Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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-This story takes place after the war between the Senju and Uchiha clans ended and the two came to an agreement to merge clans-

[your name] - where you place your name or alias you go by


The male with long black spiky hair shook his former enemies hand to come to the agreement of ending the war once and for all. This was a new beginning the two would now rule the town they called Konohagakure together, as friends no longer enemies. Hashirama was now hokage with Madara by his side.

"Hashirama could you just-" the black haired man was interrupted by the sudden halt of the brunette stopping in front of him. Hashirama turned towards Madara and spoke with bags under his eyes, "I'm sorry dear friend, I have lots of work to handle as Hokage of Konohagakure, maybe we can meet up another time alright?". The man with the long hair turned once again and continued to walk with a script in hand towards his home. With a sigh Madara looked up at the night sky, the wind blowing his hair slightly in his face. "He no longer has time, he promised that we would work together for true peace....", Madara clenched his fist and furrowed his brows together. "Nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world....".

The night was still young, people were still walking around the village, it wasn't an hour for kids to be out, but a young adult named [your name] Senju had snuck out of her home in search of some peace and quiet. The [hair length] [hair colored] female quite often snuck out during the break of dawn from her family home in hopes to get a break from all the gossip about Uchihas corrupting the new village. She personally didn't care about clans and the villages merging, it was something fresh she could look forward to.

The two were walking down the dimly lit street, both in an aggravated mood. The Senju and Uchiha walked past each other, one not giving the other a second thought however, the male Uchiha pause in his steps. "Child... do you know how dangerous it is to be out this late without a guardian?" He spoke softly with a slight hint of annoyance in his words. Before she could even take her next step she twirled around to the male irritated of his sudden declaration of her being a, "child". Walking up to the man looking him up and down she narrowed her eyes "Listen I do not care who you are but no one can get away with calling ME such a thing as a child", she grumbled at him while pointing towards him. While pointing at the male her eye sight had finally adjusted to the darkness, her eyes laid upon Madara Uchiha. A sweat drop rolled down the side of her neck as she realized who she spoke so rudely too.

Both figures stood in the middle of the sandy street of Konoha, staring each other in the eyes. [your name] was feeling so many emotions a mixture of panic and resentment to this man. The man who let the war drag on for many years over who was the strongest clan and family affairs. She gathered her courage by taking in a deep breath retracting her finger from the mans unfazed face. "Listen... I'm not a child, but you... of all people shouldn't be so concerned for a Senju clan member....", she said with narrowed eyes to the Uchiha. Something had snapped in Madara he wasn't sure about what he felt but he knew this girl was going to make his life interesting. "Hmm... a Senju you said... interesting" his face remained unchanged staring at the shorter woman within his reach.  "Well Ms. Senju please would you enlighten me with why you are out so late at night unattended you do know with the clans merging it wouldn't be safe for a girl like you to be out at night..." he gently placed a hand on her shoulder staring at the girl with slight blood lust oozing out of his menacing figure. [Your name] tensed at the touch of this man, she felt every ounce of strength that he had, and was now understanding the meaning of the battles and fights that had ran for many years between clans.

[Your name] felt the tension rising and his blood lust coming out of him even if it was just for a second, she was no where near the amount of strength that this man possessed. She felt as if she had already lost a battle that hadn't even started. He removed his hand from her shoulder, the blood lust had dissipated after a few moments, "Now that you comprehend the danger of being alone at night, I shall escort you home...". He had turned toward the direction she had come from and began to walk, "come on...", he simply said as he kept walking not giving her a second look. After the fear had finally vanished from her body she thought for a moment, 'that man could have killed me', and the worst part was she couldn't tell if he really wanted to.


Thank you so much if you read this story please let me know if I have made any mistakes or could improve on anything! See you in the next chapter. -- Trashcangee


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