Chapter 16

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I had figured out back at the apartment that Tania was the girl Sarah was talking about.

That's why I convinced her to meet her, the coffee shop we were in was also my idea I told Tania to pick it.

I of course didn't tell her Sarah was the girl she was meeting either I had a plan.

Just because I'm pretty doesn't mean I was stupid.

"Jamiee thank havens your here what if she doesn't like me or worse what if I don't like her?"

"Tania calm down your gorgeous who wouldn't like you" I tired to look at Krista and Sarah both were looking at Tania with jaws dropped.

I had to admit Tania was pretty she could be a model her black wavy hair and grey eyes and height just made her look exotic.

"Trust me she's going to love you she's be crazy not too." I said giving her hand a squeeze.

I led her to table where the other two girls sat they quickly looked away as we got closer.

Guess they didn't want to get caught undressing my friend with their eyes.

"Guys this is my best friend Tania, Tania this is Krista and her best friend Sarah."

"So your the girl that has finally got Jamiee to open up again" I hit her in the arm As she goes to take a seat in the booth across from Sarah.

"What do you mean?" "nothing she means nothing" I said glaring at Tania.

"Sweetie I'm your best friend your evil glares do nothing"

I swear this girl doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut.

"Jamiee never told yo-"she went silent I looked over to see her staring at Sarah.

I looked at Krista with a raised brow as she shrugged we both looked back to see Sarah fiddling with the paper from her straw.

"Wow" Tania said as Sarah managed to make a flower with the paper.

"T-thanks" she stuttered out as she looked up at Tania.

They stayed staring at each other for quite some time before waved my hand in front of them.

Sarah quickly looked away completely turning red.

"Wow you are even more adorable when you blush" Krista looked at my best friend shocked.

Me not really Tania is a really blunt person so I'm used to it.

"Hey don't forget why your here" I said reminding them they weren't here for each other when secretly they are.

"Right sorry" she said looking at me.

"Why are you here anyways?" spoke my dear "FRIEND" royalty.

"Not that I mind just curious" she said correcting herself so Tania wouldn't take it rudely.

"Actually I'm supposed to be meeting someone here."

"Oh that's funny so are we well Sarah actually not us" she said pointing between me and herself.

"Really? that is strange isn't it?"

"Yes it is what do you think Sarah?" I asked as I noticed she had just been staring this entire time.

"Sarah?" I repeated again.

"Huh-no, yeah what?" she said snapping out if it.

"Maybe you should stop undressing my friend with your eyes and pay attention" I said laughing as she turned red again.

Tania just smiled staring at her god those two should get a room.

I clapped my hands together "well Krista I think we should go"

"What why?" they all looked at me with questioning looks.

"Because these two don't need us around killing there mood" I said getting up.

"But your supposed to wait with meeeee" my friend is such a baby.

I rolled my eyes "we can't leave what if this person tries to drug or kidnap Sarah."

"Actually she might enjoy it" I said turning to face Tania "sweetie are you going to try and kidnap Sarah?''

I watched as my friend looked over at Sarah and smile "if she keeps looking that cute I just might" I shook my head laughing.

"Glad you think that because from the way she's been eyeing you she probably wants you too"

This only made Sarah blush for like the billionth time what happen to the tough girl act earlier.

I pulled Krista up from the booth "aren't we staying?" Krista asked me.

"No because they are here to meet each other" I said pointing to them both.

"I don't get it?" I looked at her she's so lucky she's pretty. "royalty they have been messaging each other the entire time the girl Sarah is meeting is Tania and Sarah is the girl Tania is meeting" I said making things clear.

"Ohhh okay then bye" she said grabbing my hand as she led us to the exit.


After Jamiee and her little girlfriend left I looked back at the adorable girl in front of me.

Her black her was down a little pass her shoulders but not by much.

She had normal brown eyes but they just captivated me every time I looked into them.

I brought my eyes down to her lips they were perfect I just couldn't look away.

If I had to guess I would say she had some Native American in her. I studied her for another minute before speaking and breaking the awkward silence.

"What are the odds" I said laughing.

"Yeah" she said with a small smile and went quite again.

"So our best friends are dating who would have thought."

Once again she replied with "yeah"

Really just yeah "okay" I said shaking my head as I slid out of the booth.

"Wait where are you-" before she could finish her sentence I slid into her side of the booth and kissed her.

It was probably less than a second before I pulled away and spoke.

"Now that, that's out of the way how about you start answering with more than yeah okay?" I didn't want to talk to a brick wall after all.

"Yeah..I mean okay sorry" she said nervously as her face turned red.

I smiled at how cute she was I think I'm going to like this girl.

In love with royalty (gxg) (Lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now