~Chapter 5~

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You screamed when you heard the cold voice, everyone was sure awake now and on their way down to the basement.  Someone grabs your arm, you could feel the cold hand, the long fingers that could reach all the way around your arm. Adrenaline was pumping though your body, what is happening?

The next thing you know is you standing against the wall, you can feel a hand over your mouth, a body against yours. Holding your eyes closed you hear the door close. The hand slowly left your mouth and you feel the person go back a step or two. The smell of vanilla make you open your eyes shy and slowly.

Looking up you see the man, the man with dark raven-hair.  His thin lips are saying something but you don't hear it, you are focusing on his face. He's diamond blue eyes are looking at you, he is taller than you, maybe a head taller. He's hair is down to he's shoulders, it's matching he's clothes, green, black and gold like his room. Looking him in the eyes you notice that a small smirk is appearing on his lips.

"Are you even listening?" You look deep into his eyes trying to register what he said. There was something about his voice, the way he's voice was cold and harshly, but there was also something that made you feel safe...

"I...uhhmm...." again you get lost in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, who are you" This time the thing that made you feel safe was more clear, it was soft and caring. "I'm y/n" You extend your hand towards him, he takes it. "I'm Loki of Asgard" You retracts your hand quick. Looking at him with a scared face, you try to go back but the wall was in the way.

He takes your hand again "No it's okay I won't hurt you" it looks like he is telling the truth, like he would never lie to anyone. He takes your face and make you look him in his eyes. He's blue eyes. This was not the Loki who tried to take over New York six months ago. You want to believe him but he is the god of Mischief. "Let me go" He let go of you. With steady long steps you turn around walking to the door. When you open the door, you look back at him. He is on his way over to a black leather chair, with a book in his hand. You leave the room while looking at him. How could someone so evil be so hot?! Did I just say that? NO! Didn't say anything.


As you are up the stairs and on your way into the kitchen for food, you hear Nat. "I checked her room, there was no sign of her there." There was a fear in her voice, was she looking for you? Who else was looking for you? they had probably heard you scream. Your thoughts were interrupted by a voice you did not want to hear, Tony's. "she can not have been kidnapped, she can not, right?" Sadness, fear, anger. All mixed together in his voice. " Tony, she's okay. I promise that" "Yeah Cap and what if she's not. What if someone took..." In that monent the anger took over the voice. He blames himself. He thought it was his fault. He's fault they couldn't find you. 

You felt sorry for him, wanted to go inside the room and hug him but you couldn't. Your legs was not moving at all, like the were nailed to the floor. Looking down at your feets the whole world starts moving. 

"y/n?" You look up again, Steve is looking at you. Nat and Tony are now on there way over to you, it feels as if a heat wave has hit your head, the closer they get the hotter it gets. Was it because you had turned to the cold? You look at tony, he is coming your way. It as if someone grabs you, pulls you away, as if they keep running towards you. You look at your hands they are shaking. You feel yourself falling, watching the darkness close around you. the smell of home disappears. 


(Nat's pov) 


She sits up in bed with a shock, looked around all the questions hits her. What happens? Who was it? Are the others okay? Y/N!! 

As she leaves her room she sees she is not the only one. She looks over at Tony and Steve. "Nat, was it you who screamed?" Steve looks at her with a protective look. "No, I think it was y/n ..." She looks over at Tony who is already on his way down to the kitchen. He turns around and looks at them. "Steve, you're taking the first and second floors. Nat, seventh and sixth floor." From all the fear and uncertainty in his voice, she could see that he was worried. They nodded to him, even though he was already inside the elevator.

Getting into y/n's room was not very difficult, the door was open so she could just walk straight in. Inside the room there was the smell of coconut and vanilla, everything looked new, even the bed. It was 2:30 am, but it did not look like anyone had used the bed inside for the last day. After checking y/n's bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room and sixth floor, there were still no signs of y/n. 

A few minutes later they were all three in the kitchen. "Nat, how did it go?" "I checked her room, there was no sign of her there." Tony looked worried at her, she looked him in the eyes while she gave him the face she always gave when someone was sad, worried or angry.  "she can not have been kidnapped, she can not, right?" " Tony, she's okay. I promise that" "Yeah Cap and what if she's not. What if someone took..." He couldn't get the rest of the words out. Steve lays a hand on he's shoulder when he looks over at the door. 

"y/n?" now you are all three looking over at the door, something in the dark is moving. Tony gets up, she follows after him. It is Y/n, but something is wrong with her, she swings from side to side trying to stand straight but can't. Then she falls down to the floor. 

The god of mischief: Loki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now