Chapter 6 - Weakness

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[Trigger Warning - Mention of rape and trauma tread carefully]

"Then we will have a problem Hashirama Senju....".

Hashirama kept his glare on the Uchiha and then turned it over into a smile, "Well we shouldn't have a problem...". Hashirama smiled at his friend, "Even though I must admit I do have feelings for her... I know I am not the one she cares for.." he trailed off. Madara narrowed his eyes once again, "What do you mean...?".

Hashirama thought back to the conversation he had with [your name] moments before.

[Moments Earlier]

"So how did you manage to learn how to use chakra and the signs?", Hashirama already knew the answer, he didn't want to pressure her into answering but was trying to get out what he could. "Mhn well... I trained by myself for awhile, but someone was kind enough to teach me" she said smiling softly while messing around with her fingers. Hashirama saw the look in his crushes face, she looked happy and had a slight blush on her face. While looking at the girl he let out a small sigh and gave a small bump against her with his shoulder to hers, "Well I didn't think that me being Hokage would make me miss my opportunity". 'I guess there is no point in telling her how I feel this late huh?' , Hashirama thought to himself. The male Senju laughed softly and then felt the presence of Madara from down the road.

Hashirama quickly stood up, "....[your name] I have to go... you should get inside.... see you", he said as he walked down the dimly lit street.

[Back to now]

Hashirama looked over towards Madara and spoke gently, "I already lost to you.... we do not need to fight when the battle has a victor..." he smiled sadly to his friend. Madara furrowed his brows, "What do you mean Hashirama?! Explain yourself you are not making any sense".

The Senju sighed, "As you told me earlier you have been with [your name] more time these days, I do not have time to be there for her, you are helping her become stronger all I can do is watch....". Hashirama turned away from Madara, "I will keep seeing [your name], she is my friend you have to control your jealousy Madara.... it is not fitting for an Uchiha". After saying his piece the brown haired male walked back towards the village leaving the Uchiha alone and confused.

'Feelings for her....?', the Senjus words had replayed in Madara's head. "No, that is not it...".

[The next night]

[Your name] had been waiting for Madara to come for their nightly meetings, but he was late. All night she thought about her feelings and had finally come to the conclusion of her feeling with Madara. She sat there for awhile before standing, getting ready to head out before she felt his presence behind her. "Madara why are you....?" she trailed off she felt that sudden hostile blood ora that came out of him just like the first time they met. "Madara...?", the girl said softly turning around to the male.

"I do not like you... you are weak.... weakness disgust me...", he grabbed ahold of the girls wrist and squeezed it hard. [Your name] flinched at his actions and quivered with fear, "M-Madara... w-what are you-", she was interrupted by him squeezing her wrist tighter. "Do not speak... I..." as he spoke he seemed to have wavered at the scene of her before him.

Madara let go of the girls hand, her hand was bruised, she flinched in pain. 'I think it might be sprained', the girl thought to herself and she held onto her wrist softly. "M-Madara... what did-", she walked over to the Uchiha but got interrupted by his sudden outburst. "SHUT UP!....shut up...", Madara clenched his fist and backed away. 'Why can I not kill her?', Madara thought to himself as he angrily stared up at the girl in front of him.

The two stood as the night air grew colder, the air tensed between them. Madara relaxed his fist and took in a deep breath before he walked away. [Your name] resisted with all her might to go after the Uchiha, maybe he just needed to cool down. She understood that he had a rough child hood just like she did, even though Madara never talked much about himself she knew of his past. Hashirama had told her all about what he knew of him over the years, Madara was a good guy he just didn't know how to express it.

Watching as the raven haired man walked out into the distance in the forest, [your name] turned away to go back home. Walking into the village, she sighed softly while rubbing her injured wrist, "I do not think any medical practice would be open this late at night...". While walking past the villages shops she bumped into a man who had stubbled out of a neighboring liquor shop. Causing her to fall back onto her butt, the man turned to her and squinted his eyes towards the girl. "HEY IT IS YOU... HIC, YES I REMEMBER.....HIC...YOU...." the man hiccupped and pointed his drink towards the girl on the floor. "YES I REMEMBER AN UGLY OUTSIDER LIKE YOU FROM ANYWHERE!", the man picked up the girl by her shirt into the air. Suddenly memories came crashing like a tidal wave [your name] knew who it was, the man that had tried to kill her when stumbling upon the Senju clans village many years ago.

"Heh... hic.... you are still alive huh? hic....", he mumbled out before dragging her out behind a corner of the shop. [Your name] tried to fight back, with her injured arm she could not wave any signs to do a jutsu so she just tried to push him away.

"Hey... look at you... you look...HIC.. much more prettier than you did before...hic you look healthy and more in shaped", the man was practically drooling over her at this point. He threw his drink on the ground and began to rip off the girls shirt. "NO!" [your name] screamed, "PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS!", tears rolled down her cheek as she struggled against the man. "TCH SHUT UP! no one is going to help you...HIC.... you are of the Senju clan are you not...HIC? This is the Uchiha's area... they will HIC... not stop me...".

The man strolled his fingers along side her pants and had began to pull them down, she struggled to push him away but he was much stronger than her. 'I am still weak... I cannot do anything about this...', more tears started to well up in her eyes as she accepted what was going to happen. The older man left kisses down her neck, leaving marks on her body as he did so. He pulled off the girls pants, she once again screamed before the man covered her mouth with his free hand, "shut....HIC... up or i will kill you...".

[Your name] struggled before finally giving in, 'no one is going to help me... I am weak just as Madara said...', she closed her eyes and tears came flowing out.

"HEY GET AWAY FROM HER!", a sudden flash of blue-ish purple chakra came from the opening where the man had brought her through. [Your names] eyes flashed open just in time to see the attack, the attack had sent the man flying towards the back wall.

"Are you alright?" the voice said softly while walking over to her.


[A/N] okay so my hand has been starting to feel better because I have taken time off work and haven't been getting much school work to do. Also since I have alot of free time I have been writting more chapters here. THANK YOU FOR READING see you in the next one! -- trashcangee


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