Chapter 14 - The years to come

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[Your name]'s parents and Madara had spent a few hours talking to her parents. They had left shortly after and had become acquainted with one another.

The two older figures waved at the Uchiha and their daughter as they set off to another place to rest.

"Are you sure it was okay to do that to them? they are your birth parents....", Madara said softly under his breath as the two of them walked down the road. With a big smile [your name] waved her arms to the dotting parents who had taken a quick liking to the two travelers.

"If they found out I was alive after all these years it might shock them...", she turned to face forward and gently held Madara's hand. "Knowing that they are happy and safe is enough for me... and as for me I never grew up with them they are practically strangers...", she smiled sadly while looking up at the sky.

"PLUS! I have my family in Konoha they raised me since I was around ten! I am [Your name] Senju remember?!" she smiled happily over to her lover. Madara sighed softly and flicked her lightly in the forehead, "yes of course Ms. Senju.... but you will be an Uchiha some day you understand do you not?".

Blushing a dark shade of red she looked over to Madara who had kept his cool the whole time he had said that. She nodded and blushed while they walked in a comfortable silence towards their next stop.


[1 year later]

It had been about a year since the two had left their village traveling around the world not being bound to a place in quite awhile. But they had finally decided to return to their home town of Konoha.

[Your name] had returned and brought some things from the various places she and her lover had traveled to for her parents. But she had returned with more than just some gifts.

"WHAT?!" her dads echoed throughout the Senju house hold. Her mother laughed softly and patted the father on the shoulder, "now dear she is old enough to make her own choices...". "Unacceptable! Where is Madara Uchiha?!", he angrily burst through the door searching around for the male.

"Dad... he is with Hashirama telling him the news as well...", [your name] said softly with a small sigh. "Even more so! He is leaving my PREGNANT DAUGHTER ALONE to tell us the news?! WHERE IS HE?!".

Else where by a river bank Hashirama and Madara sat by each other throwing stones into the lake. Madara felt a shiver go down his spine but shook it off. "So what was it you wanted to talk about? Also where is [your name] the guards said you walked in with her but only you came to see me." the hokage said softly while skipping another stone into the clear river.

The Uchiha skipped a stone that went slightly farther than the Senjus did and spoke up, "She went to go speak with her parents... she had something to tell them... that is sort of why I am here talking with you Hashirama..." he trailed off slightly.

Madara took in a deep breath, "our... travels had to be cut a little short.... due to her being pregnant I do not want her to walk around and get hurt" he said softly as he was about to throw another stone Hashirama gripped onto his arm.

"She is pregnant...?" he said as he gripped the Uchihas arm a little rougher which caused him to drop the stone in his grasp. Madara looked at Hashiramas grip and narrowed his eyes a bit, "is there a problem? she is mine... and so is the child she is baring... you had already admitted defeat you should have known this day would come eventually...." the Uchiha stated.

Hashirama widened his eyes a bit and let go of his arm, "s-sorry... yeah... it's just I thought that I would maybe have some sort of a chance..." he muttered out the last part. 

Madara closed his eyes softly and got up from his spot, "Well if that is all... [your name] is going to be moving into my living quarters with me... I have to go speak with her parents I am sure they are giving her more of a rough time than you gave me.." he said as he began to walk away.

The Senju spaced out for a bit before coming to after Madara had finished his sentence, "u-uhh yeah! oh and.... congratulations Madara I am glad that someone finally made you feel at peace again..." he said with a smile. 

The Uchiha once again closed his eyes and nodded as he began to walk away from his old friend. He knew that Hashirama needed to be alone now and had gone off to meet with his new family. 


After getting a good scolding from his new in laws the two finally retired to their home. [Your name] had sat on the chair in the kitchen, "Madara you do know that we need more furniture and other objects to make this home more lively right?".

Madara chuckled softly and sat in the chair next to his lover and kissed her hand softly while holding it gently in his own. "I will get you what ever it is you desire my dear....", he said softly while kissing her on the cheek and leaning against her forehead.

[Your name] and Madara had shared an intermate moment of silence and kissed for a small moment before the dark haired male interrupted. "Are you tired? we have been traveling quite awhile to get back here and you know you and the baby need to get some res-", he was interrupted by his lover putting her hand on his mouth.

"Madara the doctor told me I am only a couple weeks I haven't lost all my energy yet", she laughed softly as she moved her hand from his face. "But yes the both of us do need rest so lets go to the room okay? we do need to clean up a bit thought there is a lot of dust that has came since we left..." she looked around and giggled. 

[Your name] got up and started to clean around the house and move some things around to make the home more lively. 

The Uchiha watched as she did this and found himself smiling a bit. 'The years to come with you and our child will be the best years I will ever have', he thought to himself.

[Your name] looked over to the Uchiha and crossed her arms slightly, "get over here Mr. Uchiha do not leave me here to do all the dirty work" she giggled a bit and smiled over to him. Madara got up from the chair and walked over to help her finish up the cleaning, 'yes a family of my own...for many years to come....', he thought to himself with a genuine smile.


[Authors Note] The story is ending soon I would like to thank everyone who actually was interested in this story! I had originally planned to only make about 9 chapters and finish it when they had left the village and leave it as a you finish the story off your self, but I felt there was a few loose ends with her real parents and I just wanted to add some extra scenarios here and there. But thank you so much for your patients but the next chapter will be the final one! thank you so much once again and I will be writing other Naruto and other various anime fanfictions so keep an eye out for those if you are interested thank you!


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