Chapter 10 - If it's you

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The two walked towards the Uchihas side of town, Madara holding onto the girls hand to make sure she is safe. 

Gently she gripped onto his arm and was shaking a bit, he felt slight warmth emit off the girl and onto his arm which spread throughout his body.

'No... I should not think of such a thing especially when she is like this', he thought to himself.

After a few more moments of walking in a comfortable silence they reached their destination. Kind of like Hashirama's house, Madara had a slightly bigger home than the rest of the Uchihas and had the Uchiha logo spread throughout the outside. 

"Will it be hard leaving your home and belongings behind?", the Senju girl spoke gently.

Madara silently walked up to his front door and slid it open, once [your name]'s eyes looked inside the dimly lit house she realized. It looked as if no one even lived there, the house was practically empty. The two walked inside, [your name] looking around curiously. All that was around was two or there cups and plates, a chair, a small table and of course a bed to sleep on. Nothing really significant to Madara himself other than the small amount of clothes in his closet.  

[Your name] silently went around his house looking for anything that could be a sign that Madara even lived here other than his clothes.

Madara was silently packing his clothes as [your name] walked around the home, he had decided to speak up "answering your question from earlier... no It will not be hard to leave stuff behind... I have nothing to leave behind".

[Your name] walked over to Madara and gently hugged him, the Uchiha's eyes widened at the sudden warmth he felt. 

"I know... it must have been hard.... being on your own is hard... I understand...", she slowly looked up to the Uchiha. "But you are no longer alone you have me now!", she flashed a big grin on her facing causing a feeling to stir up inside him. He didn't quite understand what he felt it wasn't a bad feeling he just hadn't recalled what this feeling was, he remembered this feeling from long ago. Happiness.

Gently putting his hand on [your name]'s cheek he wrapped his other arm around her waist bringing her close to him. He was focused only on her in this moment, [your name] was nervously looking up at her boyfriend and blushed darkly.

"C-Can we...CAN WE KISS NOW?!" she blurted out with her eyes shut nervous to his reply.

Madara looked at her slightly shocked and chuckled softly, "of course we can..". He leaned down to the girl placing his lips on hers softly. The two of them kissed for what seemed like hours, the kiss was sloppy and a bit messy but they didn't seem to mind to much.

As the two pulled apart from the kiss, Madara and [your name] kept their heads pressed together as they panted gently for air. "You... suck at kissing" the young girl giggled softly looking into Madara's eyes. Madara gently grabbed a strand of [your name]'s hair and smiled softly, "you are the only lover I have had so of course I lack the experience". [Your name] giggled at his honest response, "you are my first as well" she blushed at her own words.

"S-So does that mean...that I'll be your first everything?", she tilted her head.

Madara slightly blushed at her sexual implication and cleared his throat, "yes you would be my first as well... but take all the time you need... we have only known each other thirteen days... and have been together for two... I will wait for you to be ready...". He softly kissed her on the forehead, "I will treat you right...unlike others I have in the past...".

[Your name] shyly leaned up against Madara's chest and blushed, "I do not mind if it is you Madara...".

And thats what made Madara's senses snap, his eyes glistened red exposing his sharingan for only a moment. He quickly threw his bag he was packing to the side and pushed the girl onto the bed. Slowly pulling off his indigo shirt and pulled off [your name]'s outfit as well, he looked down to the girl laying on his bed. "[your name]... are you sure you are okay with this? I am not sure I can hold back with you looking so adorable....".

Madara laid his eyes upon his lover , the room was dim but he could still stare down at her beautiful body. The girl squirmed around a bit embarrassed from his sudden change and nodded to his question, "y-yeah...".

In that moment Madara wanted to ravish the girl, but he didn't want to hurt her. He took a deep breath and crawled ontop of his lover. [Your name] covered her face slightly to avoid looking into the Uchiha's eyes.

"Why are you covering that beautiful face? I want to see all the faces you make when you are with me...", he said as he gently leaned down placing soft kisses on her collar bone. [Your name] shivered at the touch of his lips on her skin, she gently moved her arms away from her face with a huge blush spread across her face. Madara smiled up at her, "that is what I wanted to see".

[Your name] and Madara had eventually gotten all of their clothes off after a few minutes. The Uchiha's gaze never left the girls body, his hands pinning hers to the side so that she wouldn't cover anything. "I do not want you to be shy in front of me... you are mine from now on so you do not need to hide any part of yourself... I think every part of you is wonderful", he said as he admired your body.

The girl blushed darkly and began to admire his body as well, her eyes drifted down to where his penis was. [Your name]'s eyes widened as soon as she laid her eyes upon it, "M-Madara... will that even fit inside m-me?". 

Madara traced his hands down towards her vulva and stroked it gently, "I believe you are wet enough for it to slip in... I will take it slowly since it will hurt...". 

Placing himself at her entrance he gripped [your name]'s hips gently and pushed himself inside. [Your name] flinched at the foreign feeling inside her and gripped onto Madara's arms shaking softly. Madara had fully pushed himself inside and leaned down to kiss her gently, "I will not move until you feel better [your name]", he said softly leaning his forehead against hers.

A few moments pass and the pain slowly subsided, the girl nodded softly signaling to Madara that she was ready for him to continue. After holding back for those moments he began to thrust into her making [your name] moan out his name. "M-Madara!" , her moans making it harder and harder for him to hold back. 

He kept thrusting into the girl making her moan louder and louder with each hip movement. [Your name] gripped gently onto Madara's shoulders and moaned out, "M-Madara... i-it feels weird....". Madara placed gently kisses upon his lovers skin and left tiny purple marks down from her neck to her chest, "do not hold back...". 

Madara felt a knot in his stomach, he was close and so was [your name]. He then thrusted into her a few more times before he pulled out and came onto her stomach. [Your name] moaned out as she also felt herself begin to shake and release. They both panted into the silent room and laid on the bed. 

The two looked at each other and blushed while quickly looking away from each other. "so..." "so..." they both looked at each other as they said in unison. The two started to laugh and hug one another.

"Here let me clean up the mess I made", he grabbed a cloth from beside his bed and wiped the semen off her lower stomach, kissing her shoulder softly. 


After some time passed [your name] and Madara had already cleaned themselfs and put their clothes back on. Though [your name] was now wearing Madaras shirt instead of her own, Madara laid in his bed shirtless because of his lover.

[Your name] smiled at Madara and wrapped her arms around him, "We should rest up for our trip".

Madara nodded and covered them with a warm blanket, the two of them cuddled into each others arms. He waited for the girl in his arms to fall asleep and let out a soft breath kissing her head, "I will not make you regret your choice.. i promise..".

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