Chapter 15 - The Uchiha Legacy

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[9 months later]

[Your name] had given birth to a healthy strong newborn baby boy, she sat in the comfort of her room holding the small boy in her arms. Moments passed as Madara came rushing in from a mission he was on for Hashirama.

He panted as he gripped the door frame to steady himself as he walked into the room. He stared over to his lover and his eyes drifted over to the newborn. He then looked at the mid wife he had hired for his lover and spoke up, "what is the gender?". The woman looked over to him with a small smile, "it's a boy! congratulations lord Madara!".

Madara looked back over to his sleeping son and his girlfriend who was rocking the baby gently in her arms. [Your name] smiled weakly towards the Uchiha, "Hi darling... I hope you do not mind... I already named him..." she said gently. Madara signaled for the midwife to leave them and sat next to [your name] and held her hand gently in his.

"What is this little ones name?", he said while looking over the child's small body in her arms. "[baby boy name] Uchiha", she smiled up at her lover and leaned into his chest. Madara wrapped his arms around the two and gently touched the boys cheeks. 

The baby moved his lips around, he moved around a bit before settling down in [your name]'s arms back to sleep. Madara looked over at the two, 'my family....' he thought to himself with a small smile on his face.

Soon after both [your name] and [baby boys name] were both sleeping peacefully in Madara's arms. Madara gently got up from the bed and grabbed the baby gently holding him in his arms. Looking over the baby he then placed him in a small crib and laid him gently on the soft surface. 

"You will become a great legacy to the Uchiha name, I will train you to protect your mother along side me", he said with determination. As he was about to walk away the small figure grabbed his finger gently in his sleep and made some noises. Madara looked at the boy and sighed softly as he caressed the top of the small boys black hair, "But for now I guess it's my job to take care of the both of you until your old enough" he said with a smile.

[6 months later]

It had been six months since [your name] had given birth to her son, she threw herself onto the bed with a big sigh and watched her baby as he sat on the bed grabbing a toy duck. The girl smiled at [baby boys name] and watched him squish it and giggle at each noise it made. 

With a long sigh she prompt her chin onto her palms and looked over to the six month old, "when will your daddy be home? he has been gone on a mission for a few days now...." she paused to sigh again. "You think uncle Hashirama is doing this on purpose to keep mommy and daddy apart?He has been sending him out alot more recently...", she looked at the baby as if waiting for an answer. 

The baby looked over to his mother and giggled as he tried to reach over to grab her hair. [Your name] grabbed the boy and sat him on top of her tummy and let him play with her hair. She sighed and looked to her son, "well I think it is time to feed you! hopefully daddy will come home soon okay?" she said with a giggle and took her son to the kitchen.


It was now night time, Madara had come home with a few scrapes on his clothes but no marks on his body. He had been running a lot of missions for Hashirama lately he was doing this to provide for his new son and he was after all the strongest ninja that Hashirama could send out from Konoha.

Madara dragged his long weapon on the ground as he walked inside his home he lifted it up in order not to wake his now wife (married shortly after she gave birth) and his six month old son. He put his mission gear away and walked towards his sons room to check on him, once he opened the door he saw the boy deeply asleep holding a rubber duck that [your name] had bought for him earlier the week before. The Uchiha smiled and closed the door gently to not wake the boy and walked over to the room he shared with his wife.

He walked into the room and laid eyes on his wife laying on the bed with messy hair and her clothes all wrinkled due to their son pulling and grabbing at it all day. Madara walked over as he took off his mission outfit and slipped into his comfy sweat pants and t-shirt. He laid on the bed next to [your name] and kissed her gently on the lips, "sorry for coming home late darling..." he said with a small sigh.

[Your name] instantly jerked awake and stared at her husbands face, "You have only been coming back home late at night... it reminds me of when we first met" she smiled and kissed him back. Madara chuckled and brought her closer to him kissing her deeply, the two spent the next few moments sharing a passionate kiss with one another.

Pulling away gently for air they stared at one another panting softly, "well welcome home to you as well" [your name] said with a softly laugh. "It has been rare that we get to be together like this..", Madara said as he planted his arms on [your names] hips moving them gently up her shirt.

"You have been busy with our son and I have been out on missions....", he gently left kisses down the side of her neck and moved his hands towards her breast. [Your name] let out a gentle moan and blushed at his words, "w-well maybe if you told Hashirama to stop sending only you out on missions we would be together more...".

Madara looked at his wife with a small smirk on his lips, "Hashirama he got his new girlfriend Mito pregnant have you heard?" he said while whispering it against her neck. A shiver was sent down [your names] spine, "we should congratulate them t-tomorrow" she said with a stutter.

With a smirk on his lips he pulled his wife ontop of his lap and removed his shirt in the process, "well I was thinking if we got you pregnant again... maybe he would understand and let me have closer missions to the village...". [Your name] blushed furiously at his comment, "M-Madara we just had [baby boys name] six months ago" she exclaimed.

The Uchiha looked at his wife and chuckled deeply, "and? you think that would stop me from anything?" he said and kissed her gently on the lips. [Your name] blushed and kissed him back softly and pulled away after a few second, "w-we can still do it all you want, b-but not another baby till our son is a little older okay? I promise." she said with a small blush.

Madara looked at her with his eyes widened but then laughed softly before laying her gently onto the bed, "well that is certainly a promise that I hope you keep".


[Authors Note] This is the end of Night Lover! I feel like It was a decent story... I hope it was haha! Well thank you to those who stuck it through and read it! Soon I will be writing another Naruto fanfiction which I will probably change the writing style because I want to try something different. BUT AGAIN THANK YOU FOR THE LOVE AND SUPPORT SEE Y'ALL SOON!


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