Chapter 4 - Becoming a Senju

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[10 years ago]

CRACK. CRASH. "AGHHHHH!", [your name] was thrown across the the ground. Her hair stained with patches of dirt, blood smeared across her bruised face. Spit flew out of the perpetrators mouth and landed on the young girls face, "Disgusting... this is why outsiders should not come around here". The unknown male kicked the girl in the gut, causing her to cough out blood and lost her breath, hunched over with her head touching the ground. The girl was starved, cheek bones sticking out of her pale face and was just kicked in the stomach making her puke out the acid that was in her body. "Ughh... see you are already dying... maybe I should put you out of your misery" the male pulled out his sword from it's scabbard. "W-WAIT!", another males voice was heard off in the distance. A male with longish brown hair that reached just past his shoulder ran to cover the venerable female laying on the ground, "D-Don't harm her... shes...." he looked over to the female for a moment. "She's my friend!", the boy stated and stood firm against the older male. "HAHA your just a child what are you going to do?!", the male let out a hardy laugh at the boys declaration. [Your name] looked up from her hunched position, she tried to stand shakily doing so, the younger male with long hair quickly grabbed hold of her arm to help her stand. She looked over to the male who was just a bit taller than her as he spoke to her, "It's going to be alright don't worry" he smiled softly towards her. "EHEM! YES I might be a 'child' but I can do many things-" the boy lifted his arm and threw some stones and dirt towards the older man and made a dash while dragging the female by the hand towards the clans area. "UGHP- GET BACK HERE", the man was frantically moving his sword around with one arm, while the other was rubbing his eyes.

Loud panting noises came from the two kids as they ran through the forest towards safety. Finally the two had stopped to take a breather, [your name] collapsed, she was dehydrated let alone had no energy to be running. The boy frantically rummaged through his pockets pulling out a small canteen of water, "Here it's not much but please take it". The girl looked at the older boy and grabbed the canteen weakly, the male had held it against her lips. [Your name] was gulping down the water, it was the first time she had drank fresh water in a couple days, maybe even weeks. The older male smiled at the girl he held in his arm, "OH! thats right.... I'm Hashirama... whats your name?", he looked down at the girl examining the state she was in. "[Your name]....", the young girls throat was hoarse, she hadn't spoken to anyone in awhile and her throat had been dry for quite sometime till now. "Hmm? No last name? Which clan do you belong to... you do not look like an Uchiha...", Hashirama helped the girl up once again to stand up straight. "I-I do not... belong to a clan..." she gripped onto the old ragged cloth covering her stomach, though she had water, she was still starved it had possibly been months since her last proper meal other than scattered berries and plants she would collect time to time. Hashirama gently smiled towards the girl, "Well... lets get you taken care of first and then we can have more time to chat".

After eating and drinking some more water Hashirama spoke up, "So... care to explain what you were doing in the woods getting beaten by a nearby villager?". The two of them sat inside an empty shelter Hashirama had taken her to.

[Your name] sat there unable to muster up the courage to explain her situation, but she did owe her life to the older boy that saved her. With that in mind she took in a deep breath, "When I was born, my village was attacked, my father and mother.... I don't know what happened to them...". Hashirama continued to listen to her story, taking in every little detail she mentioned. "I was taken care of by some neighboring clansmen, I do not know of what clan but it always rained" (later to be known as the Amegakure no Sato/ Hidden Village of the Rain). "But soon that region was also attacked, my caretakers vanished... that was about a few months ago, I couldn't stay put not with death lurking...". The girl took in another deep sigh before continuing, "that leads me to here... I have traveled weeks... or months I have lost track through woods and harsh lands ... I thought I was going to die... but you helped me... thank you.." the young girl smiled to the slightly older Hashirama.

Hashirama was in a state of shock, had she not known of the Uchiha clan and Senju clan going to war around the area for the past few years? He wasn't sure of the clan who had attacked [your names] hometown, but he knew the recent events with the rain village had to be the Uchihas doing. "Well I am glad I found you... otherwise... THEY could have..." "They?" "The Uchiha clan, I am sure they are behind the attack you endured a few months ago....", he trailed off.

He then explained to her about his childhood friend Madara Uchiha and the fights that had been going on between their fathers, brothers and the clans.

Hashirama rose from his seat, "Don't worry... I HASHIRAMA SENJU will find a family in our clan that would gladly take you in... you won't have to suffer.... no more...." he smiled sadly. Reaching out a hand to the young female he had a big grin on his face, "What do you say? [Your name] Senju?". The young girl smiled gently and reached out her hand to the young Hadhirama Senju, "Mhm!".


[present day]

"Wake up!", a males voice called out.

[Your name] groggily opened her eyes, to the dark figure that stood before her. "You cannot rest in a time of training...." the male sighed, "What will I do with you?". "W-WELL MAYBE, if you didn't train my at night I would not be sleeping before you show up!", she blurted out towards the figure. Standing up quickly flustered by the weakness she showed she cleared her throat, "EHEM.... so what are we learning today Mr. Uchiha?", she grinned over to the man who had been teaching her the past few days. Madara let out a heavy sigh and placed his hand on the girls head, "well in order to get a sword like mine, you still need to master Chakara control". [Your name] was flustered by the sudden touch of her instructor, "But I learned that last weekkkkkkkk", the Senju whined. Madara crossed his arms, "you learned but have not perfected..." he said softly watching the girl. Clutching onto her new clothes and giving a determined grin she thought about her friend Hashirama and how they met, "I won't be a weak 'child' anymore.... give me all you got!".


[A/N] HELLO! this one was a little longer, I will be trying to make the chapters longer but as I said my wrist is currently healing from an injury so it might take me a little longer to make chapters :( but once again thank you for reading see you in the next one! ---trashcangee


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