Chapter 4

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"Akaashi you still here?"

"Oh yeah. Sorry"

"It's fine. I was just saying how you have nearly every lesson with me and Bokuto. Should be interesting right?"

"Right" I wasn't looking forward to this one bit but I suppose if there was ever a boring lesson, Bokuto's 'daily antics' as they calls them, would entertain me a little bit so it would never get all that boring.

Before long, the bell had rang indicating the end of our break.

"Hey Agaashiiii what lesson do you have now" he wasn't pronouncing it correctly but I couldn't help and smile a little at it. It was kinda cute.

"I have Literature"

"Me too!!!!"

"Well I have English so... peace out" Konoha left us without another word.

"Wanna get going?"

"Sure~" he skipped alongside me as I tried to remember where the Literature classroom Konoha had shown me were.

"Um Akaashi? They're this way"

"Oh... yeah right" well this was embarrassing. Everyone was giving me really weird looks when they passed us in the hallways. I suspect it's due to the fact that Bokuto was someone popular and I, well... wasn't.

The classroom was no more than 50 step further and it was getting very cramped, I could barely keep up with Bokuto who just walked and the sea of people seemed to part in his way, after which closing back up again in front of me.

"Akaashi? Where are you" I heard Bokuto searching for me. I was a few paces behind and was shorter than some of the people here so I was unable to see him well. "Has anyone seen a pretty blue/green eyed, curly black haired boy anywhere? Oh they're you are. Come here" Bokuto grabbed me by the hand and dragged me. "Pay more attention next time 'Kaashi" I couldn't actually pay attention to what he was saying this very moment though since most of my attention was focused on our interlaced finders. He didn't seem to notice but I was blushing like an idiot.

We finally managed to get into the classroom and without a late mark which was impressive. The teacher forced me to introduce myself though Bokuto stood up there with me and did most of the talking as if he'd known me all my life. The teacher put me next to him since I 'seemed comfortable around him'. He was talking aimlessly while I tried my best to concentrate on the lesson.

"Okay I need two people to go get the literature books from the other classroom? Bokuto and Akaashi you two go. It'll be a great opportunity for Akaashi to get to know the school even better and Bokuto... your mouth doesn't stop running so the more you stay outside the better the other students will learn" everyone seemed to agree with her and I could physically see Bokuto's hair drooping a bit as if to show he was sad at that comment. I couldn't help but feel bad.

"Come on Bokuto-san" I put a hand on the small of his back and led him outside. At my touch, he seemed to regain his energetic self once more and pranced around, leading me to the room the teacher had told us the books would be in.

I had to admit, Bokuto Koutarou ... really wasn't that bad after all.

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