~Chapter 9~

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You are in you room, laying in your bed with a book. You are reading poems, it makes you relax. Then it knocks on your door, times goes fast you mumble to yourself. Nat said she would come back with snacks at 11pm. You look over at the clock.


You get up from your bed, you only have an oversize t-shirt and a pair of short shorts on. You open the door. "Loki, what are you doing here?" You see that he gives you the elevator look, when you realize that his eyes are not going to meet yours anytime soon, you look at him "Hello, my eyes are up here!" He quickly looks at your eyes when he hears you.

"Can i come inside?" Maybe this was your changes to say 'Thanks' or even somthing more. "Yeah, come in" You step aside, so he can come in. When he sits down on your bed, you discover that he does not have his normal god clothes on. No, on the other hand, he is wearing a full normal white t-shirt and gray sweatpants. Oh God, why did he look so good.

When you sits next to him he hugs you. When it comes as a surprise to you, you react very slowly. Slowly you lay your hands on his back, you realize that even though he looks tall and thin he is quite muscular. You look him in the eyes.

"Well now the Avengers are going to talk"

He looks you deep in the eyes, then he kiss you. You can feel he's soft thin lips against yours, felling how he's hands find there way down to your hip. He pushes you down on the bed, being on top of you he has the control. He releases your lips to get air, then he looks at you. "Would you like them to talk?"  You laughs a little, then you kiss him again. You slowly let your hands slide up under his shirt, then again he breaks the kiss. He looks at your hands then at your eyes, a smirk goes over he's lips. You sit up slowly in the bed and without breaking eye contact, you push him down so you are over him. You let your hands run over his stomach, over his perfectly pious muscles. He looks up at you "ravishing..." you smile at him as you feel his hands are going over your thighs. You lean down over him to kiss his soft lips, when you hear voices outside of your room.

"oh Lady Romanoff, have you seen my brother?" You look over at the clock, Thor is here and Nat is back from the store. 10:59pm. You quickly get of the bed, you panic. Loki looks at you with a smile, he's blue eyes find there way to yours. You feel you body relax. How did he have so much control over you?

"It looks like you may have to wait a little longer...Darling"

You look at him with a big smile over your face. "There is a back door, you can take that." He turns around and walks towards the front door."No need for that darling" When he open it both Thor and Nat stare at him, Thor has a more surprised face when he's brother leave the room and walks to his room. Thor looks at Nat, who is just looking at you with a raised eyebrow and smile. Thor quickly runs after his brother.


"I want to here it all before Rogers comes" You look over at her, she then realize that she didn't tell you that he would come later.

"Well, he just came over to see if i was okay..."

"Yeah but did something else happen?"

"Maybe we kissed..." She almost choked on her drink. "WHAT!! You kissed him. Argh I'm happy for you"

"What happened ladies and why are we happy?" You both look over at Steve, then at each other. "Oh, it's nothing Steve come over and sit down." Her voice sounded so normal when she said it, it was like she had nothing to hide at all.

After talking with Steve and Nat, you slowly drift away into your own thoughts. Thinking about Loki you take less part of the conversation. So it ends up being only Nat and Steve talking about god knows what but it was okay to be honest the only person you wanted to see rigth now was Loki.

"Y/n.....Y/N, earth calls y/n"  Steve pushes you calmly in the side. "God know what is going on up in that head" He looks over at Nat. She looks at you with a teasing look. "Oh, I think I know what is going on" You quickly snap out of you thoughts and look at her. "Well i was just thinking aboouuutt..... my bitrhday is tomorrow"

"oh that rigth Tony told me that, he was maybe thinking of hold a party for you."

"Well, he do really like party. I bet he said something like 'You only turn 19 one time'" Nat and Steve both laughs. "He actually said that" Now you are all laughing even though you couldn't get your thoughts of Loki and the kiss, you enjoyed the rest of the nigth.

After a couple hours Steve decided to go up to his own room, just whan he had left Nat looks over at you. "If Tony holds a party for you, then you sould invite Loki to come." "Yeah maybe"  She gets up from your bed and walks over to the door. "I also need to get some sleep. I think we have a mission tomorrow." Then she smiles and waves goodnight to you.

When she has left the room you pick up your book again and go over to the big window. The moon is shining, it shines in through the window and lands on your book. You smile up to the moon, not that you think it's alive. No, it simply just reminds you of Loki.

Cause even thought it's so long away, out in the big cold space, it finds it's way to shine. To shine all the way down to the earth, to ligth it up.

The god of mischief: Loki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now