~Chapter 10~

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You wake up to the sound of something falling on the floor, the first thing you see when you open your eyes is the sunlight shining in through the window. You had fallen asleep on the chair with the book in your hand or it was lying on the floor now. You could not say that the chair was not soft, it was dark blue with fabric that felt like you were sitting in a double bed with lots of pillows. That was probably the reason you fell asleep on it.

You slowly put your legs down on the floor as you stand up you can feel that one of your legs is sleeping. It felt like little ants were crawling around on your leg but luckily it went away after a few steps to the door and into the elevator.

It is actually quite nice to be in the elevator in the morning. The air is nice and cold and the music is not too loud but still it helps you wake up. Standing in the elevator you look down at your self, still wearing that oversize shirt and some shorts.


The doors to the kitchen opens and the smell of freshly baked waffles hit you. Baked waffles with syrup. You were quickly over to the kitchen to see if there were more left. Your dad always tends to bake waffles on your birthday and then serve them on your bed. He was probably not a master at baking but waffles he could bake, another disadvantage of baking was that he could not figure out how to clean up after himself. You look at all the bowls and spoons that were in the sink, how many bowls he had just used?

1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4.

Four bowls!! Why would he need four bowls? You look over at the refrigerator, a note.

Happy Birthday Y/n

I'm so sorry that i couldn't be here and wake you up with food on the bed. We are on a mission right now so you and Loki are the only ones home. Please be careful. There are some food in the the refrigerator. And i was thinking of holding a party for you, you only get 19 once in a lifetime but we will talk about that when i come home.

Love you


At least he had put a note, every year he had something to do on your birthday but he was Iron man and that was a little cool. You open the fridge and as written, there was a whole pile of waffles and syrup next to it. you take some of them over on a plate and pour syrup over. You took the plate in one hand and a glass with water and walks over to the table. Just when you are about to take your first bide someone enters the room, you turn your head towards the door to see who it is, even though you are well aware that you and Loki are the only ones at home.

"Hi Loki" You're trying to sound normal and not too awkward after what happened yesterday. When he sees you his face lights up and he sends a smile you way. You smile back at him but as soon as he turns around and walks over to the refrigerator your thougths fall back on last night, the kiss and his hands on your hip.

"So the others left for at mission?" You look over at him, he is standing with the note in his hand reading it. When he looks over at you, you nod to him. You would have said something but your mouth is full with waffles. He takes some of the waffles and come over and sits beside you. He takes your hand so he could get your attention. When you see that he is leaning in for a kiss, you quickly swallows the waffles that you have in your mouth. Then his lips meet yours in a long and soft kiss. It does not look like he regretted kissing you yesterday.

"Happy birthday darling"

You blushes when he calls you darling, it's just the way he says it, the way his voice is cold yet full of joy and softness. You look away before you face gets to red. Then you remeber what Nat said yesterday '...you sould invite Loki to come.' Even though parties did not seem to be just his thing you still looked at him with a smile. You slowly place your hand on his shoulder and let it run down over his arm. He looks up at you with a smile, not knowing that you were about to force him to come to the party tonight. "Something you would like to say?"

"Yeah, I made a small plan for what we are going to do today ... " He looks at you with a smirk on his lips. If you had to be totally honest, then it was easy to see that in both had something different in mind. "And what will that be?"

"Well, i was think of watching a movie and then we go to the party" He laughs a little bit as he looks down at the floor. Then he gets up and take the plates. "You know parties are not really my thing..." You gets from the chair and walks after him. "Oh please, would you at least do it for me." He turns around and looks at you, you make a sad face his way. "Please..."

"Okay then but what are we going to watch?"

"Oh, i really want to see this movie, I don't remember what it's called but it's about some guys robbing a casino"


When you are around halfway through the movie, you feel an arm that is moving around your head to lie on your shoulder. You look up at Loki holding his arm around you, he's trying to focus on the movie, probably because he's nervous. You move closer to him and lay your head on his shoulder. Even though your eyes are on the movie you can feel him looking down at you with a smile.

"I should say from Mr. Stark that they are home now and on their way up to meet you in the living room." Loki quickly removes his hand from your shoulder and moves further away from you. You look over at Loki who is only watching TV before you get the chance to say anything at all, the door opens and Tony, Nat, Thor and Steve enter. You look at your father with a slightly confused face. "Where are Bruce and Clint?" Tony looks over at you. "Bruce is down in the Lab and Nat still won't tell where Clint is." You can hear the Nat's light laughter from the square next to you.

"Well I just came to tell you that the party starts at 8pm" you nod, it gives you exactly 5 hours to find clothes, get Loki to the party and ask Thor about the mission, he always used to tell his stories in an energetic and exciting way.

The god of mischief: Loki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now