Chapter 9

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I was jogging while hearing titanium trying to get my thoughts off Jamiee.

Why did I care about who this Mia was.

Could she have been the girl Ria was talking about it would make. Sense since there names sounded alike.

After my jog I checked my phone as soon as I got in my car.

Sarah: meet me at the coffee shop in an hour.

I checked the time still had 10 minutes to get there.

As soon as I arrived she was already sitting down with her order. I took a seat across from her.

"whats up" I watched as she removed her sun glasses.

"question of the day how well do you know Jamiee?"

How well do I know Jamiee what kind of question was that? We spent almost everyday together.

"I dont know well enough why?"

Did she know something I didnt?

"so I take it you havent seen the papers?" She said raising an eyebrow.

"you know I dont read that trash whats this about anyways?" Why couldnt she get to the point.

She then pulled out from her purse the paper and showed it to me Jamiee was on the front page making out with that bimbo.

What caught my attention was in. bold letters the word 'Princess'.

"Jamiee was with a princess that chick was a princess?"

Wow if Jamiee knew I looked up to see Sarah looking at me stupidly.


"read it Krista"

I did what she said and began reading 'princess Jamiee Fitsburg seen with another women' I stopped when I realized what I just read.

"Jamiee is the princess?" I said looking up at Sarahs eyes.

All she did was nod her head.

I couldnt belive it I slept with the princess why didnt Jamiee ever tell me.

I felt disgusted with myself she kept something that big from me.

I thought we were friends when I thought back I realized she never once told me her last name or anything about her life for that matter.

How could I sleep with someone I bearly knew I felt betrayed I had made it to my apartment.

I was to upset to stay with Sarah and took off along with her paper hoping it would change some how.

Jamiee had kept calling but I couldnt bring my self to answer what would I say?

I headed to my door only to find her sitting there I couldnt hold my tears back anymore I was so angry with her.

She got up neither one of us saying a word did she know about the paper is that why she kept calling.

I threw the paper at her "hope you had fun" I said as clear and cold as I could as I walked passed her and went inside shutting my door.

I fell to the floor breaking down completly.

Alfy ran to me. I simply picked him up and petted him.

I never wanted to see her again.

to think I actually felt like I was starting to have feelings for her.

After a while I got up and went to bed putting my phone on silent.

I didnt feel like talking to anyone for a while I layed there thinking about anything but her but it was no use.

She was the only thing I could think about.

I thought about how she made me laugh ,the way she would kiss me just ,the way she would make me feel with a single touch.

I did end up liking her but it was a silly crush why would the princess want someone like me?

After all we agreed no strings attached I knew all she wanted was to sleep with me.

So why would I be so stupid as to end up liking her.

I hated her cockyness her stupid remarks the fact that she always got what she wanted. Or the way she used girls for her on pleasure.

I hated her but at the same time I liked her I was so confused.

The whole princess thing confused me more I couldnt handle it.

I slowly fell asleep thinking about everything that happend today.

It was the worst day.

I know its short but oh well its like 2am already and no, no Jamiees pov just Kristas thanks for reading :)


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