Chapter 2 - Nightly Encounter

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Madara Uchiha, she heard stories of him. [Your name] lived in the village since it was founded, she was just an average villager who lived through the war like everyone else did. Hashirama the villages hokage and Madara who never came out in public often, especially in the daytime. These thoughts ran through her head as the man with the dark hair walked her home.

"Why are you walking me home? If I could tell correctly you were trying to kill me moments ago..." [your name] said under her breath. Madara halted, he didn't look back but he did speak in a somewhat gentle tone, "What would killing a Senju a few weeks after making peace and combining clans do Hashirama's reputation as hokage?". Madara kept walking at a steady pace down the empty streets, with [your name] following slowly behind. After walking for what seemed like ages, the two finally reached the girls destination. Madara kept walking until he heard the girl speak up, "Thank you for walking me this far, I would like to think I could get along with the leader of the Uchiha clan". As she said those words she quickly hopped over the fence over to her house, Madara watched her through his peripheral vision as she did so. With a slight smile he walked into the lone dark cold winter night.


It was the next day, [your name] stayed up all night thinking of the mysterious man. 'There had to be another reason why he didn't kill me, he was so much stronger no one would notice a random Senju clan member missing', she pondered the thought of it all night. [Your name] yawned, weeks ago she found a place to go train one during the day. Once arriving at the area, she took in the view, it was a small training area with a tree and river nearby. The tree had a bunch of marks on its skin showing where she had trained a couple days prior using the sword when she'd come by to get away from home. Touching the marks on the tree [your name] gently sighed, 'I don't have much chakara so I work on my swordsmanship but Madara is right, I am just a child....', she thought to herself while making a fist with her hand.

She sat on the dead and wilted grass against the lofty elder tree, [your name] watched as the blue water gently flowed down towards the neighboring town. She sat there for awhile, gazing at the flowing water before slowly drifting into a slumber tired from staying up the night before.

Her eyes fluttered open, the wind was sharp and piercing the girls skin 'how long was I asleep?', she thought to herself as she looked around her training ground. It was sometime after sunset, rising from her spot she stretched, 'maybe I should head home before anything happens' she thought to herself. "What did I tell you about coming out this late?", a familiar voice rang to the females ears. Quickly turning around towards the tree Madara had been standing on the other side, back leaned against the wood trunk. His face was hidden by the shadows casted by the tree but she knew it was him.

"W-What are you doing here?" the girl spoke out, she was still on edge from the experience from the night before with the Uchiha. The raven haired male emerged from the shadows which made him even more frightening to the younger girl, "Can't walk around my own village?" the man said sending chills down her spine. "N-no you are allowed this is the Senju AND Uchiha village", [your name] made sure the 'and' was emphasized in hopes he would understand that she did want to have peace between the two of them. "Say... Ms. Senju what's your first name?" "It's [Your name], [Your name] Senju", as she said those words she felt an unsettling air pass between the two.

Madara looked up at the moon, however [your names] eyes never drifted from the male. "You know [your name].... you don't behave as your fellow clans men, they are disgusted, frightened of me...they all run at the sight of me.....", the males figure glistened like a halo in the moons light, his head slowly drifted back to facing the younger female. "I can tell you are frightened of me... but you don't run.... nor are you disgusted... in fact- ", the male stepped closer to her closing the distance between them till he was just inches away from her. "-I think you find me intriguing, as I do you."


[Authors Note A/N] again please let me know if you see mistakes or errors in the story! thank you to those who read this, I know it's not going to be something that will be popular but as a Madara lover I wanted to make something different from what I usually read about. The fanfics usually depict Madara in a negative way so I am in a sense just making this to make myself happy but I appreciate those who do read thank you! --trashcangeee


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