~Chapter 4~

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Bliing, the elevator doors opens. You do not quite notice it, in fact your thoughts are on the basement and who is down in it. "Are you coming?" Still not completely out of your thoughts you look at her "uhmm ... No .." Nat looks at you with a confused face, she opens her mouth to say something but is stopped by the elevator doors closing. Soon you discover that you are alone in the bright elevator, you can hear the elevator music playing in the background.

Just when you are about to push the little seven the elevator starts going down. "What?" "The elevator is going down" You look up at the ceiling while making a 'i know that' face. "Okay.." you sounds really nervous, even though you know everyone in the tower except him with the dark hair that came out of the car this morning, what if it's him ?! As soon as the doors open you look down at the floor, looking at the tiles, their colors and pattern. they are all colored in a blue hue, different shapes of squares.

"Look, i know you don't want to talk to me..." You look up, Tony?! Of all people and gods in the tower, it's your father. "Dad, can we talk about this at another time" you look him in the eyes, you can see that he is sad, Steve has probably said he should say sorry, he tries to smile but it turns into a sad smile. You are not smiling, on the other you look him dead in the eyes. "Just listen to m.."

"STOP, you have kept me a secret for 18 years, I have lived in the same house as you, yet you only spoke to me once a day. you have never once so much as mentioned my name to others, there is no one who knows I existed and for what, because the world is too dangerous. I AM 18 YEARS OLD, I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF !!!"

He opens his mouth but no sound comes out, his eyes start to get wet, Bliing the doors open, you look at him a simple tear runs down his cheek. "I'm ..." you start walking out of the elevator "I don't want to hear it"


After leaving the elevator your eye started to tear up. The things you said to your dad was playing over and over again. You just wanted to get to your room but because your dad was in the elevator you had to take the stairs. Luckily no one took the stairs that often, so your chances of meeting someone was low.

When you open the door to the stairs the smell of fresh new metal hits you. At first you didn't really notice it but it became more powerful for every step. The smell was long from the only thing you noticed. The light did not work well either, several of them was off. And the stairs was the worst, you used more and more power on every step.

When you finally enter your room, you where to tiered to stand. You felt like your whole world fell apart, like you had no where to go, no where to be. Looking around in your room you realised that your legs slowly was giving up on you. You look down, you see yourself falling to the floor.


You wake up on the floor, the exact same place you where when you fell. "No one came to check on me?" It felt like hours have passed. Did you really lay on your floor for hours, and no came to check? You look at your phone. 1:00 AM!! WHAT! They do really not care about me.

You try to get up, your head still hurts, you probably hit it when you fell. Standing up, you now try to walk to the door. You try to open it but because of the loud noise in your head, it took much longer than normally. When you finally open the door, you almost fall out of it. you're trying to stand up to the wall but you're too dizzy to be able to walk straight.

After some time walking into the walls and tripping over your feet's, you get to the stairs. This time you can't smell or see anything, you try to focus on holding on to the edge and on putting one foot in front of the other quietly. Even if you didn't t think about it you tried not to wake the others. Finally you get to the end of the stairs, luckily for you the light seemed to work down here but it was still very dim. Having more control over your body, you open the door.

"Why is it so cold in?" It was cold and dark, you grab the wall in a desperate attempt to find the light switch. as your finger touches the wall it feels like a cold is grabbing them. Metal. the wall is metal. While your fingers run over the wall to turn on the light you can feel the cold against your body, first your toes then legs, then your stomach. as if the cold has a purpose, to reach the head or to find a weak spot. There. The light switch, you press it gently. To you suprise is the light bright, it goes straight into the eyes, you look around, nothing, empty. Why did you not have to go down to the basement?

You look around, at the end of the room is there something that catches your eyes, a window, a door? Maybe it was nothing, but you had to look. On the way to the door you stop, a scent catches you. The smell of vanilla maybe, you could not quite figure it out but it got stonger the closer you got to the door. Now standing in front of the door, which was also made of metal, you look down. everything could be behind that door, but your dad said it was something bad. Then you grab the handle with a violent motion. It is open, not locked. You open it carefully, when you saw that there were no one you relaxed, it's just a room, a green, black and gold colored room. Wait what if it was a present. You chose to go, to leave the room, to not talk about it.

"Hello, love.."

The god of mischief: Loki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now