Chapter 18

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I slammed the door to my hotel room how could she do that was it all just a game to her did my feelings mean nothing!

'as long as you love me we could be-' I ignore the call knowing its here shes been calling none stop since I left I turn it off throwing it on the bed as I paced back and fourth in the room trying to cool off.

Tears started to form in my eyes no I couldn't why should I she obviously doesn't care.. but what if there was and explanation to it?

What could possibly be a good explanation for what I saw tonight I was done this is why I avoid relationships I should have just bailed after we slept together and I wouldn't need to be going through this pain.

I headed to the bathroom and turned on the water I waited for the water to heat up before getting in as soon as it hit my face I couldn't hold in the tears.

I slide down the wall resting my head on my knees as I cried at the pain my heart felt.

I cried for what felt like hours as the water simply ran down my back soothing me until I could shed no more tears.

Wrapping a towel around myself I made my way to the bed and laid there feeling numb before deciding to go back home in the morning and forgetting her slowly I finally drifted off to sleep.


"come on Jamiee answer the phone" I say hoping she would she had ignored all the other times so far after the fourth ring I got her voice mail once again.

"Jamiee please answer let me explain it wasn't what it looked like okay it was but let me explain, it didn't mean anything please call me"

I called again only to find out she turned off her phone "AGHH" I screamed throwing my phone.

"what the hell did I do!" tears started to fill my eyes I can only imagine what shes thinking I'm such a horrible person.


my dad says opening the door to my room "is everything alright-whats the matter why are you crying?" he asks as he makes his way to embrace me in a hug.

I let the tears fall freely as soon as his arms embrace me "dad I messed up..I messed everything up its all my fault" I said clinging to him.

"there,there I'm sure what ever it is it can be that bad and if it is I'm sure you'll fix it" he says trying to calm me.

" I don't think it can be fixed...she wont even answer my calls" I say pulling away from the embrace.

"well im sure who ever she is will come around and forgive you." he says with a comforthing smile.

"thanks dad." I say as he walks out of my room with a quick goodnight.

I get my things to take a shower after I have finished and changed into my pajamas I try calling her one more time but her phone was still off.

I get under the covers as I cry myself to sleep thinking about the events that happend today that led to this horrible night.



"Yes I got it don't worry..yeah..okay Krista I got it alright" I say with a smile on my lips as I spoke to her on the phone.

It has been almost a week since she left and to say that it was hell was an understatement. I had never realized how much time I spent with her or what a big part of my day she was until she left.

"what did she need?" Tania said as she dug her face in Sara's neck those two have been inseparable since they first met.

We were currently at Tania's house hanging out but I felt more like the third wheel with all the touching and PDA those two were doing.

In love with royalty (gxg) (Lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now