Chapter 19

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"Like who?"

"Oh Bokuto I see you're awake!" Kuroo attempted to divert the conversation without taking his eyes off the road, though he did jog the car a little when he heard Bokuto's voice.

"What were you two talking about?"

"Nothing nothing don't worry..."

"No please tell me Agaashiiii" I wasn't looking at him any longer but I could tell he was making puppy dog eyes. Needless to say, if I didn't tell him what we were telling about, he'd go into emo mode. I'd gotten pretty good at dealing with it but since we were so far away from Konoha with no service I might not be able to fully get him back.

"Oh uhh just about who I like..."

"You like someone? Who!"

"Sorry Bokuto-san, that information cannot be shared now. Maybe later though"

"Okay. You'll tell me though?"

"Of course. When I'm ready"


"What are we talking about?" Kenma was also seemingly also awake now. It was about 4am and soon it would probably dawn but we were still driving in the pitch black. A car would pass us every now and then but for the most part the road was empty. The mountain was now in view and towered over us like a dark shadow which could engulf us at any moment.

We still had a 5 hour drive up the mountain itself so it would be around 8 by the time we got there. Besides, Kuroo said he wanted to take us an hour into the forest so we still had a whole ahead of us. We could have just stayed at the cabin but no. They wanted to go camping. For three days, nonetheless.

"Kuroo put that band you really like on." Bokuto called suddenly which made me jump.

"Which one... I like quite a few you know"

"Uh the one which was something about a chemical equation or something. The really gay ones."




"You guys know what I'm talking about right?"

"You mean My Chemical Romance?"

"Yes them!"

"Okay uh...anyone else like that idea?" I didn't really mind. I'd heard them through Kuroo so I didn't mind their music. "I'll take that as a yes"

The songs played one after the other as time passed, me and Kuroo singing to them every once in a while and Bokuto cheering us on. Kenma was playing his game by now and payed little to no attention.

We were going up the mountain by now. There were small mountain villages here and there so it wasn't completely empty like I thought it would be. Kuroo told us there would be a town 10 minutes away from the cabin so we'd be able to get things there if we needed to. Of course, we'd have a lot of time to kill when we got there so we'd probably take a trip to it.

The sun was dawning now and the time on the car read 6.30. We were getting closer and closer to the destination and everyone was livelier now. Kuroo would scold Bokuto for distracting him every so often but mostly it was a fun experience. Driving up the mountain was a bit scary but Kuroo was a careful driver.

—time skip—

I hadn't noticed I'd fallen asleep but when Bokuto started shaking me to wake up I'd noticed we were parked in front of a large cabin. Kuroo told us he'd check if everything's okay inside and that he'd drive down a dirt road into the forest so we didn't have to walk and could make a quick escape incase bears had attacked us. Bokuto, of course, started making a scene and saying how I should protect him if one attacked us.

He quickly came back form the cabin giving us a thumbs up showing us all is good. Bokuto did an over exaggerated thumbs up back, a stupid grin on his face. But I had grown to love that grin.

Okay uh where are my fellow mcr fans at😃😃😃

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