Chapter 10

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I ran hearing 'you are the moon'.

it had been about two weeks since the incedent with the Princess. I never could just see her as Jamiee.

She would call and text every now and then after but I never answered. Finally, they stopped guess she figured I didnt want anything to do with her.

My schedual was school work study and jog thats it no more Jamiee.

"son of a bitch" I said getting up from the floor. What the hell did I just hit?

"Im sorry are you ok?" The thing said.

I know that voice I looked up to see Ria.

"oh hey I know you..Krista right?"

"Ria?..w-what,are you doing here?"

I asked as she reached her hand out towards me.

"well I was going for a stroll before some one bumped into me" she said lefting me up.

"its,not like it was on pourpose"

"what are you hearng?" She said lifting my head phone.

"Oh...amber lynn" I said as I realized the song had changed.

"hey well since your here and Im here and coffee is over there" she said pointing to the coffee shop.

"how bout we go grab one?"

I didnt want to be rude and maybe I could find out if she knew about Jamiee."sure"

"so hows Jamiee? Suprised she hasn't come to get you"

I raised my head.

"why would she get me?"

"well arent you two together?" Well that was a first why would she think that.

"um no were not"

"couldn't handle all the fame most girls would go for that" did she think I would be that shallow. wait so she did know about Jamiee.

"you knew she was the princess??"

she gave me a confused look.

"of course I knew didn't you?"

"no I didnt how'd you find out?"

"I've known she used to date my sister before my parents made her end it."

"your parents werent happy there daughter was dating a princess?"

My parents would be ok with it then again theyed love me no matter what.

"well maybe for normal people" her voice braking me from my thoughts.

"normal people what do you mean?" This girl was confusing.

"Im a princess too" a smile spread across her face.

Great another one I thought.

She then reached across the table and grabbed my hand. Ok this was getting awkward.

"you are ok with that aren't you?"

Well of course I am but why is she grabbing my hand.

We heard a clicking sound we looked to our right and there was a fat man with a camera taken pictures still.

"oh great" Ria said rolling her eyes.

I moved my hand away as she got up. "buddy can I have that camera" she said.

The man simply got up and ran.

I looked at Ria who just stood there.

"arent you going to go after him?"

"what for?" She said shrugging her shoulders.

"uh maybe because he has pictures of us holding hands."


"so its going to be in the papers what if someone sees what if... Jamiee sees"


I was sitting with Tania playing with my food as she told me about some girl she met online and was now texting.

"Jamiee are you even listening to me?"

"yeah I am" I said looking up at her she contunied talking.

Two weeks and not a word from her. I at least thought if I gave her space she would get over it and cool off but nothing.

"Tania don't you think meeting someone you met online is a little dangerous?"

She stopped her rant.

"well thats why your going to be there with me" I dont ever remember her asking.

"what why?"

"because your my best friend And just in case she doesnt show up or something I need your support."

We were best friends and I hated seeing her upset.

"fine just this once never again got it" I said pointing my finger at her.

"great" I simply nodded.

"still thinking about her" it was a more of a statment than a question.

Krista has been on my mind I honestly think I was falling for her or I had without knowing.

"she'll come around" Tania said putting her hand over mine.

I couldnt help the smile that formed on my face.

Tania always knew what to say to make me feel a better even if it was just a little bit.

"now come on we need to shop for something to wear today at the party." We headed out the resturant and to her car.

The party was held at Tania's house.

I had been there for about an hour and already I wanted to leave.

How could I enjoy a party when it felt like my heart was broken I sat down facing the door staring blankly at it.

Everyone here was looking for someone to be with just for a night I wanted someone forever.

Just as the thought came the door opened up and there she stood.

I simply watched as she entered she looked beautiful as always.

It was impossible to look away from her.

Her eyes fell onto mine and I watched her expression change.

The change in her mood made me snap out of my day dream.

Thats when I realized she wasnt alone Ria stood beside her.

I quickly got up and went to her as she turned around and walked out.

Ria tried to stop me but I simply pushed past her.

"Krista wait!" I said grabbing hold of her arm.

"what!" I could see tears forming in her eyes.

I got her hand and pulled her away from where anyone could hear or see us.

In love with royalty (gxg) (Lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now