Chapter 24

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"Hey guys someone pass me your phone I need to take a photo"

"That's so cute..."

"Wow Shiraboobs has emotions. That could be us but you playing"

"Shut up dickhead"

Me and Bokuto were woken up by shouting from the boys all around us. Semi and Shirabu seemed to be fighting on the floor next to us and Kuroo had a phone with a flash pointed on me and Bokuto who was clinging on to me in his sleep.

"Five more minutes" he mumbled groggily which made me smile. It was so cute I didn't have the heart to make him get up or move for that matter, as to not disturb him. Kuroo however, had other plans.

"Nope Bokuto you're getting up" he yanked him off me and Bokuto groaned.

"But your boyfriend is still asleep!"

"What's that supposed to mean Akaashi? Are you saying I woke your boyfriend?" I had to admit it did sound like that but it's not what I meant.

"No of course not what I'm trying to say..."

"Mhm" Kuroo of course knew I liked Bokuto so this was really all just a game to him but to me... him spilling shit like this could cost me my friendship with Bokuto.

An hour later, everyone was ready, dressed and fed. They were all basically a bunch of five year olds me and Semi had to take care of.

"Okay then" Semi clapped to get the other's attention. Kuroo was giving Kenma a piggy-back and running around whilst Bokuto was rolling in the grass and Shirabu was lecturing him about how there's bugs everywhere and how he'd get dirty. "Since last night was a flop... there's an abandoned town about 2 hours away down the dirt road. Anyone wanna go? It'll be fun!"

"Uh if these guys want to then I'm down" Kuroo put Kenma down on the ground lightly.

"If Kuroo's going then I'm going" the pudding head replied.

"I second that" Bokuto jumped around the couple. Shirabu liked he wanted to say something but refrained from it.

"That's settled then. I know Akaashi is definitely coming since he needs to help me mother and well Shirabuboo has no choice then"

"I'd rather the wolves eat me than spend time with you again." The shorter rolled his eyes.

"There's wolves here?!"

"No Bokuto-san there isn't"

"Oh okay."

Everyone got to work gathering the tents and everything from the campfire. We loaded it into the boot fo the car and sat down. Kuroo was driving once again and asked Shirabu to help navigate since he 'seemed like he wouldn't give him any shit' or something.

Kenma sat next to Bokuto behind them and me and Semi sat at the back-back. And like that, we set off on yet another stupid trip.

I might just draw some of these scenes from this book cos it's kinda cute idk 🤷🏻‍♀️
This is kinda a filler chapter but we move.

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