Chapter 17

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I led Jamiee out of the coffee place and then stopped as we got to the car.

"So now what? Do we just go back home." I asked standing by the passenger door while she stood by the drivers side.

"Thought you didn't wanna be seen?" she said with a raised brow.

"Well I'm already out so why not?" I said hitting my hands down on the car.

"Well then your in luck my dear cause I have a wonderful idea" she said putting on her sunglasses and got in as I did the same.

We had been driving for awhile before I curiosity got the best of me and I asked.

"Okay where exactly are we going?"

"Now if I tell you it would spoil the surprise" a smile formed on her lips as she spoke "besides you will see when we get there."

Well she had a point there.

"Well how do I know your not trying to get rid of me where no one can find me?"

This earned a giggle from her "sweetie if you keep up with how amazing you are in bed I would never get rid of you." she said winking at me.

I could feel my face heat up sex was always on her mind "so wait..let me get this straight you Just like sleeping with me?" I said turning in my seat to face her.

"What no that's not what I meant I mean not that your not great or anything but that's just a plus to your wonderful personality" I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face.

"aside from your bitchy days" and my smiles gone I slapped her arm.

"Ow what was that for!?"

"Because you know how to ruin a complement" I said crossing my arms.

"On the bright side though I make up for it with my good looks." of. Purse she would say that i watched as she pulled Into a parking lot finally were here!

I got out looking at where we were "a batting cage?" I said looking at her as she got out "you brought me to play baseball?"

"Yeah I hear it's fun" she said grabbing my hand and leading me inside.


After I had paid we went to the batting area putting on our red helmets we grabbed our wooden bats.

"Okay so I will go first" I said walking into the cage.

"I wasn't aware you knew how to bat let alone play baseball" my bed partner said.

"Oh I don't" I said positively as I nodded my head.

"What you don't know how to-" before she could finish that sentence a ball came flying at me I quickly dropped the bad and ran out of the cage.

"Did you..see that.. it almost got me" I said in between breath.

I turned to Krista to see her laughing her ass off.

"Oh my god you should have seen your face didn't know you could run that fast" still she continued to laugh.

"It wasn't that funny that ball could have killed me!" Did she not care for my safety?

"Your supposed to hit the ball that's the point." Picking up her bat she entered the cage. "watch and learn princess."

As soon as the ball was released Krista swung and a loud crack was heard.

"Okay I'm officially impressed" I said as she kept hitting ball after ball.

Wow this girl was good probably shouldn't let her swing anything at me though if I wanna live.

Backing away and getting to the doorway if the cage she spoke.

"come in here with me I will show you how."

"Um I would like to keep my face so no thanks" she was crazy if she thought I would go in there again.

"Come on please..tell you what if you hit one I will give you a reward" she said adding a wink.

Within a second I was in the cage with her.

"okay stand here" I did as I was instructed she went behind me and but her hands on the bat where my hands where.

"Okay ready?"

I nodded my head she pressed the box that controlled the baseballs being thrown after about a minute a ball came flying towards me guiding me we swung the bat hitting the ball.

"I did it!" I said throwing down the bat and hugging Krista.

"I saw that" a smile formed on her lips as she just stared at me.


"Nothing now try it again."


The moment she hit the ball and she was so happy I couldn't help but stare and think how adorable she was right then and there.

I think I was falling for her but it was best not to say anything until I was sure.

After awhile longer of batting we decided to call it a day and go back home for dinner.

As soon as I got into the apartment Alfy ran to Jamiee.

"I missed you too Alfy" I said throwing the keys on the table.

"What do you wanna eat?" I asked as I headed to the fridge.

"I have-" before I could finish my phone rang without checking who it was I answered "hello?"

I continued to look in the fridge as I spoke to my mom.

"What! is he okay?" I asked.

"Yeah well I have My finals this week I could leave Thursday..okay by mom love you too." I said before hanging up.

"Who was on the phone?" Jamiee asked as she came into the kitchen.

"My dad was in an accident"

"Is he okay?"

"Yeah he's going to be fine just some broken bones I'm going home after my finals for Christmas break to help my mom out with him."

I watched her reaction "oh okay and when is that?"

"This Thursday"

"Okay well that's good that your going to help out you'll be back anyways" she said looking away like she was trying to convince herself.

"Hey" I said walking up to her and wrapping my arms around her neck.

"It's just going to be for a couple of weeks I promise nothing going to change between us."

"Promise?" she said looking into my eyes.

I pecked her lips before responding "I promise."

In love with royalty (gxg) (Lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now