~Chapter 15~

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The party started an hour ago and even though you were dressed, you still haven't left your room. I was like you didn't want to go to the party anymore, you just didn't want to leave your room. What if you meet Loki again?

You knew that you still felt something for him, even though you many times had tried to forget about him. Nat had told you that it was okay if you still liked him and that you maybe sould talk to him but no, you didn't want to talk to him.

You knew that you hurt him, while you were playing a joke on Thor. You knew that hurt him, but you could also remember that you ran after him, trying to tell him what happened but he shut you out.

Knock Knock.

Oh my geezz. Why did everyone have to interrupt your thoughts.

"It's open"

You almost shout towards the door. You could see Nat slowly open the door, her red hair was set up and she was wearing dark blue dress.

"Come on, we have been waiting for you"


As soon as you enter the room you are hit by a bit of silence, this was where you saw Loki run away just a few weeks ago. You look around the room, there are at least not as many people as there used to be but it's probably not a small party.

Nat gently pulls you to the others sitting and talking together in one of the corners. You sit quietly next to Nat, who apparently could just manage to get something to drink with.

"Look who chose to come" Thor's loud voice catches everyone's attention, even some of the people who does not sit around the table.

As the night goes on you find yourself, sitting with Steve and Thor, talking about all sorts of things, and when you let out a laugh for the first time during the evening, you discover that you are actually having fun. The feeling of joy spreads in your body and you can feel how the others can also feel the joy.

You look after Steve when he gets up to get something to drink, but of course not in a creppy way, more like a sweet and caring way. After looking at him for a while you feel a gemtly tap on yuor shoulder, you turn your head to see Thor looking at you.

"Could i talk to you Lady y/n?"

His voice is not as loud as it used to be, it is more cautious. You smile at him as a sign that he may well start.

"Private .."

Ohh no, Thor has never been afraid to talk even though others were present. That had to be important. Before you even got up from the couch, your brain had started to see all the possible things that could happen through.

While you are walking with Thor down the hall, It hits you. What if Thor liked you? Ohhh my god. Just when your brain was starting to create a whole new possibility, Thor stops. You can see that he is trying to get your attention, but before your eyes meet his, you look around to scan the room or the hallway.

It was no specialty, you were standing right next to a corner, a step and you could see around the corner. There was a large window but it was there on all the floors. He gently grabs your arm to get your attention.

"Don't be mad at any of us.."

Us? What did he mean, was this some kind of joke?

"...but you need to talk to him" You look up at the tall blond god with a wierd look. He slowly just points around the corner. With slow and confused step you go around the corner.


You are just standing there looking at the tall, dark haired and hansome god. With quick steps he is near you, you look into his eyes, see how full they are regrets and sadness. Without thinking about it you turn around and walk towards Thor again, but when you feel Loki's hand on your shoulder you look back at him.

"y/n, i just wanted to talk to you" God, you missed hearing him say you name. "Then talk" You look at him with a kinda mad look in your eyes.

"I just wanted to tell you that Thor explained what happened last time and I forgive you for that ..."

"You forgive me for what i did?! Good for you Romeo, but you really broke my heart. Do you have any idea how much time i have spent on sitting in my room and CRYING OVER YOU?!"

"Y/n, he is sorry can't you..."


"Look y/n, I am so sorry about what happened and i came here to apologize but if you won't take that apologize then I suppose i'll just leave"

"No Loki, wait. I'm sorry too and I just..."

You are interrupted by Loki's soft lips meeting yours. You can feel how his hands calmly land on your hip. In that moment, it feels as if all the regrets and all the anger and sadness are disappearing. He gets a little shock as he feels your hands land on his chest.

As Loki releases your lips you can hear Thor mumbling something about him going back the others again, but you didn't care. You were here in the hallway, with you hands on his chest, your eyes looking in to his.

Nothing matters right now...


You sit at the dining table, looking out the window, you can see that the leaves of the trees are getting different colors. Yellow, orange, red and brown, some of them were still green though. You slowly take a sip of your tea, earl grey tea, the sweet but also slightly bitter taste hitting your trunge. (I have no idea what it tastes like, so you just have to live with it)

"Mom, mom" With a set, you quickly turn around, to see a little boy with dark hair come running towards you. God, he looked like his father.

"Dad, is after me and he was trying to catch me, because I ate his cookie"

Narfi kept telling you about how he ate Loki's cookie and how Loki now was trying to catch him, so he could tickle him. You let your hand go over his hair. "It's okay, I will protect you" You say with a smile on your face.

"I'm a big boy, I can protecet myself!" He looks up at you with a proud smile on his face.


Narfi slightly jump when he hears Loki's voice from just outside of the kitchen, and just a few minutes later they are runing around in the kitchen. It looked like Loki was trying to catch a mini version of himself.

You can hear Narfi's light laugh while taking the freshly baked cookies out of the oven. As soon as they are out of the oven, Narfi comes over to try tasting them. You laugh when you see Loki trying to get he's not to eat them all. "Darling, why are you baking cookies?"

"Oh don't you remember?" Both Loki and Narfi shake their heads while having their mouths full of cookies.

"We are going to Asgard, to see Frigga, Odin and Thor"


Oh, I really hope you liked it.

Bye Bye

The god of mischief: Loki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now