~Chapter 3~

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"Jarvis, how many people are home right now?" "Miss. y/n, you are the only one home" You really liked talking to him, he's voice was friendly and fresh and then he was the  only friend you had for years. But it's okay, for you it was normal to be alone, it's the second time that you are home alone today. Wait, did Bruce go with Steve, Tony and Thor? Yeah he probably did. "Jarvis, how many floors are there in the tower?" "There are seventh floors miss y/n" "So there is no basement?" You are so confused, Thor said that someone was in the basement. "There is a basement but Mr. Stark says that you can't go there" Really?! Why doesn't he tell me anything. "how do I get to the basement Jarvis?" "I cannot tell you that" You look mad and a little confused at the wall, you didn't really know where Jarvis was. It was like he's voice came from everywhere."Then I just do it myself"

As soon as you are out of the kitchen you go to the elevator, if there is a basement then the elevator would lead down there, right? WRONG, as Jarvis said there were only seven floors you could get to via the elevator. Wait, via the elevator, maybe it wasn't the elevator.

"Jarvis, are there stairs in the tower? " There was silence before he answered," Yes, Miss be y/n " Even though he was a system, a voice, it sounded like he was unsure, unsure if he could say it. "Jarvis, where are the stairs?" "On the side of the building" This time he sounded fresher as if he had not figured out that you wanted to go down to the basement, was it possible that he didn't know it? He normally knew everything. "Jarvis tell me if anyone comes in the door" "I'll do that, Miss"


When you are out of the tower it hits you, how much you have missed seeing the sun over the buildings, feeling its warm rays over your face. After a few minutes, of looking at the sky and smelling the flowers, you remember why you were outside in the first place, the basement. Jarvis said on the side of the tower. Since it's in the middle of New York it surprises you that no one has noticed it, and damn he was right.

On the side of the tower was there a door, it may well be that the color passed to the walls of the towers but the door was still quite clear. Okay, if you were a normal person, who did not know there was a basement, then you would probably think it was a door to a warehouse or something. You walk over to the dark blue door. Okay fair enough there were rips in it, probably some who had tried to get in. You can't really be mad at them, it's the avengers tower.

You take in the door, locked. Of course it is locked, who would be so stupid and leave the door open. Maybe Thor, you don't really think that he knows so much about technology yet. After a couple minutes of trying to open the door you turn around hopeless only to find out that most people who pass by look at you strangely. "I live here" you say with a smile, looking around you see that most of the people are looking at you. But it's not an 'oh it okay' look more like an 'as if you live there, it's the avenger tower'. Then they start walking again, some of them are still looking at you.

"Leave me alone!" you almost shout at them but you could not care less at that moment. With an angry face you quickly turn around and walk with steady steps into the tower.


You step into the kitchen "Grrrr, why does everyone have to be so annoying? They should mind their on business"  You stop, "why does it smell burnt in here?" OH SH*T, the sandwich. You run over to the oven, sh*t sh*t sh*t. "They are going to be so mad at me" "Do you want me to call them?" "GOD NO, DO NOT CALL THEM!!" Without realizing it, you open the oven and grab the sandwich with your hands. "ARGH" As soon as you fell the heat from the sandwich against your hands, you release it.

"What is going on here?" Oh no, you look behind you, then slowly turing around. When you realize it's Nat and Clint, you feel so relieved. Nat catches your eyes, her red hair matches her dark brown jacket, white sweater and black pants.

"y/n, what are you doing?" This time his voice sounds more like a riddle, as if you were meant to guess what you were doing. you look at him, his blue green eyes look back at you. his eyes remind you of an innocent animal but right now it looks like he's trying to read your mind.

"I just burnt my sandwich..." When you think about it, you realize it's not that bad but still you said it with an uncertainty in your voice.

~~ After almost one hour~~~

You are walking with Nat to the living room or to be more corret, you took the elevator. While standing in the elevator, Nat looks at you, "how did your sandwich burn?" you look at her, you are almost as tall as her. "What do you mean? I just forgot to take it out." please do not ask more questions. "So you were in the kitchen while it was in the oven" Why should she always go full dedictive." yeah i was in the kitchen."

"Miss y/n, you were trying to get into the basement while the sandwich was in the oven." "JARVIS!" you look up at the ceiling. "you were in the basement today?" "No, couldn't open the door" You look up at her, her face reminds you a little of Steve when he is serious, you can tell that she is a bit mad at you. You look at her. "I'm sorry, please dont tell my dad." "i won't tell him"

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