Chapter 13

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Before long it was lunch and I'd finally be able to talk to Bokuto about him being down. He got held behind during break so I couldn't do it then and he was actually trying to concentrate in our lessons for once so I decided not to distract him.

"Bokuto-san. Can we talk alone for a minute."

"Sure." The one word answers have been going on all day and it really did worry me. He talked about as much as Kenma did and that was completely wrong for his normal bubbly character.

I led him outside the cafeteria and we sat between two vending machines in the hallway. No one usually came this way at this time since it led to the exit and it was halfway through the day.

"What's wrong?"


"We both know that's not true"

"Why are you pushing?" I really didn't want to but I needed to help him. By any means possible.

"Because I'm worried about you."

"Don't be"

"How can I not. I care about you okay? You cheered me up on my first day. I had really bad anxiety and you made me forget it. You matter to me."

"I- you matter to me too Akaashi" my heart stopped beating for a few seconds and then sped up completely.

"So want to tell me what's wrong?"

"My Grandmother is in hospital because she had a heart attack"

"I'm so sorry." I could feel him radiating sadness so I shuffled next to him and hugged him a little. He sniffled a few times so I decided to not say anything else and let him cry if he needed to. I'd never imagined I'd be comforting Bokuto, the energetic, happy Bokuto.

We stayed like that maybe for 20 minutes, him sobbing quietly into my lap as I played with his hair. He suddenly stopped as both mine and his phones went off at the same time.

"Kuroo's added us to a group chat." He informed me. I rolled my eyes at which he giggled a little. I saw him texting already and decided to do the same since it would be weird to watch the conversation over his shoulder as I'm already on the group chat and all.

This one is short but you know😚

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