Chapter 16

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We waited a while longer since Kenma and Kuroo insisted we sat in two separate cabins. They went ahead and Bokuto and I went in the one after theirs.

"I'm so excited! Aren't you?!"

"Yes, Bokuto-san."

"Yay! You're excited about something!"


The Ferris wheel stopped at the top and Bokuto looked like he was about to panic.

"Are we supposed to stop? Are we stuck? Akaashi we're gonna die!"

"No Bokuto-san, it's supposed to stop ever so often. We just ended up being at the top this once"

"Oh okay." It was open-roofed so we could see all around us. There was a lake next to the theme park which was illuminated with all the lights from the different attractions. Bokuto looked around like a child which shook the cabin a little which once again making him panic but soon regaining his composure when I assured him that we wouldn't die.

We once again ended up at the top a few spins around. This time, fireworks went off and Bokuto stared at them with a huge grin on his face.

I realised I was in love with him. That was the last straw. Seeing him smile like that made me want to be the one who made him look that happy. Of course I'd never do anything about it. For all I knew he was straight and Kuroo was just being stupid like always.
Besides I'd never ruin our friendship for my own gain. That would be so selfish.

"You okay Akaashi? You seem deep in thought." He turned to face me.

"Yeah I'm good"

"You sure? Want a hug? Oof" once he stoop up to try to come to my side and hug me, the Ferris wheel moved once again and caused him to fall into me. Despite this, he still wrapped his arms around me until the Ferris wheel stopped once again, this time so that we could get off.

"Just get a room already!" Kuroo Called out amongst the crowd waiting to get on.

"I would but I don't know if Akaashi would!" Bokuto was so thoughtless with the things he said, especially considering my new found feelings. Since he didn't know about them though I couldn't really blame him or be mad at him.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, don't worry about it pretty boy!" Him calling me pretty really made me blush like crazy which I prayed wasn't visible in the darkness or that the colourful lights here and there made it less visible.

"This was really fun. We should do it again sometime." Kuroo was the first to speak.

"Yeah! But we should do a sleepover or something" me and Kenma sent each other displeased looks at Bokuto's words.

"Know what? My uncle owns a cabin in the woods! We could go there!"

"Even better! Camping there! And then if things go bad like rain or something we can go to the cabin?!"

"First off, Bokuto, using your head scared me, second, me and Kenma do NOT want to go camping especially not with you two" I interjected. I had to.

"No we are definitely going. We have a one week break in two months we'll go then! I'll send you the details on the groupchat closer to the time. Okay see you!" Kuroo dragged Kenma away who was mumbling something about how stupid the idea was. I had to agree with him on that one.

I really hated the idea of camping.

Especially if it was with my crush.

Imagine you and your crush going camping that's literally so cute.

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