Chapter 2

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"Ah you mush be Akaashi Keiji correct?"

"Yes sir"

"Very well. This is Konoha Akinori. He's a third year and will be showing you around the school. He might look intimidating but he's actually a big softie" I never assumed the headmaster would speak about his students as if they were his own children.

"THIS is Akaashi? The poor anxiety kid?" Well that wasn't the nicest thing he could say to me. Especially since it was true. I felt slightly attacked.

"Don't be rude Konoha-kun "

"Hmph. Fine Grandpa" the way he spoke about Konoha made so much more sense now. I thought he was just a weirdo pervert like that one janitor we had at Nekoma.

"That's Konoha-san to you whilst you're in school"

"Fine. Let's go Akaashi-san" he huffed a little but not as if he was mad but rather frustrated and held the door for me once more. I really had made quite an impression on him. Now he'll remember me and the one kid who paced in front of the office for 10 minutes.

"So uh where do you wanna go first. I don't really know what to show you." The silence was suffocating so I was glad he'd finally spoken up after a good 2 minutes of wandering the now empty hallways in silence. There were a lot of posters littering the walls- some were about after school activities whilst others were announcements about achievements in certain clubs, sending them congratulations.

"Um... maybe just like where each subject's classrooms are?" I only really wanted to know where the Literature and Art classrooms were since they were my favourite things to study but obviously I wouldn't plainly state it.

"Good idea."

He, very unenthusiastically, showed me around for 20 minutes. I found out that most of my classes were actually with the third years. In fact, the only one which I didn't have with them was PE though Konoha told me that more often than not we would get put together anyway since we did it at the same time. I suppose the headmaster from Nekoma had told the one from Fukurodani that I could do higher classes.

"Um, Konoha-san?"

"That's my grandfather. Just Konoha is fine" I smirked a little at that. At least I knew he wasn't a stone cold assohole with no sense of humour.

"Okay... Um Konoha?"


"Do you think you could show me to the cafeteria?"

"Did you not eat breakfast?"


"Okay. I'll sit with you. I'm supposed to take you to your class now and go to mine but it's maths so..." he made a distasteful face. I didn't expect him to be so friendly either. I guess people here were just much nicer than at Nekoma. I was grateful for him wanting to do me this favour. Him and Yuki were probably friends so I might sit with both of them at lunch if they didn't mind.

"Thank you." He led me along yet another hallway when we heard a deafening scream of someone shouting "hey hey hey" down the hallway.

"It's a bit early for this..." Konoha looked at his watch and sighed. "That's my best friend, Bokuto. He always shows up to school 30 minutes late but since it's the first day back I guess he only came 25 minutes late. What you just heard are what we refer to as 'Bokuto's daily antics'" what kind of school had I walked into.

"Ah... I really don't know what to say" this Bokuto seemed way to energetic in my opinion. We hadn't crossed a single person along the hallways so he must have an implanted voice box because we heard him from miles away.

"Okay gimme a second. You might want to cover your ears." I was confused but complied nonetheless. "BOKUTO SHUT UP AND GO TO LESSON"




They was truly one of the strangest most concerning exchanges I had ever heard.
We were standing in front of a classroom so I was worried that they might complain about the constant shouting. The door opened slightly and out came a shorter boy with curly hair.

"Sensei said shut it Konoha. She also said to tell Bokuto to hand his assignment in. Okay bye bye"

"Bye Komi"

I was overwhelmed by the amount of information right now. First off- no one questioned the constant shouting which came from Bokuto but they had the audacity to tell Konoha off? Second- this was normal? So much so they they had a name for it? And third- people Konoha knew seemed to jump at us left and right. Either he was really popular or everyone knew everyone. Looking at him though, I'd say the first. He was kinda attractive though he wasn't really my type.

"Anyway" he clapped his hands in front of my face and smirked "the cafeteria"

He led the way and shortly after, we reached our destination. Finally. I was really craving an Onigiri right now. He showed me where everything was and lucky they had exactly what I wanted. He made some comment about how there was only 20 minutes left until the break so I should eat quickly before this place gets infiltrated by noisy people. I made a mental note of that and bought two onigiri's: one for now and one for later.

He showed me to where the tables are and I sat down. Whilst I ate, he just talked though he seemed as uninterested in what he was saying as I was. I suppose he was like me in a way; he hated silence so he felt the need to fill it even if it was with word vomit.

The bell rang before I had finished my food but I made no attempt to stand up and neither did he. Since we were sitting on a small 4 person table at the back no one should bother us too much anyway and some noise may be good right now. However, by noise I didn't mean the "hey hey hey" which once again echoed through the hallways. Bokuto was probably coming to see Konoha since the dirty-blonde
couldn't have just kept his mouth shut about where we were going to be later.

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