Chapter 11

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A/n at this point I'm just writing a million chapters in one night cos I'm bored lol

I woke up the next morning to my alarm and shuffling beside me. I couldn't exactly recall what had happened last night just yet, but I was very surprised to find the Bokuto Kotarou next to me. The very same person I'd dreamed about all night.

He had his arms wrapped around my waist which made me blush like crazy but I tried to not pay attention to it. That was until he brought his head to my shoulder and whispered to me. That was when I lost my shit but tried to hide it.

"Morning Akaashi."


We laid around for around 10 minutes in that same way. It was comfortable and very warm. It made my stomach fail with butterflies and i never wanted it to end. But alas, all good things must.

"Imma go home and brush my teeth and shower I'll meet you in front in like 30 minutes?" I nodded at him and he was out my window faster than I could actually comprehend what I had agreed to.

In all the commotion, or whatever that was, Bokuto had forgotten to take his phone with him. I decided to charge it for him since it was probably out of battery by now. As soon as I put it on charge and it went up a few percent it started blowing up with messages. All of them being from none other than the pain-in-the-ass-Kuroo-san. I ignored them from the time being but this did confirm my suspicions that they knew each other.

I showered, brushed my teeth, changed, and waited for the babysitter to arrive. When she did, I said a quick goodbye and ran outside. Bokuto was true to his word and waited right where he said he would.

"You forgot your phone here I charged it" I passed it to him and he gave me a side hug. I thought he made such a quick exit since he thought it was awkward between us after we slept next to each other but it seems he didn't think so therefore I had no reason to either. He probably had to pee really bad or something. But a side hug was a bit out of character for him.

"So I noticed you had a few messages from Kuroo-san"


"You're friends?"




"Are you paying attention to what I'm saying?"


"What day of the week is it?"


"Oi! Bokuto-san!"

"Oh sorry what?"

"You're acting weird"

"Am not"

"You're really quiet. You're scaring me"

"I'm fine. Trust me"

I nodded but I knew I had to interrogate two certain people in order to get the full story.

—time skip—

Maths was one of the lessons I didn't have with Bokuto but with Konoha and Komi instead. And just my luck I sat next to Konoha.

"Hey Konoha?"


"Have you noticed anything off about Bokuto-san today?"

"Not really why?"

"Well I tried talking to him and all he replied with was 'Mhm' like 4 times"

"Well okay I'll talk to him and see what I can get out of him but I think you should also try if I can't find anything out. He trusts you a lot."


"Yeah... it's weird. He's known me since we were kids but he trusts you more. I don't mean it in a bad way I'm just trying to show you how special you are to him."

"I don't know about that"

special isn't really a way I'd describe myself. Especially when it came to Bokuto.

Now, for the interrogation of person two.

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