Chapter 26

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The previous night we got back pretty late and practically passed out as soon as we got into our tents. It was now around 3pm and we were getting our stuff ready for the trip back home. Semi and Shirabu had decided to ride with us after all.

Bokuto had insisted we sit next to each other on the trip down because he claimed we hadn't spent much time, just the two of us, since he mostly argued with Shirabu or messed around with Kuroo and I mostly talked with Semi. I of course agreed with him because I didn't want to make him sad. But I also wanted to spend more time with him as well.

The journey down was far more boring than the one up, probably because it was daytime. Nighttime drives always hit different.

"Hey guys there's a little roadside cafe ahead do you want to stop there for some food?" Semi called from the back.

"For someone who was basically kidnapped you sure know a lot about this place" I turned to face him and he just snickered. I raised an eyebrow. He took a notebook out and wrote something on a piece of paper before ripping it out and giving it to me.

It read "I actually maybe didn't really get kidnapped only Shirabu did. I asked them to let us spend time together so we could bond and so I could warm his cold heart up to me a little"

I started laughing despite my best efforts not to. Thankfully though, he did too so I didn't seem crazy.

"What's so funny you two" Kuroo looked at us through the rear view mirror.

"Nothing nothing. I'll tell you later" Semi managed in between bursts of laughter. Kuroo hummed as a sign of understanding and payed no more attention to us.

Soon, the little cafe Semi had mentioned came into view. Kuroo pulled over into the small parking and we all got out and stretched. We had been driving for 4 hours and it was about to become sunset soon. Kenma suggested we all watch the sunset together when we get food and we all agreed to the little introvert's amazing idea.

Kuroo and I went to the cafe and got what everyone wanted us to get them. After that, we sat on the curb beside the cafe and watched as the sun started setting over the mountains. It was a beautiful painting of purple, pink, orange and everything in between.

Bokuto was sitting next to me and eating his sushi as he looked at it, his eyes twinkling and reflecting the colours before us. I remembered the promise I made Semi. 'You only live once'.

I put my head on his shoulder. It was sturdy and surprisingly comfortable. He chuckled a little at what I had done and put his head on top of mine. It wasn't heavy and it was quite comforting.

"You tired Akaashi?"

"No. I just wanted to do this."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that"

"Okay" I could hear the smile through his words.

A little while later, Bokuto took his head off of mine and took a sip of his hot chocolate. I lifted my head too, thinking he didn't want me to stay there any more.

"You want a sip?"

"Huh? Oh no it's okay."

"Come on. It's really good!"

"Okay" he lifted it up to my lips and I sipped. It tasted amazing, probably one of the best hot chocolates I'd ever had.


"Shush Kuroo"

"Indirect kiss!"

"Shut up!"



They thought we couldn't hear their conversation but we could and it caused us both to blush like crazy. He turned away from me and I did the same.

After that, it was a pretty uneventful car ride. Everyone fell asleep accept me, Semi and Kuroo.

"So uh Semi. You guys live in Miyagi right?" There had been something bothering me quite a bit ever since they'd agreed to ride with us.


"We live in Tokyo so uh I guess my question is how are you gonna get there?"

"Uh... good question. Train?"

"At this hour?"

"Yeah... uh we'll get a hotel or something"

"Or you can stay at mine"

"Really Akaashi?"

"Yeah of course"

"Wow Akaashi great going. You've known me and Kenma since middle school and we've never been to your house once" I could tell he was joking of course.

"You're a pain in the ass, Kuroo-san. And Kenma actually has been over a few times"

"Huh? Rude"

After that, we drove in silence the rest of the way.

—time skip—

The next day, we said our goodbye with Semi and Shirabu who went off to the station. Bokuto had also come out to say bye to them so now it was just us two sitting outside my house.

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