Chapter 23

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I woke up to my alarm to go for my morning run.
Turning it off I got up and got my things to shower.

I wonder if Jamiee is still here wouldn't suprise me if she got up and left.

Then again she was pretty drunk so she probably won't even be up till later.

With a toothbrush in hand and a towel around myself I went to feed Alfy.

Sure enough her Highness was still passed out on my sofa.

"Good morning Alfy" I said with a mouth full of toothpaste as he made his way over to me to eat.

Should I wake her or let her be it's not like she hasn't been here before she could leave when she wanted.
I stood there over her debating on what to do.
I decided to just leave her heading back to my room I finished getting changed to my workout clothes and  tied my hair up in a pony tail.

Getting my keys I left and headed to the park.

Parking I got off and headed to the trail as I placed my headphones in my ear my phone went off.

Ria: how is she?

  "Oh now you care" I thought as I rolled my eyes and replied back.

Me: fine she was still knocked out when I left.

Ria: okay.

Closing the message I put on my music and began to stretch.


I woke up with a horrible headache and a taste of stale alcohol in my mouth.

Forcing myself to open my eyes I looked around I know this place but how did I get here? I didn't think to long on it though.

My eyes widen when the familiar feeling in my stomach had me running to the bathroom with my hands over my mouth.

Shoving the door opened and kneeling over I emptied the contents of my stomach.

When I was sure I was done I rinsed out my mouth and headed back to the sofa where Alfy happened to have been waiting.

Sitting down I began to pet him suddenly the sound of keys in the door caught my attention.
Lifting my head I looked over to see Krista walk through the door.

She locked eyes with me for a second before slamming the door closed causing pain to shoot through my head.

"Ow" I said craddling my head in my hands.

"Here take this."

Looking up Krista held her hand open with two tablets and a bottle of water in the other.

Mumbling a quick thanks I took the items from her hands.

As soon as her hands were free she headed to her room.

Awkwardness is all I felt "how did I get here?"

I asked my voice coming put a bit hoars.

"Ria brought you.'' she said coming back into the room with a towel. "Guess she didnt wanna deal with drunk you."

Turning around she went back into her room where I heard a door close.

Assuming she was in the shower and that it was best if I leave I found my shoes and slipped them on.

When I was sure I had everything I headed out the door.

    "So let me get this straight" Tania spoke "you went over to Ria's got drunk and so she left you at Krista's house."

"Yes" I responded over the phone currently laying on my bed as soon as I got home I called Tania informing her of my awkward situation.

"And how did that go?"
"It was weird she wouldn't look at me and didn't really say anything."

"So then what happened?" she question.

"What? Nothing happened I left when she was in the shower I just wanted to get out of there before it got worse."

"Maybe she's just getting over you. Its what you wanted after all."

Was it? For some odd reason the thought of it hurt me.
Did I honestly want that, that idea alone was unbearable.

Just then the night at the club came to mind "I'm done"
Regret sank in as tears threaten to fall I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Tania I-I gotta go." I said before hanging up.


The sound of the front door closing let me know that she had left.

I wouldn't try and talk to her in her state I would get a chance but today wasn't it.

I felt my heart screaming to go stop her but I knew it would only push her farther away from me.

Sighing I continued to dry my hair from my shower and began to get ready for work.

As soon as I was done I headed out and went to working hoping today would get better.

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