Chapter 11 - Last Day

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The next morning [your name] woke up just at the crack of dawn, her eyes fluttered open to a sleeping Madara Uchiha. She smiled at him, she had never seen him so clearly before the sun was shining on his prominent features. 

She watched him sleep for awhile gazing at the sight of him until he spoke, "How long did you plan on staring at me my dear?". As he said that his eyes slowly opened to stare her in the eyes. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled [your name] close to his body. "We should rest in a bit today, in the afternoon we can go get some supplies before we take off", he said while closing his eyes once again. [Your name] nodded in reply but noticed that her lover was already asleep. She felt warm in his embrace, but when she looked down she noticed the two of them were still naked this made her cheeks burn up. She wanted to wash up and put on new clothes but was trapped in Madara's embrace, giving up [your name] sighed and let herself fall asleep.



Madara was now the first to wake up of the two, he looked at [your name]'s face with a gentle smile. Just a few moments later, [your name] woke up and looked at the Uchiha "it's time for us to head out darling you ready?". She blinked a few times before blushing again, "w-well uhm I was thinking could we wash up first..." she said slightly embarrassed. Madara blinked and looked down at their bodies, he looked back at his lover and slightly smirked. "Mhn well we could, or I can just clean you myself....", he said as he licked his lips seductively. He then leaned over to [your name] and licked her neck softly, she shivered from the wet touch of his tongue. "W-Wait!" she lightly pushed him away, "w-we already wasted alot of time sleeping in... we got to get going", she said as she blushed. The Uchiha looked up at her and touched her cheek gently, "well of course, I am a patient man... we do have the rest of our lives to experiment on each other anyway..". Blushing darkly the girl watched as the Uchiha got out of the bed and began to put his clothes on while handing her her own.

After the two had got dressed and cleaned up, they had gone into town to buy supplies they would need for their new life together. 

The pair received a lot of stares, a Senju and Uchiha weren't all that common to be seen together. Gossip had began to spread throughout the town pretty fast as the two went store to store picking things to take with them.

By the time they had finished people had started to see the change with the two clans. 


[ Late Afternoon ]

Madara and [your name] were standing at the entrance of the village, Hashirama and [your name]'s parents seeing them off.

"Take care of yourself", her mom said while hugging her tightly. "Make sure to visit", her dad mumbled under his breath while patting her head. 

As the two parents said their goodbyes to their daughter Hashirama talked to Madara.

They both shook hands, "If you hurt her or let anything happen to her I will in fact take that as an opportunity to take her from you..." Hashirama said with a smiled on his face. Madara had a small smirk plastered on his mouth, "mhn you can try but I've already marked her as my own" he said softly. Hashiramas grip tightened on the Uchihas hand and his eyebrow twitched, "well then even more you should take care of her...".

[Your name] walked over to the two, "alright ready to go!", she turned towards Hashirama and bowed deeply to him. "Thank you so much.... you really do not understand how much you have impacted my life I owe you a lot!", she smiled softly while hugging Hashirama gently. The hokage gave a gentle smiled before patting her on the head, "just be safe" he spoke with a gentle voice.

With that the two left the village, walking away from where the two clans would later grow together due to their story that spread in the village.

"Do you think we will be okay?", the girl muttered over to her traveling partner. 

The Uchiha gently grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers, "I will teach you everything I know, we will protect one another from now on". With a small smile he placed a kiss on the girls hand, "alright?".

[Your name] nodded with a smile and the two walked down the dirt path on to their next challenge. 


[A/N] I know this sounds like it's the end of the story but I will be doing a few more chapters thank you so much for reading this far! I appreciate those of you who read it! Look forward to the last chapters thank you once again <3 -- trashcangee 


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