get on, maybe she could get you out of the darkness.

The god of mischief: Loki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now