~Chapter 14~

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The days up to the party was very relaxed or the first few days were. But that's how life is, first it's nice and relaxed the next thing you know is a storm coming towards you with all sorts of things to do and fix. You're a Stark, so you're used to when he's out with The Avengers, doing some superhero task, it's your job to fix the things he just could not accomplish.

The first day aka monday. It was very relaxing, you spent almost the whole day in front of the TV with Nat and Steve and Clint was bought pizza for dinner.

The only thing bad about that day was that you had to listen to Steve and Bruce trying to convince Tony to hold a small party, he obviously wanted to invite everyone in SHIELD and some others. They ended up persuading him to invite only the closest and not all.


Tuesday was okay, even if you were a little busy.

You started the day off with freshly baked pancakes and a strawberry smootie, you had nothing to do the day and you did not want to sit in front of the tv a whole day more, so you end up taking Night down to town, she would like to go down and buy a cute dress that she had found online.

So why hadn't she just bought it online?

She had said something about them being sold out online, so you had to go down to the store to buy it. so after a couple hours of looking after a dress, you get a message from your dad.

Y/n, could you please come home to the tower. I need you to help me fix something.  Love, Dad

so long story short you got home and helped your dad, with Jarvis. Apparently Jarvis had got a virus or something and your dad would need help fixing it. I know, I know. Why couldn't he do it himself, he is like the smartest person ever.


Wednesday wasn't the best day either. Probably because it's spelled Wednesday like, who would do that. I mean why did they have to put a Wednes sound in it, couldn't day just have put 3 or 4 letters before day, not 6! And don't even get me started on Saturday...

Anyways, Steve kept coming over to you all the time and asked you a lot of questions about that party.

"Are you sure it's gonna be a small party?"

"Do you know who he has invited?"

"Can you ask Tony how many are coming?"

And just to be kind, you had to ask him. So you used your whole day runing from Steve, with a question, to Tony who probably didn't know the answer. There was like a 40% chance that he actually knew the answer.


Thursday was.... well, you can't really set felling on it. If you had to set a feeling on it, it would be 'surprised'.

It was around 1 pm and you were sitting in the living room reading on of your books. You were almost done with your book. The sun is shining through the window, one of the windows were open. While you were reading your book, you could hear someone enter the room.

Without letting your eyes leave the books pages, you could hear the steps coming towards you. Your thoughts were on who it was, the steps was quiet but they still made a sound when they touched the ground.

Before you could guess it the person sat beside you. You turned your head to see who it was.

"Loki?!" It left your mouth so quickly, so you didn't have a chance to think about it. A lot of thoughts were going though your head. What was he doing here? Sould I just leave? Sould I stay?

He turns his head your way, looking you in the eyes. You could see that his blue eyes, had a lot of feelings but he didn't say anything, his mouth were closed, he was just looking at you.

You got up from the couch and started walking towards the door, to be honest, you didn't really want to talk to him.


I know it wasn't a very long chapter, and I promise that the next one will be longer.

I just wanted the next part to be in one chapter soooo yeah...

Enjoy the rest of your day.

Enjoy the rest of your day

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