Chapter 11

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"please talk to me" I missed her voice I missed her.

I should have refused Rias offer to come to this party.

"why should I Jamiee or should I say princess Jamiee" I may have missed her but I was still angry.

"dont be like that Krista please Im still the same person" no she wasn't not to me.

"the same person Jamiee I didnt even know anything about you!"

I felt my eyes as they began to sting from the tears fighting to come out.

"Krista please understand I couldnt tell you-" I cut her off before she could finish.

"why not was it because you didnt trust me. What 'princess' thought I would tell everyone your little secret and use it to get what I want!"

"wouldnt you? Why not let everyone know your screwing the princess"

Was she serious she thought I cared.

"why does it even bother you so much Krista!" Now she started raising her voice.


I couldnt belive it she thought I was acting like this because she was a stupid princess.

"no Jamiee Im upset that you couldnt even trust me enough to tell me." I said in a calm voice as Tears began to fall "what makes it worse is that right when I was starting to care about you, you turned out to be a liar." She just stood there like she had nothing else to say.

As I pushed past her I stopped and without looking at her I spoke once more.

"even if you were the poorest person that I knew I still would have liked you" and with that I left.


"even if you were the poorest person that I knew I still would have liked you"

I should have stopped her from walking away but I didnt I knew I had ruined it any hope vanished.

I decided to head home not even bothering to go back inside to the party.

I could never enjoy myself knowing she was probably with Ria.

How could I let something so great get away. I felt tears roll down my face she was actually starting to like me she had admitted it.

I wiped my tears away I couldn't let my self cry while driving.

When I was sure I was ok I turned on my car and began to head home.

I slowed down when someone was walking in the middle of the road.


After I left Jamiee I went inside to,find Ria.

she was on the sofa making out with some girl.

I shook my head she was exactly like Jamiee.

I went over to her and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Ria we have to go." She broke away from the girl long enough to tell me "no" and went back to making out with the other chick.

I couldn't belive it that jerk didnt even want to take me home.

I headed out the door and began my walk.

"stupid Ria making me come to this stupid party" I said in a small rant.

I heard a honk from behind me I turned and some kid just yelled "get out of my way." I sighed and moved out of the way so the jerk driving could get by.

"People are such assholes" I said to myself once again.

"Just the rich kids" I quickly turned to see a car driving at my pace with the window down.

"Jamiee can you please just leave me alone" deep down I didnt want her too.

"no Im not letting you walk get in."

"No" I would never get in a car with her well not when I was mad at least.

"Please Royalty"

"Dont call me that!" I said snapping at her.

"ok sorry please Krista?" And once again my answer was "No."

"you know what fine."

I watched as she drove past me out of sight.

I hadnt notice how dark it really was I was getting a,little scared.

I continued to walk and decided to hum to get my mind off the creepiness of the road.

"Are you actually humming that?" I looked up from the road to see Jamiee on her car.

"what are you doing?" why was she acting like everything was ok.

"well Im not letting you walk alone" she said getting off her car "and since you wont get in my car I will just have to walk with you."

I watched as a smirk appeared on her face god I hated her smirk.

"ok fine!" I said giving in. I went to get in her car when she closed the door in front of me I turned to face her.

"what are you do-" before I could finish she kissed me cutting me off.

In love with royalty (gxg) (Lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now