Chapter 5 - Confiding in Feelings

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[ Three days ago ]

"Now there are different types of chakra nature, I cannot tell you what chakra you have at the moment since we do not know of your origins", Madara crossed his arms. "So we will have you do the basic hand signs, I assume you do not know much about chakra since I do not feel it strongly from you", he looked over to the female who looked clueless to what he was talking about.

"Signs? I do know of chakra but I have yet to understand it's signs or how to use it", [your name] said with a slight sigh, she didn't really have a mentor of chakra throughout her years so only knew the basics of it.

The Uchiha let out a large sigh, "Alright then, chakra is within everyone", he flicked the younger girl in the forehead causing her to step back a little. She blushed at his touch and looked down from embarrassment. "Chakra just needs to be practiced and you must learn the signs to use it", Madara put his hands in position and began to flash some signs at a fast pace which made [your name] shocked. "Fire Style - Majestic Destroyer Flame !", he yelled before fire came from his mouth and out into the air. As he set his hands down looking towards the shocked girl he spoke once again, "This is something that can be learned-" Madara's eyes glowed red, "this is Sharingan, only the Uchiha clan has this power, we need to see if you have powers beyond normal chakra, however you must start with the basics so let us begin".

[ Current time ]

It had been three days since [your name] started training, she had a rough time at first but had gotten hand on the basics.

Madara and [Your name] had been sitting in the nearby tree at her training ground after taking a short break. "How come... I only see you at night?", the girl said softly. She was curious about this for awhile now, they would only train at night and never saw each other during the day. Madara had remained uninterested in the conversation and slowly tilted his head downwards closing his eyes, "Mhn.... I belong to the darkness... night is where I belong". Even though they had spent the past couple days along side eachother they never talked often. "I see...", [your name] trailed off not knowing what else to say to the slightly older male Uchiha.

The uchiha had also no clue what to talk about and felt a little nervous, "erhm... so we do not know much of eachother... tell me about yourself". [Your name] tensed at the thought of sharing her back story she had only done so with Hashirama and her new family. Taking a deep breath [your name] began to tell her story to Madara. Madara sat and listened, his face unchanging she wasn't sure if she was boring him or he was just uninterested.

The dark haired Uchiha had gotten up from his spot and reached a hand out towards [your name], "well sitting around is not going to make you stronger is it?". The uchiha had a small smile on his lips, this caused [your name] to blush. When grabbing his hand and getting up the girls heart began to pound as she felt heat raise up inside her. 'What is this feeling?' , the girl thought to herself, 'it feels like it is crushing me, my heart feels heavy'. [Your name] clenched onto the fabric covering her chest and bit her lip gently. "What is the matter?" the male spoke with a hint of worry in his voice. "It is uhm... nothing... I think I have to go for now... I will see you tomorrow night Madara... I- Uhm- SORRY!", she ran off saying those words leaving the Uchiha standing alone in the dirt clearing.

'I wonder... maybe she was worried I though badly of her after hearing her story...', Madara clenched his fist. Hearing [your names] back story angered him, but what bothered him the most was hearing her talk about Hashirama saved her. Madara didn't understand this feeling that angered him so much about his dear friend, but he needed confirmation. "I will have to speak to him about [your name] later tonight...", the uchiha took a deep breath and returned to his home.


While running home [your name] had many thoughts running through her head. 'I can't possibly have feelings for an Uchiha!' she thought to herself. Her parents would never approve of this, they didn't even know she had been with him training, all hell would break loose if they did.

She stopped outside her house to see Hashirama the hokage standing out side. "Ah! [Your name] I was about to see if you were home, but I guess you sneaked out again huh?", he said while walking over to the girl. She had told her friend that she had been training, not with Madara but on her own, he had offered to help her but she had refused with him being hokage he must be busy. Panting from being slightly out of breath she spoke to the slightly older man, "W-What are you doing here lord hashirama?". Hashirama smiled towards her "Please we are long time friends no need for the 'lord'. I have been so busy as of late I decided it would be nice to visit..." as he stepped closer to [your name] he suddenly felt her small chakra pressure. "Oh! you learned chakra?! all on your own?", the male seemed proud of his friend and patted her on the head.

[Your name] decided to forget about Madara for the time being and focus on her friend Hashirama.

She caught him up on what she had learned, which was just the shadow clones and a fire style jutsu. Hashirama didn't bring it up but he knew only few people in their city could do fire style jutsu especially to teach it so fast as well. 'Madara' the senju thought to himself, he however didn't want to force the information out of her so he decided to keep quiet on the situation.

While the two Senjus sat outside her house talking, Madara had searched for Hashirama by using his Chakra to find him. But he ended up coming across the two of them laughing and talking together, this made him feel angry once again. Seeing [your name] with Hashirama made his blood boil, 'tch why is she with him? We do not conversate freely like she does with him....why?'. Blood lust started to ooze out of the uchiha, and Hashirama felt this.

Quickly standing up he looked over to where Madara stood, he wasn't visible to the two Senju but was sensed by his Chakra. ".....[Your name] I have to go... you should get inside....see you", Hashirama began to walk towards Madara's direction. The young girl blinked at the hokages words, "o-oh alright see you...." she got up and went back into her house.

Hashirama had walked past where Madara stood, "if you are going to do something rash we will talk about it outside the town... do not harm the citizens.... especially her.....". The two silently walked by each other till they reached a small distance from the town. "Now what is it?", hashirama broke the silence as he looked to his friend. Madara stood mighty to his former enemy, "how is it that I have spent more time with her these days yet she looks happier with you?". Hashiramas eyes widened at the Uchihas response, "Madara... do you... like [your name]?". Madaras face twitched at the Senjus response, "like her? tch... she is just....", his words faded, the more he thought about her the more it made sense. 'Do I... like her?', Madara shook his head at the thought, "Never! She is of your clan, us Uchiha are looked down upon in your clan you think that I Madara Uchiha would have feelings for her?!" he blurtted out.

The male with long brown hair sighed, he walked over to the Uchiha and placed a hand on his shoudler, "Listen Madara being true with your feelings is better for-". He was interrupted by Madara slapping his hand away, "Do not touch me! and do not... go near her again...", Madara stated in a low growl. Hashiramas eyes narrowed, "and what if I do?". "Then we will have a problem Hashirama Senju....".


[A/N] its about to get juicy or wtv! once again thank you for continuing to read this far if you have and comment any thoughts :) ---trashcangee


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